Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Military Veterans site , without all the bullshit!!


I just laugh at all these PSA-Ads about web sites for returning Iraq Veterans as well as the wounded in many ways, etc. To join one of these sites, and be able to share resources, knowledge or just talk to someone that only another Vet would understand, you need to give your life history, DNA sample and a pint of blood damn near , just to be able to get off the tarmac. Bullshit. You , I and others who looked over both those deserts, flew over many, saw shit that few will ever see, more over experience and understand, do not need to put on a show, or hang out your military paperwork or pedigree just to get on the launch pad. Most of us, who go to these sites are looking for answers to specific questions, need help with applying for benefits, as well as getting our just rewards, without having to show our private parts to qualify .

One of the parts to the website being constructed for the AyreWolvez, is to be a no bull, one stop site for all Military, all branches, even for military spouses to find out about programs, file for benefits, find local resources, and ultimately , 24/7/365, having someone in the Military or that was in , to talk to about anything, from PTSD mood swings, to the wyld dreams one has. To just feeling left out, ignored and more over hated, just because you rose to the call , when your country needed you. It does not matter if ; your male, female, Army,Navy,Air-Force,Marines, Coast Guard, it don’t matter. If your military, from a military family, and need a no bull site, ours will be it.

When you were on Active duty, your bud’s had your back, at, soon to be, we and you still do, without the crap and red tape.

Whether your into vintage, warbirds or not, although that’s the reason for the site to begin with, but as a group of retired, and discharged, Military and we know the problems, and like just about everything else, the AyreWolvez are here to fix those problems., Hell you don’t even need to pay any money, to access the website, nor will you ever be asked to donate, anything except maybe your time to chat with other Vets.

L8R Aviators,

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2 Corinthians 5:17“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

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