Thursday, August 12, 2021

Hey Granny I think Jethro broke the door on the refridgadeezer. And Mike Lindel, fell on his face oops should have recruited the HazzardAyre A-Team


So got food money today, loaded the mini Fridge, but now can't close the door. So a piece of wood, leaned it against the door all is good. 

So been watching for near a month or so promos on a Cyber symposium, commanded by Mike Lindel the MyPillow fame. What he has done is launch his own channel, and this Symposium, was a method to launch the channel. Look I think that with all the stores from Bath & Beyond to Walmart boycotted his products was wrong. After all its not the products that's at fault. From what I understand are terrific, although I have not bought one. That being the sitch, why condemn Mike? When your unaccessible your going to get a backhanded Jap Slap. But stealing broadcast gear(been there had that happen) trashing the facility, and having your reputation trashed to the point, you withdraw to the point you nearly say to yourself, piss on it. And just saying I'm going to sustain myself, and forget any kind of duty to the public. But then you realize that our organizations are Veterans, fighting for Veterans, no civilians attempting to give something back that they never had to begin with. No matter race, creed, or ethnic heritage, the WolfPack has always been of the Confederacy, that needs to be recognized as the solution of a society and Government that has, is, and will continue to shit on every American. We too are working to launch our TV channel, on Cable/Satellite. But having the technical problems Mike had, Mike should have recruited the HazzardAyre A-Team. 

Full show coming up at 05:00 Friday morning.

See ya'll then.