Wednesday, January 5, 2011

HazzardAyre10 A bit too mean?


There have been some comments made recently, that perhaps I’m a bit too mean and or critical of local media and others related to there of. I really am not trying to be mean , although it may come off that way. Rather , I try to hold up a mirror to those in management of TV and / or media firms including newspapers etc , in hopes that the will , scratch their heads , pull their heads out of their butts and improve. There are those that say, oops the budget does not allow this or that, or ad revenue is not there to support this or that. Question I have is based on experience. I produced, hosted and aired a TV show three times per week, even walking several blocks in snow and cold, and did so on a limited to no budget. None. Yet, because , I became popular and once again blazed a trail , others followed and as well , those who never watched Cable Access TV , did so. From youth in both of Pocatello’s high schools, as well as ISU and even a few bars , turned me on. If I can do it others can too, especially those that work in that, white ivory building on Blue Lakes Blvd, in Twin Falls, or the Times News. As far as print. How do I know , print can do better? I was privileged to work with, and finally bought a what started as a free want ad publication based out of Gooding in 1997 , called Monkey Bizzness, that is now a monthly specialty newspaper, called the Hazzard County Gazzette(Tymez) that we publish each month and that is producing some income.

So no, I’m not out to be mean, but to show and say, KMVT, KTVB, Times News and/or Buhl Herald , if we in the Knytes-of-Anarchy, can do it why can’t you? We don’t have your resources, yet we produce a superior product, that is not scared of the popular religious majority.

Well, off to work, to go toew.

See ya’ll in the morning.

L8R Confederates,

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Quote of the day:
Civilization is the process of reducing the infinite to the finite. - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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Remember if you got it, a truck brought it, buy a trucker a cup of coffee today-AyreWolf