Monday, June 3, 2013

It would be best if that person had a millstone around his neck and drown


First as I get ready to close out my radio show from last night as I said there, first I’m a Christian. I relish in Gods word, I love to feel his hand on my back and know his hands are on my handle bars when I ride. Not just my bike but ride this highway of life.

Its too bad that churches and so called Christians were not like bikers. For bikers truth and loyalty are everything. You trust in your bros and sisters of the road, the members of your MC, and you get involved in your communities as much as possible.

Yet these things are supposed to be that of Churches and preachers. Trouble is, all too many preachers have their hands on their wallets as well as the bible. Pat Robertson of the 700 club is one of those kinds of preachers. Yet if you were down and out, and were outside his studio and asked for a meal, he would not help, he’d slap your hand and say get out of here. There’s this old lady that looks like she has a mild case of turrets syndrome or something nothing to make fun of a physical challenge, but she comes on TV and says , download our FREE copy of this bible study. Guess what bro’s it ain’t free. It’s free with a donation, in secular terms, bait & switch. If she’d say that , it wouldn’t be so bad , but to say get this study guide cause its free, especially her preaching God’s word? It’d be better for her to have a millstone tied around her neck and drown.

But she’s not the only one, I see this at least 20 times a day, I hear from these TV preachers quoting Bible teachings, then just when you nearly have respect for them, they hit you with, hey how about giving us some money to stay on TV.

To which I say to them, how about giving me some money so I can go ahead and tell the real truth?

No I’m not asking for money here, but making a point.

I gladly preach everywhere I can, because the Lord my God told me too. But I do it free to all who listen.

Sure the MC helps with their money after all the MC owns our radio station and our media company, and thanks to all those sponsors of the MC, for their generous financial gifts that keeps the Knytes-of-Anarchy going, but just once, I’d like to hear one of these TV preachers or shows come on, preach their sermon or lesson, and give some reading material, but not ask for one red penny.

The reason many are leaving churches is because any more you can’t trust one any further than you could spit. Its not just the River, or Mormons but all of them, why can’t they just use their gifts of gab, preach a lesson, and not ask for money.

The IRS here awhile ago, got hammered by the public and is currently under investigation, for misdealing's, of screening none profit groups to see if they truly were NONE PROFIT.

Example, The River Fellowship here in Twin Falls, runs 3 TV stations, all under the guise of being none profit, but ads for two phonebook publishing companies, plus one runs RTV a ad based TV network, and RFDTV/Rural TV/ Family Net another ad based TV network. Want to tell me the River isn’t getting some bread off of that? None Profit, phooey , somebody is making a profit.

Some of these other church preachers on TV and such ought to be put under the IRS’ microscope. You want to tell me the 700 Club that is none profit, ain’t making money? Pat Robertson has made a killing off of that and built an Empire on being a None Profit.

I say to the IRS, instead of snooping under the skirts of MC’s, Confederate groups etc, go look under the skirt of the TV Preachers, and foundations. Make them pay full taxation on what their making, hell you could nearly wipe out the national debt.

So in closing, do us a favor, log onto , tell Kay and her sales crew, that you too hate TV preachers who bait and switch.

For as it is written, It would be best if that person had a millstone tied around their neck and drown.

Hell is going to be a full house.

L8R Ya’ll


KNYTES WINGS X 2knyte scar

Quote of the Day:
None of you really has faith unless he desires for his neighbor what he desires for himself.
--Prophet Muhammad
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

If only Churches were like Motorcycle Clubs

Good MorningRCJ HEDDER

If only churches were like MC’s. Some have asked why I love riding my bike and living a bikers life.

It wasn’t always that way, but once accepted by an MC your protected, loved as a brother, or sister, in my case brother, and no matter what happens, you can fully depend on your MC brethren will be there offering what ever help you need, when you need it and in the form you need it.

Now since by birth , I was born into the LDS or Mormon denomination. Oh I was squeaky clean, looked like a nerd and went by the accepted rules and teachings. There was a night at a young peoples gathering what the LDS Church calls Mutual, that a gal who was deemed angelic, by the congregation went outside for a smoke, which in LDS customs is a no no. But hey she was above all others, really?

Shortly after that I saw that I was looking for a way out of the LDS Church. It became very fake, and all too much a popularity contest on Sunday morning than an assembly of those looking to worship God.

Then I met Allen, who brought me into the fold of the MC we now call the Knytes-of-Anarchy. Now during Christmas the MC did a toy run, donated new toys to those kids in our area that would not have a gift Christmas morning, ever heard of a church doing that? Any mile one year the local ward decided to do a ward poor kids toy drive.

