Saturday, September 28, 2013

When in high cotton, look for snakes


There’s an old saying we have in the south that goes when in high cotton, look for snakes. The saying comes from when we’d harvest cotton in the field and then stick it to put it in the bags, you needed to make sure a rattlesnake or a big ass’d blow snake didn’t come out and take your hands off.

In todays society, one needs to walk carefully. Even if everything seems to be going in the right direction, look out for a grenade on the ground so you don’t step on it.

Example, right now I have probably the best crew of SheWolvez we have ever had. All are tremendous in both looks and charm, even the one that had bad under arm pit odor ,that nearly made me hurl the other day at McDonald’s. Of course walking in and walking out I looked like big John Stud. Of course Mandy was great yesterday, went everywhere with me, and the fellow Jar Head she’s hitched to? Ya’ll Couldn’t ask for a better friend in the world. Guess all of us Jar Head gravitate towards each other, Semper Fi, but yet I’m looking for that grenade. Had a full day planned, today, but I think too much movie food and the not so good food an Anchors gave our Mandy somewhat of a bad tummy so she is off. Which is no big deal, most people take the weekend off. With me the only things I do on weekends is the radio gig, and being on stand by for toew calls. Past that I’m watching the Disney Channel or NASCAR.

Even with all of that I’m waiting for the bad shoe to drop. I have years ago, learned not to count on anyone except myself and already club members. Haven’t heard from Joni, but I think that’s my fault. I allowed my personal feelings and all to slide down my sleeve and take a fancy to her, when it should have just remained her boss and guy pal. But when you got super babes on your arm how can you resist? It’s like taking a kid in a old time candy store and saying you can’t pull the Taffy or have a piece of candy. Granted certain restrictions are upheld, and yes having these gals as wingpersons since the term Wingman is no longer a PC correct thing, but having one of these super babes on your arm, going in places , just raises my guy credit to gals about 80% . Great looking gals will draw closer to a guy that has a hottie with him, than one that goes into the bar or place, alone, or a gal that’s not such a hottie.

When it comes down to it, if I had my choice, I’d take either Joni, or Bernadette , kids and all in a heartbeat. I don’t see that happening, but I’ll bet you, your next annual inspection, that seeing me with our SheWolvez, on billboards,TV, and national publications, for Dixie Toewing as well as AyreWolf Aviation and of course HazzardAyre, hey I would really loose my earthly connection if Bernadette did this shot >just me and erinthat nurse GoodBody Ellie May did in 2009. Could you see the value on this if it were on a billboard plugging HazzardAyre Radio? Or perhaps Bernadette or Amanda doing this shot>IJUSTLOVETOEWShey we love toewz at Dixie Toewing? on a TV ad, and such? But over and above that I know once my SheWolvez do something like this>1185675_10151340023374567_803691601_nor perhaps>031bd5adecc34b058bd47ebe7c41bd6e_522b6508a1014_bor maybe even this>fish netand if ya’ll want to get serious>643971_10151317866124567_823049523_n1000198_10151306220599567_11151369_n, ya’ll do notice nylons being worn in every shot. Maybe, hot legs alone are okay, but it’s like a good looking rig, regular stock wheels get it down the road but those chrome ones get it there with style and class, same thing goes for hot legs in nylons, it just makes the look even hotter.

this is how we rollI know for sure all the doubting Jane’s out there, like that Shar from last week will go, oops we fugled up. And will be lining around the block.

Any mile . What I love best about my SheWolvez is this, they don’t judge strictly by what’s on the surface. These gals are willing to scratch under the dirt to see what’s really there, and so yes I feel I’ve been accepted by them, I think, but its like I said, here, when tripping tall cotton, look for snakes.

L8R Aviators,

new blog coverWOLFS LAIR SIG

Quote of the Day:
Life is not an exact science, it is an art.
--Samuel Butler, the younger
1 Corinthians 2:14“The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.”

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knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

A DIXIE BILLBOARDour buisness card

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Knyte Skool 101 Part 1

knyteayre 101

Reflections of today. Joni and friends showed up we all went to McDonalds(again) why I do not know. Since nobody was eating anything, it’d been better if we all could gave gathered at the Lair since that way doing the rounds of pre education here would be easier. But okay.

