Wednesday, April 15, 2015

American business’ need to take a page out of the toewers book


If one were to ask in general about our unions economy all too many blame the government. Too many entitlement programs, too high taxes and the list goes on. However its not just the Government, its in the people themselves. 1st Timothy states it best, those who do not work, should not eat. Of course there is the condition of physical maladies that make it where some people can’t work, so as a nation we need to help, but even then free training to get some sort of job is better than being idle. Idleness is the Devils workshop. If your in business or doing a job, for heck sakes be available, be accessible if you call someone on the phone, and your party doesn’t answer but you see on your caller ID that they are returning a call, ANSWER the damn phone. That phone call might be a paying customer, or at least a buying client. Can you even ignore a client or customer? In my day there wasn’t anything like business or the like classes. But I did learn at a very early age, if your doing business, an ignored customer is a lost customer. In our business of fetching and recovering disabled vehicles from whatever cause, you had better answer the phone or there will be fewer if any tow calls at all. The first time or second time you ignore the Highway Patrol, or other public safety agencies request for a tow, they soon put you on the don’t call list. Auto club, and first call referral firms call once. They excuse certain things like equipment repair down times, but too many and they go hunting and shopping elsewhere. Towing professionals know that you have to be on top of this 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you care about your business, if you care enough about your ability to generate money, if you want more money, then answer the call. Its just the nature of the beast. I’m not saying over taxation and abuses from Obama and others is not to blame a little bit, but the reason our nation is under employed is too many people are too damn lazy. Take me for instance. Sure I get a mere $800.00 a month from the Government. But each day I’m busting my six to generate some extra money towing, and serving the club. I have not taken more that 5 days off for myself in nearly 37 years. Even if I do go somewhere to do something the Club or at least my company is at the center of it. Even when I am too be sleeping, I’m up researching and going after sales and client leeds. Only Sunday’s from noon to 17:00(5:00PM) do I relax to go to church, but before and after I’m working.

That’s why Highway Hooker Toewing and all its subsidiaries has stayed in business, with no or very little debt, for these past 38 years. We gripe about the Oriental people and what used to be third and 4th world countries gaining ground on America’s economic might. The reason they are is they are industrious , not just working for the weekend.



Quote of the Day:
No human investigation can be called real science if it cannot be demonstrated mathematically.
--Leonardo da Vinci
Romans 13:6-7“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

club saveAYRETAIL3

I think I got the flu again

HAG HEDDER MAXIhazzardayre overknyte

Thank you Lester for the germ that got me sick again. Just when I thought I had one bug gone, I come down with one helluva tummy ache and the sniffles. No strep throat yet but I feel like a near dead battery.

So I got up, snagged some choco milk, and will try to hit the rack.

Some snow fell over night, its not bad in the Utah valley, but here in Evanston out my way its purtty thick. Some fog, near over water bridges. I-80 looks okay but is slick in most places between Fort Bridger and Rock Springs.

Well one more of Fx’s most popular and profitable series is now finished. The ending was near predictable, although there was some plot twists, I didn’t think the 4 years later thing was right. I thought Eva and Boyd’s son, on some ranch in California did anything, but it wrapped that up pretty well. Seeing Boyd Crowder preaching in prison, and all was interesting, but some ends were not tied together well. Watch and see if the series isn’t reworked into a new series with some of the same characters. But as it is now Justified is over. If FX doesn’t quit killing off its hit series’ there soon wont be anything to watch on FX. Seeing how SOA is gone, now Justified, The Coven and American Horror Stories is kaput, what’s next The Americans? Only reason I watch that one is because I’m really into Kerri Russell. Have been since her debut in Pacific Shores, and of course the following series she did called Felicity. She just has the cutest little nose. No big ski ramp or inverted V ditcher plow nose.

I’ve got just bout all of the connections made for the radio gig to start working. We fired up for a couple of hours last night, but again need some wires and such that are not readably available here, going to check out what Wal-Mart has, along with the router so I can run my laptop while I air the show over Bertha. So that’s where that’s at.

Hope tonight is better weather wise, as I got to go see the Bishop, as there’s a matter of church protocol that I need to discuss. For once I’m not asking for financial anything. As outside of the Church making my rent for May, so I can make the final payment to I4, I’m okay money wise. But when the Bishop mentioned in Priesthood meeting last Sunday that the church records only has me as a Deacon, which is not bad understand, still I know dang well that to go home teaching you need to be at least a Teacher, and I did that with Mr. Meacham when I really lived in Hazzard years and years ago. The church makes some blundering errors, and while I understand most are after all human still how can you progress to a higher calling if someone fumbles the ball at the 20 yard line, of Priesthood escalation? Like I have said b4, between the Knytes and the AyreWolvez, of which there is 500 members of each which makes the 1000 members in each state, its my job to tend to the affairs of both groups. So I have to keep their information current, that is a daunting task and yet, without much if any assistance I do just that. Yet with the church’s many millions of members and millions of dollars and an office tower in downtown Salt Lake City, they can’t keep mine. Gives some credibility to the reason, some of the church’ members fall away, and some just give up. At 05:10 Hours I’m going to try to get some sleep.


rebel sigBACK TATT ART

Romans 13:6-7“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Quote of the Day:
ARH!! I found it!