Mom came to me and twisted my arm to donate some toys.

Donate some, hell the bastards took things I was not wanting to give. The carrot on the stick, was one of the so called Elders Quorum had a daughter that I was keen on, and thing was I donate, I get a date, needless to say the date never happened. But here’s the quirk that makes me the maddest, when My Dad passed away, the Relief society, Elders all came to the house and asked what they could do for mom. When my Mom passed away, in 1983, not one of them came to the house, offered a shoulder to cry on not one, and not one damn thing did they do. But guess who did come to the house, yes the MC, those guys and gals put their arm around me and helped me heal.

Over the years, there has been many other things, that I have had to deal with that was hard, but when the rest of this self righteous community couldn’t be bothered much less care, it was the MC that came and said how can we help?

Three months ago I undertook the promptings from God to visit the church aka the River Fellowship. Here in Twin Falls. Now I had been out there more than once trying to kick a door open at their TV and radio operation there to glean some information to aid in the rebuilding of Confederate Steele Media aka HazzardAyre/WyldAyre Radio, but even though help has been offered by a few there to be engineers, when I have tried to take em up on the offer its like they are too busy. Why offer if your not going to do what you offer.

By contrast, you can bet if one of my brothers in the MC offers to do something, bet your next full gas tank it’ll be done.

And so it goes, there was a 30 day challenge to get more people in the church being more a part of it. Yet if one offers its like huh? My challenge to the church, when you ask for volunteers don’t slam the damn door when someone wants in. In reality, practice that which you preach.

I could go on, and I will later today, but if churches were more like MC’s there wouldn’t be so many choosing to ride on a Sunday and rather than be in Church. There’d be more in Church, and it ain’t just the River that’s tripping over itself here.

Turn on a TV Church show, I have too since that’s all I get and on my own I’ll dig out of this short cash challenge I have and pay a back bill to Cable One so I can get something other than those stations at the River.

But if you watch Church programs, I have yet seen one that does not start yapping about some printed stuff or tapes, cd’s etc, for a donation of some amount. One says for any amount, I’m sending a penny, hey its an amount.

I love hearing about Jesus, and learning more of God, I pray every day, but here’s something to think on, I’d rather gather at a rest area or MC camp area on a Sunday, hearing a MC preacher teach a lesson, in the wonderment of Gods creation , than gather inside a building with a bunch of fronters who claim to love God, but are there only to make a deal, or further their own agenda. If that’s all they are there for, I want to stand way aside them on Judgment day. Bad mouth bikers for our grubby, bearded , looks, with our long hair tattoos and all, say bikers are rotten because we love to see beautiful women with bikes. But then don’t love us in the winter on or right before Christmas when we as bikers donate new toys to the unfortunate children.

Like I said, If only Churches were more like MC’s.

L8R Ya’ll

sign off KNYTES WINGS X 2


Quote of the Day:
The secret pleasure of a generous act Is the great mind’s great bribe.
--John Dryden
Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Don’t look as we ain’t there


If your looking to find HazzardAyre or WyldAyre radio over the next few days on air, you will not find us.

Reason? We shut down for this upcoming week so we can install new gear and do some rework to the studios both here in Twin at the Wolf’s Lair and in Buhl, at the Reapers Shack. So that is that on that.

Haven’t heard from that Brooke, gal that she might be a model for the Reaper Crew, guess the sight of a biker, namely ye ole Wolf here in the door, and all made her think twice so be it.

Like I said over the last two entries or so, models in Twin Falls might be possible, but only if your someone who belongs to or is associated with a select few of the media click that happily or sadly depending on your view we here at Confederate Steele Media ain’t, so as such we are way out of the box. Which means we have to hire outside the area, which is the path we are following. Have a guy out of Chicago, that’s working now with us on that, he has agency offices all over the country except Idaho, but a plane ticket , gets the talent in, gets it shot, gets it paid, out of the door and done. I’m tyred of farting around with so many self righteous little prick teasers who think their crap don’t stink, that hey, let em work in Anchors or some bar get molested or worse, then maybe one might think hey , I could have worked for or be working for the Reaper Crew, making damn good money and having fun doing it, making a career rather than just working a job. Same goes for the young gal that currently is doing duty in fast food at the Arby’s here.

Then there was the one who was on the end of a serious financial short stick, hey if she would have came back , the Reaper Crew would have taken care of that, but hey snub us once, we ain’t God, I’ll help anyone so will the Reaper Crew, until we get stood up or told no. After that , its sorry, we’ll pray on it if God wants you here we’ll reconsider, but don’t hold your breath honey cause ya’ll might turn blue.

