Sunday, January 9, 2011


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Protecting honor, even under duress is something I respect. Yet the tragic shooting of Congresswoman Giffords yesterday, takes it way too far.

The Knytes-of-Anarchy is pledged to fixing and fighting a system and establishment in fact, Government is surly broken, and corrupt. And while many are pointing fingers at the Tea Party, watch to see if someone does not point a few other fingers at us in the Confederate National Party, and United Confederate States of America. With that said, even a radical Confederate, would and we never condone it, going to battle with innocent citizens. Like open fire in a crowd, or a public gathering as Congresswoman Giffords Congress on The Corner, in Arizona yesterday.

I’d rather change minds through diplomacy, the media, and public voting, not senseless violence.

While sometimes , the only defense is a strong offense, or even a battle with a specific person, still open fire in a public setting, only brings the wrong kind of attention and sets back a political agendas etc years if not scrub those agendas, all together.

But media ignorance is no excuse either. Yet if your going to gain , media, especially national media attention , from such mainstream media like, FoX News, shooting a Congresswoman, or just open firing in a crowd is not going to get you or your cause the kind of positive attention from media that your looking for. More likely you get put in the crazy file, and ignored.

Case-n-Point, when those goofballs, including that AD, (Atomic Dawg) in MHI, started giving us as a club, more than just hemorrhoids, I first wanted to move in to Mountain Home and go ahead with a public beating. But from discussions with the local law, likewise members of the club, in authority, we decided to hit em in the wallet and pride bone , rather than putting my hands around, AD’s neck. It was not from fear of personal harm, or being chicken, and many experts have reviewed things on AD’s hate site of me and the Knytes, and have expressed , that AD and the anonomose posters, thereon are very disturbed. It was not because of fear or that, that prevented me from going ahead with that public scrimmage, rather the thoughts were then as they are now. Albeit slowly, but do what they claim we don’t and get em in their pride bone, prove them wrong, don’t do something that the local news, would report on and thus label, us as trouble makers.

As I close, Gabbie was more than a Congresswoman, to us in the Knytes. Gabbie is a member in good standing, of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, she is a biker, and a bikers rights proponent.

Any mile, going to church today, lets all say an extra prayer for Gabbie.

L8R Knytes

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Quote of the day:
You must first have a lot of patience to learn to have patience. - Stanislaw J. Lec
Matthew 6:19-21“[Treasures in Heaven] “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

HazzardAyre 15, Gabie Giffords was a friend to the Knytes.

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At 10:30 hours today , I was alerted to the tragic shooting in Arizona. Congresswoman Giffords is a friend, personally to me. She and her Husband were frequent visitors, and all to us at MCAS in Yuma, likewise, Gabie was someone who I had, had several meals with there at MCAS. She and I had many conversations over the few years about the Knytes and our objectives. As such we became close friends.

I would ask you , as members of the Knytes, the AyreWolvez , say an extra prayer for Gabie, through her recovery. Her Husband, and I flew many times together, on both personal aircraft as well as those at MCAS.

As for the idiot, who pulled the trigger, the dude ought to be hung and quartered. Not only did this jackass get Gabie, but a 9 year old girl, and the crowd the 9 people that were shot, the 19 near misses, I say fry the bastard. Its one thing to be a fame junkie looking for a 15 minute fix, its another to cause such tragedy, and go buzerk. Doctors, have put Gabie into a coma to reduce the swelling in Gabie’s brain . I have additional information, should you need it, and I’ll deliver more on our stealth site.

I’m just in near tears right now.


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Quote of the day:
Anger is the feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind. - Evan Esar
Amos 5:14-15“Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.”

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Friday, January 7, 2011

HazzardAyre 14 Was on Warbird Radio this morning


Was on Warbird Radio this morning. If you have never tuned into this show and or web site, let me tell you, you should. While the gig is more on fixed winged warbirds and all, you’ll learn alot. What Matt does for fixed winged warbirds and so on, its the goal of AyreWolf Radio to do for us who flew and or fly, rotor craft(Helicopters) that have played a major role in military aviation and continues to do so. With that said. And I hope that Matt and his crew will plug this a bit more, the effort to get the funds put together to memorialize those who sat in the hot seat and paid the ultimate price, flying those warbirds and do so even today, is crucial , likewise those military aviators, deserve a memorial wall, to pay tribute to their service. Its great to marvel at the old aircraft and even the new, but, I’d like to see and all, those who flew these birds, need their honor respected. If your a fan of all military aviation and/or warbirds, and have a few dollars, $10.00, $20.00 or even more that you feel you can spare, carve out a check , money order etc and send it to us here at AyreWolvez, 123 13th Ave North # D Buhl Idaho 83316, if we get enough done this year, on the rock wall here at the Buhl Airport, here in Buhl Idaho, plans are to build a mirror image of it, that can be put in a tractor trailer, for a traveling wall that can go to various airshows in 2012.

