Monday, June 3, 2013

Shame on you Twin Falls,


Just a follow up , and a puzzlement.

As many of you know for what seems as several centons or eons, now the club has been trying to get model talent for various visual and video projects. Results in Twin Falls has been lackluster to say the least. Too many teasers not enough pleasers.

What really stinks here is now we have an agency out of Denver Colorado, that is now the official talent agency of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, and Confederate Steele Media of Twin Falls.

What does this mean? Well for Twin Falls, there’s a bunch of college aged gals looking for great paying part time jobs, that’d fit college and/or school schedules, that will not get our jobs. Meaning no pay , for them. The money goes out of state , and who looses? Twin Falls.

Kinda seems stupid don’t it? That a city of 50,000 with classy gals that could, but didn’t .

That is a situation that the club is going to solve in the future, but at least now, I can say, no more ads on Craigs List, no more midnight interviews, no more junk, we have our talent agency, trouble is and its sad we had to go all the way to Denver to get it, like I said, Shame on you Twin Falls.

A formal announcement of our agent and all forthcoming in weeks to come.

Just a sad shame, but this time its not us to blame it’s the stuck up attitude of a town that is trying to be a city, that still needs to grow up.

Shame on You Twin Falls.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
--Igor Stravinsky
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

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