If your wondering why with all this opposition the Reaper Crew don’t just give the valley theAYRE FINGERand move this rig, I told ya’ll how I felt last night, if the right person with cash around $250k would show up and be willing to buy the license and all, this thing would be sold so fast that the tornados in Oklahoma would pale in comparison. But sadly I don’t see that so we’re stuck, but I’ll be damn if I’ll put anybody except a member of the Reaper Crew to work here ever again, and for those wondering, yes the gal, doing my domestic cleaning duties is part of the Reaper Crew.

Any mile, long day Monday, except to say, its nice to go over to where LexiBelle is sitting, and turn the key and hear her throaty melodic tones coming from those twin stacks. Hearing her purr is better than having sex.

Was going out to Church earlier, except, I got one tow call down by Hollister, got that one done, came back, and got another 3 alarmer over on Poleline that blocked the entire west bound lane, done that, and now with the spilt fuel on my boots am trying to get rid of the fumes off my boots.

L8R Ya’ll


Proverbs 15:1“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


If you can’t walk with the Wolvez stay out of the pack


So I went online to check a few things out from Bible class this morning, and saw where this one gal who got her nipple in a clothespin, about us downloading her pics, of wolves. My response to her or anyone, if you don’t jump on my page, call me on the phone or email me , I’d never know who you are and quite frankly don’t give a poodles poop.

Fact is, this same gal put those nice pics on my page, if she doesn’t want someone to treasure them, DON’T PUT em up on my page or anyone else’ keep them in your private FaceFart page, and don’t enter these Wolvez territory.

Same goes for a bunch od so called model talent we thought we were going to attain here.

The contact me, call me at all hours and even promise to visit, but don’t. Hey unless your serious, don’t call me, it ain’t like I have nothing more to do, than go out to find you. Again I don’t give a poodles poop.

I’m to the point, that quite frankly if the right broadcast property broker, approached me and had the cash for our license here in Twin Falls and immediate area, I’d sell the damn thing so fast and move away, that those tornados in Oklahoma would be mild in comparison. Same goes for the model stuff, sure at one time until Twin Falls put its head up its butt, one could find talent for simple calendar and such photography. Not any more. Today unless your one of the click of Twin Falls or mainstream, forget hiring anyone for anything out of the box.

The fact is as far as the radio license and all, few will give what its worth even fewer who would want to fire a new station here, so I’m stuck with it, but I’ve got it whittled down, to where I can pretty much run the thing solo. Which is why the Twin Falls sub studio, will remain in my house, and as far as looking at models, bullsbreath. I pick up the phone hire from Salt Lake City or Hollywood, and forget hiring anyone local.

Like I said in earlier entries, I was told by Kelly out at KEZJ, and KIM over at the Buzz, ya’ll can’t do that stuff here, I bet each one a steak dinner, that the club could. I gladly will buy that dinner, and just admit they were right and let it be.

But as far as that chic on FaceFart, hey I admired the pics, so don’t get your nipple in a clothespin, I unfriended you and am whittling down more not so many real friends on Facebook, besides the ones I leave up there are people I’d rather spend real face time with, rather than many on Facebook.

L8R Ya’ll

sign offawlvz logo

Quote of the Day:
It is not the size of the dog in the fight, it is the size of the fight in the dog!
Hebrews 9:28“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Geographically challenged is it blonde ?

good night phootenotes

Ever feel like you got stood up? Example, this Brooke gal, a model applicant, I returned the phone call of.

Says she would breeze over earlier in the evening. After two or 3 phone calls with her having trouble finding the

Wolf’s Lair, she don’t show. Not saying she gave up, but most likely had something better to do.

Glad she wasn’t trying to find a location shoot on Bell Rapids somewhere, heck we would have had to put the

Lady in the air just to go find her.

Now finding the Wolf’s Lair is not all that difficult. After all how many times per day does people most likely this

gal, pass by? If you get to the stop light at Addison and Washington, in Twin Falls, kiddy corner to Swensen’ Market,

how many one of a kind service trucks with the outline of our Confederate Battle flag on the hood, is there? In front

of a residence? Added to that the big gray house, is the Wolf’s Lair, oh well, guess that steak with Kelly is getting more

to the point.

Got fire in LexiBelle’s belly this afternoon. Put fuel in the right side, with a few squirts in that Edlebrock carb, and

she started singing her song. A little oil from her pipes, but that’s most likely from just sitting.