Wolfs Lair Tail

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Just a few more wires and a trip on the mountain


Colonels Journal HedderJust a few more wires, some wire welding and a trip on to the mountain.

Tonight for at least an hour and a half HazzardAyre Radio made to the airwaves. Found out my dear Internet connection is stiff enough to upload the show. Problem is my music sources cassette and cd, need wires in and out , and with Radio Shack bankrupt need to try to find a source for the connections, and all. Then found that our over the air attempt failed since need to get my Yaggi antenna here at the house pointed in the right direction and need to take a flyte to the mountain to fix the broadcast antenna that blew caddywhompus due to the severe wind storm we had, but we are getting there.

It was good though being back in my radio zone. Now just need to get in and sell it to advertisers, and gain listeners.

If everything goes good, should be in full gallop by June 1st.


wynged sigAYRECO

Romans 13:6-7“This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Quote of the Day:
Patience is the companion of wisdom.
pleasent view tail

Full disclosure please!!


Finally got big bertha running today, the old Dell firing at all cylinders, and with it, able to use full bandwidth that I like. Not perfect but at least able to haul on the cyber Highway. BTW, I-80 from mm99 to Wendover Utah is closed to two 1050 PD/PI’s and dust storms.

I just wish just once those selling or passing off stuff for cash would do something called full disclosure. How about telling a buyer or potential buyer the real deal squeal rather than fluff up something that is junk, or will not meet anyone’s needs? Sure there is the Consumer Protection Commission and the Federal Trade Commission but by the time they get ahold of it whatever IT is, or collect enough complaints to lodge an investigation, too many people get ripped off, especially children.

But should there not be a Consumer Protection unit or agency even in small towns. Some sort of an in-between a fraudulent vendor and the courts? I think so. Much of the 5 months of computer snail, has been due to a very slow and outdated computer.

Hooked Big Bertha to the Internet, and she flys. So what’s up there?

Then there’s CenturyLink, they can hook up the office up here at the old Wentworth with super bandwidth but not I , even though its in the same address and location.


Then there’s that outfit selling that stuff called Flex seal. Really, they spray an old Dodge truck, and expect YOU to believe that, that truck can run as a submarine?

That ad should be edited.

Big night of TV here, last episode of Justified so I’m going 10-10 for a few hours.

Dig this, that one yellow light on my modem? Now runs green.



1 Corinthians 15:1, 3-4“[The Resurrection of Christ] Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Quote of the Day:
Sharing money is what gives it its value.
--Elvis Presley, singer
club save

AVI CLUB LOGOknytes end

Monday, April 13, 2015

There’s nothing worse than dealing with big companies

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder KNYTES SCROLL

One can’t state this enough. No matter what it is either religious or corporate, it’s the same thing. Telling those behind that keyboard and screen they messed up. Example, LDS Church says I’m no higher in the Priesthood than a Deacon. Well the church records are wrong. I was ordained a Teacher in the Arronic Priesthood by Bishop Bob Evans. But no record. Of course that might have been lost due to me citing Bishop Evans’ son for DUI years ago when I was part of the two man Hazzard Police. Of course then came the ordination of being an Elder, but somehow that got lost in the move from our old church building to the new one. Of course I never went on a LDS mission as the USMC called. Never completed the transition. But it happened. Okay so then I decided to hammer out on our company’ web site. Thing shows a 404 message. So I call GoDaddy. Seems they goofed, but want me to pay for the goof up. After an hour on the phone, its I have to shell out another $100.00 . No wonder Danica Patrick don’t win no NASCAR races, look at her sponsor. GoDaddy could blow their nose if it were dynamite.

Hillary Clinton is marching for President. No use in me voting she’s our next President. Hopefully Slick Willey her husband will run things.

We always are starting over. I guess the only place in the Mountain West, that one can be industrious is Metro-Utah. Seems as though anywhere else here, your stopped before you get started.

Take the lady from CenturyLink. She was to get back to us today(Monday) on establishing a slightly bigger pipeline to transport HazzardAyre Radio over. Tried to call several times but no response, including her cell phone. Now in my business, I have the courtesy to if I can’t do something, to at least call my potential customer and say I can’t do this or that, but when I do that I have a person researched who can. Maybe that’s why Highway Hooker Toewing has been in business for nearly 40 years. I can always be reached, I can always get a message. If not by phone over email.

I look at things like this; In the membership of 49,999 members 1000 members in all 50 states, I have to keep track with them on a 24/7/365 basis. Not only them but their wives, their children, and any extended family. So the Knytes can make sure we are serving them. Granted, GoDaddy, the Church, and CenturyLink, has more people, to serve, but the way I look at it My duty to the club and its members is prime. I do it mostly myself. Because I know at some point I may have to rely on them for something. Why can’t these big companies and organizations work that way? Be reachable or quit.


my tag_thumb MILWINGS2


Friday, April 10, 2015

Plan B becomes Plan A


Not to say HazzardAyre Radio, the Reaper Club or any of that is dead and gone, but it seems as though we have hit the sign that says not a through street. Not a Dead End, but a path that is blocked due to some short sighted executives at most telecom companies that support the area. What we need is not available here yet, although we as a MC are pushing that, at the present time is not accessible. So its toew not radio for a year or two. So what about the bitching about Evanston? I’m still disappointed in the progress into the 21st Century that Evanston has not made. But one needs to understand the condition of the situation. Evanston is financially supported by really old money held by even older people. As such until they die off , things will remain in a slow crawl here until someone gives it a push. And the Knytes are no stranger to pushing.

