Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some things seem so stupid, yet they work


If you somehow get the NRB the religious program network, you might have caught this show on there called Bible Quik Study.

On there, there is this young filly about 21 or 22 that puts bible verse into a historical context and it works. She explains how as for example Psalms was written during the time of king David, that the books of Psalms, was really many books of both lyric as well as music, rather than say straight scripture. But this gals delivery is fantastic, makes me wimper when I think, that here are all these talented youth that could be on our air here at HazzardAyre, yet are not for whatever reason. Maybe its ignorance, arrogance, whatever there is this short sided view that if a person enters the Wolf’s Lair something terrible on a physical or sexual basis will occur. Ain’t happened yet and I don’t plan on it being so. Then there is the paycheck thing. true we do make someone work for a maximum of 90 days without pay, but see the word maximum. If someone comes in and can git-r-done , and shows both dedication , talent and some measure of ability, that no pay internship is shortened . Could and has been as short as 10 or less days. But alas , I live in an area that has its head up its ass. Could it be that the success level and albeit even limited there, but at least some success that we experienced in both Blackfoot and Idaho falls be the reason those communities are growing better than this one? Could it be that is why Pocatello has a cable access open format TV channel, and Twin Falls doesn’t? Could it be that is why I was on TV there, with more resources than a cat with a full bowl of warm milk, and yet feel like I’m climbing up a 90degree mountain, with no end in sight?

With that in mind, and this will take time as all too many things need to be done first. But it is my attention, that by August 2014, I’ll be in either Power County or Pocatello somewhere. HazzardAyre Radio will be based in American Falls, with the kicking in gear a station we have had there for years , yet rarely used. While Dixie Diesel Trucker TV will be based in Salt Lake City, and I’ll commute back and forth from Pocatello to Salt Lake City. If your doing TV you go to Utah, which is the Sophomore version of Hollywood, and do radio in Idaho.

Last here , while I did loose my affection for the River Fellowship and had my faith tested by Nancy and a few others, and while I’ll not bother that church with my attendance, I did not loose my love of God. I have a major hard on, to get the word of God out to all so many that need to hear, see, and yes feel Gods, love, and radiance. So yes HazzardAyre and Dixie Diesel Radio, along with Dixie-Diesel TV is truly going to run a bunch of God and faith building and sustaining programs.

Dixie Diesel TV is not just going to be just a one or two hour per week show as we were in Pocatello on CH-12 there. Rather Dixie Diesel TV will be a network, both online on IPTV, as well as satellite, cable at OTA out of Wendover Utah, with studios etc in Salt Lake City. Dixie Diesel TV will run 25 hours and be always filled with worthwhile programming with us who truck at the heart of it. Oh and yes HazzardAyre TV and Radio will be programs airing on Dixie Diesel TV.

Sadly what we have planned can’t be done from Twin Falls. There just are not those resources here. The few that are here have all too many people with their heads up their ass that they can taste the back of their front teeth from behind.

Going toewing? That in My next entry.

sign off  DXEWYNGS

Quote of the Day:
You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do.
--Liz Smith
Psalm 103:13“As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;”

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