But my her throaty purr made my heart sing as well.

Ate way too much ice cream and cake at one of our Bro’s birthday today.

That’s right good old Tedd hit the 60 yard stick. Now rubbing my stomach and feeling heavy as a lifting weight,

I’m trying to gain some sort of easement before I try going on air.

Now just need a floor jack, and some muscle and LexiBelle, will see pavement. Watch out Twin Falls,

Dixie Toewing is about to lyte some serious fyre.

Any mile ya’ll have a good night I need sleep, Church in the morning.

There are those that are dedicated and those that love to play games, our latest applicant I think likes to play.

More Sunday after Church.

L8R Ya’ll

my good byegood night

Quote of the Day:
Perhaps the best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time.
--Dean Acheson
Hebrews 9:28“so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

So finally

morning phootenotes

So finally at 05:17 hours cash was in the stash, so off to breakfast, so not so much headed into H&W Monday morning, but the question is, could this be done much faster and with more efficiency. I mean heck, I may be of need and all, but at least my brain can drain to the point of being somewhat techno savvy, where I can work around these malfunctions. My thought is, what about those that can’t. In many cases , there are those not able to have Internet and phone. If you can’t access the automated system by phone, and you just look online, it says your still broke. Some people are still looking and thinking, “Where’s my money?”

Yes Idaho’s Government needs help, but where do you start and with whom?

Questions to be asked of those running for office next election.

Okay then, looks like Twin falls is going to have its Western Days this weekend, a parade and many festivities abound, wonder how many tows will be harvested by A1 and Marky’s as well as us here at Dixie.

On the subject of Dixie, and I was going to pose this question to Nancy a few weeks ago, but thought it might sound a bit off, so I didn’t. But ya’ll know how we have been looking for a set of dainty small toes for our ads and foot centric graphics. Now Nancy has a daughter that is small enough to have small feet and marshmallow toes, thought of asking what it’d be if I could snap a photo or two of her daughters toes in tights or some such, to use for graphics.

Nothing sexual, just cute.

There’s something enjoyable about cruizing around this city at early dawn on a Saturday morning. No traffic to speak of, and the innocence of a time when this town had fewer people , and those people more open minded.

As I left IHOP on my monthly self treat of breakfast, I thought how much more enjoyable at times, life would be if I could roll back time, and just fix up old hot rods and tow. Before Internet, Radio station and having to employ people, when I ran two trucks besides a service rig, and could enjoy a fresh weekend morning.

When I was carefree nearly as those little sparrows dancing across the parking lot in search of a morsel of food, but such is life.

I got dealt these cards in 1974 of and for the club to run this radio rig, and I am still doing it, but ah back then I had help from the club. The guys did not have kids, wives, jobs. Likewise most were here in the valley not deployed half way around the world.

As it sits there are 5 of us in the club, that maintains the radio network of 8 radio stations in Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and northern Nevada. Of that 5 , 2 are here in Idaho, two in Utah, and one in Elko Nevada. Of course in Utah there are more resources for temps when needed, a call to a talent agency gets at least one on air person if needed, and at least an on call engineer that we use that also works at KSOP there in Salt Lake City. But dang we need both engineering help, as well as on air. I can’t do this all myself, and it would be nice if those that answer a Craigs List ad would at least show up and do the dang job.

I know all in due course, but dang, sonofa revenuer.

Any mile my day is done, sleep then get ready to groove on tunes tonight in Filer.

See ya’ll on the radio.

Stay Tuned, L8R Ya’ll

sign offKNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?
--Steven Wright
Revelation 21: 2-4“I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

There is no agency on Earth that is more anal retentive and in need of an enema that the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare

Good Morning

Well here it is the hurry and wait, for the Union federalized Government to implant that good old $50.00 in my bank account.

Oh they have done the $200.00 for food, but the other must come from someplace else so it takes longer for it to get in there. I have though had the cash in the hole before the SNAP funds so who knows.

But the same shyt that I told Health and Welfare about last month for the proper amounts not showing up on the damn computer is still going on this month.

There has been maybe two people and twice in my life that I have dealt with the Idaho State Department of Welfare that had someone there that had their stuff together.

The first was when I stupidly moved here in 2006, and had to get state food funds because the gall darn USMC could not find Burley on a map, and all. There was this sweet heart named Naomi who busted her rump to help me, make sure I was satisfied and that MY stuff was done, on time every time each month.

