Friday, January 21, 2011

Last HazzardAyre for January 2011 Edition 27

an official hazzard ayre header a wolf prowl header

Many things get settled or at least heavily discussed at our early morning coffee hours at the Wolf’s Den. First there is dealing with Qwest Communications, our regional telecom here in and around Hazzard. Wish Boss Hogg hadn’t sold out to them years ago. Used to be, paying your phone bill was as easy as going to the phone company address where Mable was always glad to take your money, bill paid, all is well. Today, you either can send it in via mail, hope it gets there. Go to a pay station that needs a printed bill, to process the payment, or do it via plastic. All of which is a pain in the ass. Forget the fact that we had one hell of a snow storm session all through December, and could not even get out of Buhl, let alone out of Hazzard itself, so could not go all the way to Twin to pay the bill at the Twin Stop there. Then when it did thaw, had no money in the club kitty, to pay the damn thing, so called made arrangement for the first week in January. Forgetting the 1st was a holiday, which meant nothing gets paid for 5 days. Then lost the current bill,so he Twin Stop could not process the damn thing, had to wait and am still waiting for the duplicate to arrive, so I can pay the damn bill. And then Clay wonders why we need the HQ in Idaho, or at least a charter bean counter distributor here. Trust me I’m working on it.

So after that discussion trying to get an additional extension on the phone, Qwest said nope, so until after the 4th or so of February, no phone, and thus no internet, means no online postings of HazzardAyre.

So that’s the truth and name of that tune. Don’t matter much after the middle of February looking into alternate communications, and telecom providers. Plus wont be living here anyway, fortunately have cell phone, but that ain’t for shit for computer or Internet, no matter how much 4G coverage they say they offer, don’t work for Donkey doodles in Hazzard well, if at all.

So in the next couple of weeks , if ya’ll need to reach me, call my cell. I’ll be using wifi for a short spell for Internet.

L8R Confederates

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Quote of the day:
The nice thing about egotists is that they don't talk about other people. - Lucille S. Harper
Galatians 6:7-8“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

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