Even looking back to our early days in Twin Falls. Things would be stalled in the 19th Century there, if it hadn’t been for the Knytes giving a shove and we shove hard and constantly. Perhaps that’s what Heavenly Father wanted me here to do, give a serious shove into the next millennium of technological, and business progress.

However its also made me live up to where we were and the promise I made in 1976. When the Rode Knytes were formed, and the first flagship radio station for the club went on the air. I said then, if I ever stopped towing or trucking the day that I pull the key out of the ignition, would be the day that I got off the radio. Since I would not be just some citified geek, who fronts as a trucker or towing operator doing radio for the industry. So taking time out as I build the company.

And that might be just what Heavenly Father ordered, since I have three local shops, willing to send me tow business, yet hardly even 1 wanting to buy air time or ads on HazzardAyre Radio.

As I close for now, want to ask; if you have a dishwasher, and you have to wash the dishes by hand, do you even need the dishwasher? Or if your toilet leaks and you cinch down the bolts holding the commode to the floor, but the thing still seeps, would it be better to just have a public outhouse?

Found an apartment down town here for $100.00 less than I’m paying now trouble is, not available until later in the month. Which means the fear of a rent increase at the end of August, will not be a fear any longer.

Stay tuned,


my sig[2]_thumb  LOGO WYO


Thursday, April 9, 2015

It’s still about intelligence

a NEW HazzardAyre blog hedder wolf eyes 4

There’s a thing about loyalty or at least common courtesy and understanding, when someone is looking for another for collaboration or looking to acquire money. Just coming out without knowing someone or an organization and saying they want YOU to rake out partly large amounts of money. Especially for something like airing another's radio program on our radio network.

Asking for $5k up front even before the show has proven itself in ratings, is just plain stupid. Even Howard Stern, had to prove himself and his concept, on mediocre wages until he showed that his content, even pushing against the edge of the envelope would make ad dollars. Then its pay time not the other way around.

Then it comes to small business’. Today I was watching the property manager and her husband in forming a new ltl trucking company. The big problem they are having is booking loads. It’s like Towing. You can’t expect new customers or book new contracts, if you don’t spend a little bit of money on some advertising. You have to get your name out there. Build a viable website is great, but putting a small ad in places where those looking at contracting a load or tow sees you. Phone book ads are good too, however some ads in trucking magazines, and/or in the case of towing in want ads effecting or reaching those that will need that tow truck. One of the Rode Knytes members does it this way. He does hot shot sized hauling of livestock, mostly calves. So he got a set of 5X5 cards and posts it at livestock sales front offices and bulletin boards, farm and livestock magazines. An ad does not mean you have to spend BIG money, minimum sized low budget ads does great things. Booking a few low buck loads is good to build reputation, but follow up on that by advertising on those load booking sites. That’s the way you build credibility. Of course there’s booking radio ad time on a trucker based radio show or network. Again you don’t have to saturate a market or show, but keep it consistent. Before too long, people needing your services will then go to YOUR website, book loads, and/or tows. That’s the way Highway Hooker and DixieA1 Toewing has been doing it since 1978, and that’s why we are busy, haven’t seen a big loss of clients, and have weathered the storm of the economic shut down.

Of course, I’ll admit, that I jumped the gun in relocating much of the media werx of The Knytes to Evanston Wyoming. If I had used my head, moving to where my kin folk are in or near southeastern Idaho, or back to ground zero of the clubs founding, would have been smarter.

And in closing health care in Evanston Wyoming. Even after all the hullibu of getting a Wyoming Medicaid card and all, I saw one doctor once, no physiciatry doctor not even once. Now its not Evanston either. Since leaving Idaho, the treatment in Utah at least at Weber County Health Services, had one treatment services provider in Twin Falls Idaho, asking the question when I really , I mean Really needed a prescription filled, my shrink in Idaho said, “What kind of idiots work there?”

Finally , got the bad news from the place performing surgery on General JaXson. The crank shaft is bent. Meaning a new engine. Meaning $4k. While the wise man would say junk the car , I’m not ready to do that, but the idiots at First Stop Auto, that tried to fix the car , put on a bunch of old style V-belts on there, when it required a serpentine belt. The extra tension, on the crank pulley bent the shaft. And yet the same charge problem it went in with, still remains. In short, filing a small claims case with Davis County Courts in Utah to recover the money and get the car repaired. Why did I take it to someone else? If I had fixed the car or worked on it, its my word against First Stop Auto in Layton Utah. By having someone else do the fix it work, its two others to bring to court.

See ya’ll in the AM.


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