Joni, brought the guy that pushed her aside, I know why he came and was there. It’s Joni saying to me okay but take it slow you ain’t there yet.

So then there was this gal for doing housekeeping, finally clean clothes. a clean house, life is getting better. Met Mandy, although I suppose it might have been a blank in communication, but no nylons. Joni did and as such Joni had my entire attention.

The simple equation, these>imagesCAY8ALGZgets this>howdyyes its that simple.

Got introduced to this little gal from Hazelton, that kinda looks like Bernadette from The Big Bang Theory, who I think is hot. Course of attack here is to get her on camera and on air. Rather than kill ourselves trying to shoot a calendar before winter is most likely stretching it, but shooting an ad for the toew service, which is why I’m leaning on the toe scan, right now, is easier to get shot, edited and ready to be airing. Along with all the snaps for merchandising from mouse pads to posters can be done in the shop, getting ads out about HazzardAyre Radio, on TV except for KMVT who thinks our crap stinks and theirs smell like roses,vaginasmell2but that’s a article for another day. Any mile in the era we are in Video gets audio, it makes people who may not be aware , become aware, both locally as well as nationwide. Now if your going to spend money on TV ads, give it some spice, and slightly kinky gets it, so how do you do slightly kinky,IJUSTLOVETOEWS and that gets the kinky nod. Thought is Bernadette , but need to see toes in hose.

Okay then that’s the skuttlebutt.

Once upon a time in the deep woods of a small town in Idaho, there was 5 rural, redneck rebel gearheads. These Rednecks met a much older urbanized gearhead, who built a wicked 49 Ford F100. Over time forces joined these two people in an operation that would uncork, a powder keg. In 1980 I had came home from the Marines waiting assignment and entry to Navy/Marine  flight school. What had been the Street Commanders had built a car for the 81 SLC Autorama,  but we needed a prop. A simple pair of white Go-Go Boots. A trip to Burley was about to change a mess of lives.

A 70 Dodge Charger was up for sale that was off yellow, in Paul. You by now have an idea of what happened next. The Charger was purchased, hauled to Hagerman and inside a one bay shop next to the Hagerman Hardware store, the First Real to life General Lee was built. 500 cubes of big block Mopar muscle with a 13.5:1 Comp ratio was ready to kick and did anything that tried to challenge.

Went to the SLC AutoRama, the car was photographed by McMullen Publishing hit two national hot rod type publications. In so doing we found all kinds of gearheads. So Jimmy, myself, Ricky, Allen, Ron, amongst others sat down and said why not create a country gear head hot rod/biker club. The club had its first meeting on October 31st 1982 at the Polish Palace that is now the Snake River Grill. 10 people met that day, 10 dreamers that knew we had something magic just had no idea what to do with it. So one month just before my Moms Death , in 1983, The Hazzard County Knytes(knights) was born. Over the years the club expanded to a total current membership roster of 50,000 members, nationwide. Notice it started in Hagerman(not Twin Falls) that even today holds the nick name Hazzard. The club got help from the DOH producers a few who were cast members in fact two are President and Vice President today. In the year 1996 the club took on the antique and classic tractor market, and created its first offspring, the Deere Dazzlerz Association,. The President of that subsidiary, is none other than Jerry Sloan head coach Utah Jazz. Which opened the wallet for the entire club to Larry H Millers bank account. Trust me it helped. In 2000 a discovery of a set of F4U Corsairs in Jerome, created the foundation of the AyreWolvez Military Aviation Association. In 2003 The Hazzard County Choppers Club, was born, but became the real SAMCRO, when the Hazzard County Knytes was renamed in 2008 as the Knytes-of-Anarchy. That’s the quick lesson.

More Friday, need sleep, going to try and get some pics to our honey crew for you Friday, maybe even a new shot of me smooching toes in hose, perhaps with LexiBelle>Lexi in green

Until then keep your powder dry and God bless Dixie>csaflag

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
True friends stay friends.
Matthew 6:33“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar SWEET TAIL 2

Amoment of blondeness

AHHJ HEDDERnew hazzardayre cover

One of my former SheWolvez said it this way do you have to have a pair of balls and a penus to understand? In this case the question becomes, do I need a pair of breasts and be raggie to understand.

