Friday, January 7, 2011

HazzardAyre 14 Was on Warbird Radio this morning


Was on Warbird Radio this morning. If you have never tuned into this show and or web site, let me tell you, you should. While the gig is more on fixed winged warbirds and all, you’ll learn alot. What Matt does for fixed winged warbirds and so on, its the goal of AyreWolf Radio to do for us who flew and or fly, rotor craft(Helicopters) that have played a major role in military aviation and continues to do so. With that said. And I hope that Matt and his crew will plug this a bit more, the effort to get the funds put together to memorialize those who sat in the hot seat and paid the ultimate price, flying those warbirds and do so even today, is crucial , likewise those military aviators, deserve a memorial wall, to pay tribute to their service. Its great to marvel at the old aircraft and even the new, but, I’d like to see and all, those who flew these birds, need their honor respected. If your a fan of all military aviation and/or warbirds, and have a few dollars, $10.00, $20.00 or even more that you feel you can spare, carve out a check , money order etc and send it to us here at AyreWolvez, 123 13th Ave North # D Buhl Idaho 83316, if we get enough done this year, on the rock wall here at the Buhl Airport, here in Buhl Idaho, plans are to build a mirror image of it, that can be put in a tractor trailer, for a traveling wall that can go to various airshows in 2012.

Okay then. For once I was tounge tied this morning, with it being barely 20 degrees here , and getting warm after a long night of going toewing, it was all I could do, to stay on the phone, with one hand and sip coffee with the other, kind of like flying the Lady(my 222A Bell Helicopter).

Saw some news on the HUD this morning, the 2011 AyreWolvez , AyreShow(mis spelled on purpose) is all go. Shooting for the last week in October near Halloween in American Falls at the Power County Airport, there. Matt, and Mike from Warbird Radio, your invited, I’ll give ya’ll a call next Friday, on the dates and all the 411 on that.

Last, saw that the Discovery Channel will be doing up a new reality show, called “ Flying Alaska” Which I am excited about. Of course no Warbirds , that I know of on that show, but hey its flying.

Next Edition; Why it takes 4 days from SLCUT via snail mail to Buhl, yet a town half the size and all called Heyburn Idaho it only takes one day from the time you put whatever in the mail and it gets delivered. Is there a reason? Is Heyburn’s Post Office more efficient? Will let you know Saturday morning.

Last here, Matt, at Warbirds Radio, was talking about the Commemorative Air Force, this morning, did you know the Commemorative Air Force was once known as the Confederate Air Force?

More on that, Monday morning, here on HazzardAyre.

L8R Confederate Aviators

my blog sig THE LADY

Quote of the day:
How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. - Benjamin Disraeli
Ephesians 5:1-2“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

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