Then I moved out of the area to Pocatello, the first time due to a fracking con man who ran a mini TV station who said I could get into creative graphics at his station if I would double as outside sales, No problem. Over time there was discussion on the club buying the damn TV station, but I’m still waiting on that return phone call , station is owned by some damn Jap old lady in Missouri somewhere.

So I was there one month went for food, food was there, no cash. Now truck dry, me no nicotine, I had to walk across town to H&W’s office there in Pocatello, seems as though they had not received the notice I had moved, so money was suspended. Once I unloaded on the counselor who looked like he’d rather be doing anything but this state cushy job, not only did I have my money on time there, If I even squeaked there was action taken. Sometimes with state agencies and all one needs to go grab their lapels in your hands and smack em across the head. Not really, but suggestively, although there are times I’d like to do the other.

But last month I informed H&W that their system of notification of balance of funds on the UCARD system, and the 411 I get from the phone sucked.

That according to phone, no problem, according to UCARD I was frigging broke. I wasn’t of course, but hello. Wake up ass wipes.

Here is a system that YOU the TAXPAYER is paying for, to regulate and dole out the SNAP, and government assistance funds each month. A computer system and remember, as a SNAP/CASH recipient, your account is with Chase/Morgan, and we all know how well they are doing, how many Federal suits are ongoing against Morgan/Chase, yet the poorest, or at least those of us , slowly climbing out of a deep financial hole dug by 50 years of Yankee controlled lying two faced ball faced government, spending more than we had, young people having sex with anything that spread its legs, although, I must ev missed that cause, the only sex I got in the late 60’s was getting stroked off by two summer nannies , I had and twice by payment with some good gals who taught me right at Miss Donna’s and the Sugar Shack. But the rest of our population started smoking weed, so far so good, except that they started sniffing snow, the even worse, not only did they party they became stupid, then entered the work force. The same people that sign you up for Government programs are drug addicts or former ones whose brains are flat fried.

Any mile so last month I told H&W about the computer screw up, I was informed a week later, (Glad I wasn’t waiting on my funds that long and starving for nothing) that they’d look into the problem. Sure enough two days later the system was working fine. But I had to find out via the damn phone. Fortunately I know how to work around these tech goof ups, but what about those so inept? What about the elderly, who don’t have caregivers? The go to the damn computer to see if they have anything in the stash, and the computer program says no, but infact they do.

The problem is that Tax Payers like you, are paying the state of Idaho and I’m sure its this way all over, for a automated accounting system to tell the SNAP/CASH recipients their balances each month. Trouble is the system or new system don’t work. Health and Welfare, and such agencies nationwide, who are getting complaints need to tell who ever runs that system its screwed up and needs attention.

The one that truly will be on the hind end of that will be the Idaho State Department of Welfare. But then outside of the Idaho State Police, I haven’t yet seen a Idaho government agency that runs right.

Granted tax revenues are low, but hey even when we had a surplus in Idaho’s tax cash box, these agencies like Vocational Rehabilitation , Health and Welfare, just to name a few never work well. Reason, there are too many people working in these agencies that are fat swine, with a $50k a year job with benefits, and as long as they do the minimum of work they keep that job.

The state of Idaho, could save tons of money by gutting these agencies, getting people in there that knew what they were doing, making the demonstrate some sort of performance ratings like asking a client, did this agency help you any? If Not the head of such & such agency needs to have a serious conversation with the counselor.

Example, two years ago or so ago, to get relicensed to fly, went to Voc Rehab Burley office. Met with this Kent guy, Over 8 months or so it came down to the fact he would not sign off on Voc Rehab paying for my flight school. But dig this, this Kent would sign off on me going trucking school. Really, but I had to get evaluated, really? How was I to drive over here to Twin Falls then from Burley a 40 mile trip one way, pay my cell bill, bottom line, I spent way too much time, and wasted my money on something that was not going to render a crop. I say let the bicycling long necked geek, give me back the money I wasted on going there to begin with.

It wasn’t until I opened my own shop, gave the AYRE FINGER Idaho Vocational Rehabilitation and did shit on my own that I started to succeed.

Feeling sorry a bit yes, thing is You the TAX PAYER has to pay for these programs, they’re not being ran right or to efficiency so there needs to be a shake up here.

Any mile, looks like I’ll be going to H&W’s office on Monday, my cash assistance ain’t in the box yet. Which means no nicotine, which means come Monday morning somebody’s ass is going to fry.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Critics are like eunuchs in a harem. They're there every night, they see it done every night, they see how it should be done every night, but they can't do it themselves
--Brendan Behan--Quoted by Gyles Brandreth in *Theatrical Disasters*
Revelation 21: 2-4“I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.””

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.