Ever since the concept of that quick smooch on the toes for the teaser tag line we use here in MY company, its been more miss than hit. For some odd reason, the idea of placing lips on toes in hose is much more intimate than I perceive. In my mind kissing some smelly feet or toes in sweaty hose should not be that big of a thing, It’s not like I’m saying lets strip and screw. Or taking pics in the nude. But seems this Shar thought so. Seems it wasn’t long after I pitched that, that she blew the pop stand.

Then there were the comments of her entering in while I was slightly undressed. Excuse me I was putting on my jeans as fast as I could. Here’s the thing, she could have walked back to her truck turned around and left. No harm no foul, oh well. Nobody was outside with a pistol in her back saying go in there.

The fact that I spent as long as I did talking to her, the fact that I thought she could come in and be something more than a maid, I guess again one needs to have a vagina to understand this. I was being kind. The fact that she has the first name of my second cousin, Bud’s daughter , Shar, the fact she was from Bountiful where AyreWolf Aviation(My Other Company) is headquartered , and all was another part, but when she said she was into broadcasting I thought to hell with her being a maid, get her into training to be on air.

I’m so sorry, or maybe not so sorry, but we are not LDS approved. We do not fit into that Mormon kiss my ass, because I’m an Elder groove. We as a club, and station are 100% anti-establishment, anti conformist, anti YANKEE , fight the system. That’s just it. Oh and yes this smooch on the toe enters in there. Simply because many have said , that, that kind of thing here can’t be done. I’m one that if you tell me or a club member, mostly me that it can’t be done here, or that it just can’t be done , I will find a way to do it. Finding the right hooves for such things is difficult. First they need to be dainty, second no big out growths like bunions, hammer toes, weird fungi , a goofy toe nail. Then they have to have the right delicate contours . That takes a lot of casting and looking and all the time you have people looking at you especially new hires thinking your trying to feel em up. Then I get this pitch from Shar saying she thought we might could be an item somehow. Where did that come from? I thought she was nested with a guy who drove truck from Wolverton Homes, that would have helped. There might have been a path to get time with Gary himself to get us a hangar space. But that didn’t register some how.

Quite honestly if I were to go personal with anyone it would be Joni, no sexual pressure, no mystery , no bullshit. Joni is like me, in many ways, this is it, this is me, like it or leave it. However thinking on Shar, it was I thought and this enters in the poison ivy thing, great looking outside, but once held even for a second, she’ll make you fester under the skin. I thought hey here is a hot package, she could be much more than a maid, I was wrong. Oh and the bit of her starting right then, how/ She as far as I could tell, no vacuum, no cleaning supplies, nothing. Now you might say , didn’t you supply that? Answer, if you call a plumber, do you provide his tools to work on your pipes? Any mile Joni is coming over here in a few with a host of beauties so to Shar, sorry you bungled this, do not blame someone else.

See ya’ll this evening overnight on radio.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.
--David Starr Jordan
Hebrews 10:30-31“For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

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And then some wonder why I get frustrated.


There are those people that enter ones life, that you have to ask, why? Then there are those, that accept a person for just being themselves. Here’s the thing. Joni, comes over, not only applies for a job running the bar, but ends up becoming my second in command. Now considering Joni has taken me to lunch twice, on her dime, not that I’m proud of that and yes that will be reciprocated , but the fact is we have had deep mind melding talks. Not only has Joni became a employee, but a club member and a good friend, which in my environment is all I am looking for. Relationships suck. I like my independence and lifestyle.

Okay so now lets move onto the other side of the river here.

Gal emails me needs a job, wants to clean our club house. Fine, thinking its some ordinary gal say okay come over, give me a bid on what you’ll charge. Not remembering , I set the appointment up, but being out all night on air and all I was asleep. So the call of nature rang hard in my ear, got up to pee. Knock, knock, so I said let me get some clothes on, so I closed the door but this Shar came in anyway. I got my threads on, she looked good, had an intelligent demeanor so I thought she might be better off doing something with the radio station side, and eventual TV network. Asked her to dress up a bit for a look see, instead I get insulted. Decided that we were not her cup of tea, I’d go over every one of my posts and what would be seen is, she would be made out to be royalty. But she said I trashed her. Really? You see this is exactly why I have Joni. All interviews involving women of any kind will now be done through and in front of Joni, not just me. I felt uncomfortable of having a groovy gal like Shar, washing my skid stained shorts, or cleaning the head. I thought I was being more than accommodating in giving her a shot at one of the clubs treasured career openings, not just a job cleaning house. But seems I was wrong, so that’s over, crossed her off the list. Search ends, we have somebody hired for that as well.