Okay then. For once I was tounge tied this morning, with it being barely 20 degrees here , and getting warm after a long night of going toewing, it was all I could do, to stay on the phone, with one hand and sip coffee with the other, kind of like flying the Lady(my 222A Bell Helicopter).

Saw some news on the HUD this morning, the 2011 AyreWolvez , AyreShow(mis spelled on purpose) is all go. Shooting for the last week in October near Halloween in American Falls at the Power County Airport, there. Matt, and Mike from Warbird Radio, your invited, I’ll give ya’ll a call next Friday, on the dates and all the 411 on that.

Last, saw that the Discovery Channel will be doing up a new reality show, called “ Flying Alaska” Which I am excited about. Of course no Warbirds , that I know of on that show, but hey its flying.

Next Edition; Why it takes 4 days from SLCUT via snail mail to Buhl, yet a town half the size and all called Heyburn Idaho it only takes one day from the time you put whatever in the mail and it gets delivered. Is there a reason? Is Heyburn’s Post Office more efficient? Will let you know Saturday morning.

Last here, Matt, at Warbirds Radio, was talking about the Commemorative Air Force, this morning, did you know the Commemorative Air Force was once known as the Confederate Air Force?

More on that, Monday morning, here on HazzardAyre.

L8R Confederate Aviators

my blog sig THE LADY

Quote of the day:
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. - Benjamin Disraeli
Ephesians 5:1-2“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

HazzardAyre 13 The heart over rode brain


The heart can over ride your brain, until it drains in the wrong place and makes you do things that defy logic.

Case-n-point, in mid 2003 during the formation of the AyreWolvez and HCC, I took a jont to Evanston Wyoming, for a brew or two. In doing so, met this bar chick, and thought she wanted me. I was a bit naive, since it was explained to me in years since that bar employees flirt to get tips,not for you to get between their hips.

By 2005 things club and company wize for me was humming like a saw. However needing some recreation took a jont to south eastern Idaho, to see some kin folk. I had just got a partial settlement, from the law suit for and for the benefit of the Montgomery Foundation. So instead of taking the short trip, home decided to hang a right , instead of a left, went through CokeVille Wyoming, saw a building, that was for rent, so inquired. Found that ultra conservatism of the village was too much for me, so within several months, put the kaput to that, but if you look at the whole package, I left Utah at least metro Utah, all too soon. The noise I heard from so many , not to come back here to Idaho , I, and its purely my fault, I ignored those warnings, but I came any way. Why , following that same bar fly , who already had a guy, that both were running from prosecution on nose candy distribution and use. But the heat over rode brain.

With that said, its getting very obvious that by the end of the year, my rear will not be here. In the mean time, getting the radio station up and growing, plus get bills paid, and rides ready to get my fanny and Wolf-Pack, out of here.

Idaho is not a place to grow anything cept taters, and sugar beets.

If the UAITA/URCA is to gain the altitude that the organization needs to be, we need the things that are in Utah, the albeit not by much, but the infrastructure and assets that are just not in Idaho, and doubtfully will ever be.

There are groanings within the UAITA/URCA about setting up a Idaho office for the membership, the decision as to where that will be, will be up to the membership following extensive research, and investigation.

More on the UAITA/URCA next entry.

L8R Truckers

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1 Peter 1:13“[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HazzardAyre 12 California prices in Idaho


I knew this would happen as soon as those damn Californian's started moving in here.

In the interests of finding newer better quarters for myself, I saw an ad on TV for what is billed on that TV ad, running of course on KMVT, ( and they say our ads are questionable) for Affordable housing. So I dialed 208-324-6969 and found that what is being billed as Affordable housing is anything but Affordable. Price is damn near $600.00 a month. $600.00 a month for government assisted housing? Are they nuts? $600.00 a month plus utilities may be affordable in California in Los Angeles or such , but not in rural Idaho, and damn well not in Jerome. Of course this is not the first time I have ran into this. Fact is whether it be a shop or office space, anything that is over $450.00 a month ain’t nowhere near affordable and damn sure ain’t right in Idaho. Hell I saw property in Boise for cheaper, likewise Salt Lake City.

Now I understand some of the thinking here, C3 call center moves into Twin Falls, some outside property management company views that and sezz “ hey we can snooker these kountry bumpkins,” So they swoop in and rip off people.

