Thursday, July 29, 2021

So FB says this is adult content, really. I've seen the porn queens on Both Facebook, as well as Twitter show more. There is no replacement for Emmy.


So have to say this on that, as someone asked me today, why I stay in Idaho, here, mainly Twin Falls, is cuzz there isn't anything in Western Wyoming or Utah to be rented or bought. The Rental and real estate offerings are bottle up so tight it wouldn't fit up a tick's ass. 

Now I am enamored by a young lady of BABS fame named Emmy Picasso. From my guess, she resides in New Jersey. The thing is, and yes I created one earlier, but on the Fans of Emmy Picasso, on Facebook, I tried to upload the very video that brought her into my view. So I have to do it the hard way(no pun intended). 

When she walked into my computer, and my view, she has been an obsession. She is so and hot, if I did get to kiss her feet, my lips would burn. It does not matter what she does, from her Bubblegum stockings to just showing off her teases, her beauty and poise, are such a delight and nobody compares. 

even her ink is fantastic. Now I have been feverishly trying to convince her and/or Babs to fly her out here for our DOH/Hazzard HazzFest, for next year, but she doesn't seem to hear what I say. Yet the vids I send to FB and/or Twitter, are considered porn in front of those cyber-censors, that they won't display it. At no time have I ever seen(wouldn't that be a treat) a  pic, video, or anything of her, nude. Or even partly nude. Seductry, yes. But she is just angelic. So go over to Facebook, under the group Fans of Emmy Picasso, and see for yourself.

We'll be on-air on the Crazy Cooter/Bad Ass Radio Show, on . Now before I drop off here, this is Ben Jones aka Cooter from TV today, 
this is me
yea Cooter kind of fits, See the likeness? 

See ya'll tonight.