Now one more time for those that are 80% brain dead.

This part of any of our ads for the toew trucks, is simply a damn play on words. There is the word TOE, and the word TOW, one means a digit of the human foot, the other means pulling something disabled as a vehicle being pulled by a truck. Its called a TOW, but all too many pronounce the damn word like COW, rather than like sounding TOE. So years ago, one of my interns suggested scrunching the words together that made TOEW, to capitalize on the Hazzard County persona, with sweet Daisy, her shorts and all, concept derived from both Cinderella and an ad from Boise I had seen, so  the idea of me kissing a gals toe at the end of an ad , with the tag reading we love toews, seemed a bit edgy, but okay. so that’s the deal on the heels and skirt. No more no less, no attempt at getting tight with anybody in the sack or otherwise. Trust me if I need to get laid, my truck, $400.00 and 250 miles puts me in Wells Nevada, at Miss Donna’s Ranch with a hellovalot less stress and grief.

Now am I sorry there are not agencies here that are one call that’s all model/talent agency resources? Damn straight, hell I’d like to do like we did in Utah and still do , make a call, 3 maybe 4 gals show up, pics taken , video shot, thing done. Gal leaves, its adios baby and that’s it. Or like when I pitched the idea of a good member and videographer to do nose art and the pin up gig for the AyreWolvez, Guess what? His response was , you can’t get talent up there, to do that, or talent period. The few will be so untrained that it’d impossible to work with them. But I though shoot, throw a ad out see if anything surfaced. A few did, But Doug’s original assessment is near accurate. And its this same kind of thing that makes the club very weary to throw out millions on two bars, and set up a full club charter here. Maybe if Shar would have taken the time to learn who and what we are and how deep the club is, she might have taken a bit longer a look, she’d be going into something that matches her skills, but hey I should’ve let her clean the crapper. But like Clay one of our people said once, you can’t help em all.

In closing there are days I get picked up and real positive about things here. Then you’ll get some gal, who I don’t even think was really interested , pops her head in, talks real sweet, then splits. Hey I dig she had brain surgery, I was allowing for that, her meds and healing. But instead she insults me and all. Naw. Clubs got its people. Anyone else wants to get hired they have to go through Joni, I’m not in that part of it.

Its snowing out there ya’ll, drive carefully.

L8R Ya’ll

KNYTES WINGS X 2  sign off

Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham
Hebrews 10:30-31“For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  KNYTESTAIL

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Oh and did I mention that your getting paid for this?


So then , and it must have flew over her head, guess hair color, But thing is when Shar blew us off, and some delay in others showing up. Don’t they realize, that outside of pin up girls, that gets paid only when in front of the camera, everybody else get’s paid. Likewise if they drive me around a bit, something that I’m able to do on my own, but seems as some don’t want to ride in LiL Wolf. Too much rat rod truck for at least two of our upcoming candidates. but if they drive around, I’m keeping track of mileage. reason being they’re making money carting me around.

It’s not like Joni, although I’m sure she might, but its not like Joni is coming over here for nothing, nor Amanda. There’s a pay check coming, ready to go to work. Responding to my howls online, okay one is in need of a phone, something I plan on fixing on Tuesday next.

Of course there’s the radio media sales department. A few gals out selling and preselling air time for HazzardAyre, if you figure $100.00 a month, with unlimited placements(Airings) of their ad, but for every $100.00 she sells, she gets $20.00 , not bad for a bit of effort.

In essence Joni and Amanda are doing those extra things I don’t have a bunch of time to do. Research, selling, scouting for talent and obscure task will be their job, but you can’t work if you don’t show up for the meetings. This is the part where I become BOSS and the gals become employees. I guess , guys , that I don’t get to excited here as , I remember last year. Remember that Hispanic gal south of town? She showed up when she wanted to, not at the hours I said to be here.