I bring this to your attention for several reasons, not the least for our local retired and returning military veterans. If your looking for housing that you can afford on a military retirement or pay, this ain’t it. Do NOT CALL : 208-324-6969.

Californian’s go home, Back to California with your high priced housing and rentals, so that working and fixed income Idahon’s can find something good for a reasonable price , will you?

Another reason , I bring this to your knowledge base this afternoon, is ; KMVT ought to watch who they book ad time for. Some of our clubs stuff may be far fetched sometimes, but always true, then there is outright fraud. It’s good that we have a Jerome City cop on the board of the Knytes, and he is submitting this to their detectives.

More on this later,

Keep it tween the ditches,

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Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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Hazzard Ayre 11 No longer a OOIDA member, or LandLine Reader


Several years ago , I became a member of the Owner Operator Independent Truckers Association.

Every call to action, by OOIDA, I did heed. But over time, it seems that once you pay your $50.00 dues, you are not contacted much if any. Oh, if your a resource for an article, they get in touch, but limit that comment or contact to a bare minimum. Then of course, every service they at OOIDA, offers, costs more.

This is not a road that I want to go down any more. Granted , OOIDA’s  publication LandLine is not a Towing publication, but hey, us in going toewing are part of the trucking industry. Maybe at the bottom of the species chain, but still part of it.

Back in the mid 1980’s to early 1990’s, a new breed of independent trucker came about, called Hot Shot truckers. Hot Shot truckers are those that buy medium to light duty trucks, and do LTL(Less than Truckload) hauling, Or expedited hauling. Shorter distances, lower costs, but still trucking. It was in this environment that the , then Hazzard County Knytes sat down with our members who were once members of the original Independent Truckers Association,(ITA) like I was, and in short gave birth to the United American Independent Truckers Association. As well as the Mountain West regional chapter called the, United, Road, Commanders Association. Or  URCA. An organization made up by and for Hot Shot truckers and SMB toewing(towing) owner operators. Over the years both organizations, formed what is the Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio Network, which was the first mile of the highway that created Hazzard/Ayre Radio and what brought me to Buhl, to reignite the flagship station here KDXB, FM 105.7 , which is also the voice of both the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as the Mountain West Chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

As such, with the reduction of contact between us and OOIDA, likewise the strict refusal to even consider a segment of LandLine of and about us in toewing, when the renewal for membership came in November 2010, I just said, no, not for me. I also shut off the daily updates from LandLine in my email.

More of those who were willing to also be OOIDA members as well as UAITA/URCA members, decided to just be members of the UAITA/URCA.

With that said, it is with pride, that this reporter, yours truly, has been nominated to head the formation of the new HQ of the UAITA.URCA in Utah, office and operations center.

So if OOIDA wonders why I did not renew, now ya’ll know. Not that they really care.

L8R Confederates,

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Quote of the day:
Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. - Georg Christophe Lichtenberg
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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HotShot Truckers Deliver

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HazzardAyre10 A bit too mean?


There have been some comments made recently, that perhaps I’m a bit too mean and or critical of local media and others related to there of. I really am not trying to be mean , although it may come off that way. Rather , I try to hold up a mirror to those in management of TV and / or media firms including newspapers etc , in hopes that the will , scratch their heads , pull their heads out of their butts and improve. There are those that say, oops the budget does not allow this or that, or ad revenue is not there to support this or that. Question I have is based on experience. I produced, hosted and aired a TV show three times per week, even walking several blocks in snow and cold, and did so on a limited to no budget. None. Yet, because , I became popular and once again blazed a trail , others followed and as well , those who never watched Cable Access TV , did so. From youth in both of Pocatello’s high schools, as well as ISU and even a few bars , turned me on. If I can do it others can too, especially those that work in that, white ivory building on Blue Lakes Blvd, in Twin Falls, or the Times News. As far as print. How do I know , print can do better? I was privileged to work with, and finally bought a what started as a free want ad publication based out of Gooding in 1997 , called Monkey Bizzness, that is now a monthly specialty newspaper, called the Hazzard County Gazzette(Tymez) that we publish each month and that is producing some income.

So no, I’m not out to be mean, but to show and say, KMVT, KTVB, Times News and/or Buhl Herald , if we in the Knytes-of-Anarchy, can do it why can’t you? We don’t have your resources, yet we produce a superior product, that is not scared of the popular religious majority.

Well, off to work, to go toew.

See ya’ll in the morning.

L8R Confederates,

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Quote of the day:
Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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Remember if you got it, a truck brought it, buy a trucker a cup of coffee today-AyreWolf