With me, I’m up all night on radio, happy to be here keeping ya’ll informed and entertained, but come 06:00 my body has 4 places, commode , shower, food, bed. In that order. Unless its Charlie, I don’t want to hear from any body, for anything. Again why I hired Joni, to do my tasks while I catch sleep. Now after I shove food in my mouth, at noon, I do all my running around, then over to the shop, which the club is thinking a better place where LexiBelle could be put inside might be better, but any mile in the afternoon its shop, then I roll in, do my radio show pre prep then again at 01:00 hours(1:00 AM) I’m on air inside your radio. That’s 7 days a week.

This is why I hire people, but I have gotten excited about others, like Shar, yet when it came down to digging in the trenches they ditch. If Shar, gets nervous around me, I could just see her around Toby, or Rick, more over some of the other members, like Tommy. They’re not as compassionate and understanding as I am, with them you stub your foot once even twice, your out.

I was on a conference call on air last night during SOA, by the way. We discussed a bunch of things, one is the dependability of female employees or at least dedication to duty or task. Now its understandable that those not members or outside the membership, can’t really grasp this, but once one has went through the blood oath, and been patched they fully understand that duty to the club is only seconded by duty to God. Anything and everything else is just fluff. No matter what that duty may entail.

Joni, is fully on board now. She is near to the club pledge , blood oath and being patched. She has proven her dedication and loyalty. She entered without being coaxed , she shows up ON TIME or very close to it, and thus, she will be the first that is a voting member and club employee. At the same time.

There is this new entry Amanda, that I think will be good, besides the housekeeping, she’ll be good on air on radio. Provided that she places things on a back shelf when I howl.

Any way much to do, meeting Thursday prep I need to do, plus after today, I’m rung out the new snow, south and east, plus the rain, means what I feared. hope Joni or the other comes over in nylons Thursday its time for nose to toes, film at 23:00 Thursday.

Here’s a reminder>a station momentalasweet toewswe really do love TOEWS get it toe/tow = TOEWS.

L8R ya’ll


DXEWYNGSsign off

Quote of the Day:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?
--Steven Wright
1 John 2:1“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

Just typical, welcome to Idaho

aw phootenotes

So saw on line that one of my primary executive hopefuls decided to bail on us. Yep Shar decided things were moving to slow, really? I only interviewed her yesterday, but considering she had brain surgery(Really she did) only a week ago, I guess staying at home resting. My question , wouldn’t taking it easy, helping us in the office, and being an aid to me and the production crew of HazzardAyre, be good, that way she can make money, to spend money as obviously she likes to do?

But like all too many they do not see the forest for the trees. They see me at the Lair, not realizing I’m as busy as ten woodchucks building a fort. Taking some of the work load off my shoulders would be good. After all isn’t that why you hire someone to begin with?

But apparently Shar decides that since she has one of Wolvertons people wrapped up in a bow, she is not hurting enough to really soil her lily white hands with the business of the Knytes. Sure she can clean, but I’d feel extremely nervous and self confident or lacking there of of someone that looks hot, washing the skid stained underwear of me and members of the club, or cleaning the crapper. That can get really narlley. So I thought I’d invite Shar to be in a different department. Bottom line she bugged out, my thought is like one other, they’ll be back.

Going over to see about getting Joni a phone and maybe a computer, even if it is a cheap one. Amanda is on board, although I too see her more as a poster girl, than a maid, still we’ll see. But not being able to communicate with your second in command, oh the dreamy days of me and Robin huh?

I’m still waiting for the gals to show up in a skirt nylons and heels. Maybe Amanda will show up that way?

But Shar not showing, yes a disappointment, but its typical. Its also these hiccups that makes the club real weary about setting up a full charter. Two or one main gal is one thing, but between the bar, radio station, tv station, and shop, they know that three people, me and two hotties does not make a crew, more over leaves doubts of even validating the kinds of expenditures required to make these things happen. Just the Reaper Club even after purchase, is $2,million before its over with. If we can’t find everyone we need, do we really way to spend that kind of money here? If you can’t find poster girls, if you can’t find people to be on air radio people, and so on, are you going to find enough people to work in a bar, of the attitudes and personality to work in a primary bikers bar? That begs the question are we doing the right thing in the right place?

Stay tuned.

Joni and Amanda are supposed to be here soon, so hang on I’ll report after.

KNYTES WINGS X 2sign off


Quote of the Day:
Progress depends on people knowing they'll be able to profit from their ideas.
--Deborah Neville
1 John 2:1“My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scarKNYTESTAIL