Wednesday, August 4, 2021

When will Facebook and Twitter quit being porn dealer marketing platforms?


When will both Facebook and Twitter quit being a funnel for porn stars, and smut site marketing platforms. Really now? Do we really need to sift through the barrel of trash just to get a grip on the news and 411 we follow. Some say, isn't that what you do, there Colonel? No. Sure we feature models of the era of nose and art displayed on military aircraft and such, but none are ever nude, none are ever involved in some deviate act, the Toew~Smooch? it's only her pheete, and even that is a slyde on the words TOW and TOE. Outside of that, people don't read this blog, don't read on our sites, or tune into our radio shows to be titillated into the consumption of port and/or smut. In our sitch, it's more art and tradition, not porn. So how do you know the difference? Look at their profile on FB and Twitter. If it says visit me here at this bizarre web addy, that's a red flag. If it says or does not list other real friends, education, a location that can be verified, no jobs, no family, etc. They have those. Take em to the test. Offer a real modeling job. If they accept and get in gear to contact you, you know that this might be a for-real person. Most likely it ain't. I recently worked on a case involving this gal, named Paige Turner. AS in Page Turner. Her gig was pheete. Yea pheete. Though this might be a direction. When I pushed and called her bluff, she got downright narley. Not for this flying cowboy. So I thought why? We have some of the very best if not thee best talent openings in the nation, perhaps the world. Few none SAG/AFTRA Union, talent hiring projects out there. None pay what we do, none work at being so accommodating as we are, yet these gals will show off every part of their bodies, to strangers, for a few bucks, or for free, and yet we get labeled. Bullsbreath. When we post on these sites, our talent openings are real legit jobs. Not Fucking jobs. Yet when your children, go to social sites, they are exposed to this kind of nastiness. Facebook, and Twitter, have had their hands slapped quite a few times, lately, they have been heavily fined by every European union exchange, and it's not only coming around to byte them on the 6. Butt 
its not only hurting them, it's affecting us all, since ad sales are down, but both are also seeing record numbers of people leaving their platforms, we pay that price, since now Facebook, and Twitter have to accept money from these porn peddlers, to keep their cash flow, flowing. 

Whilest I was sniffing around facebook, a bit ago, saw that 96.3 FM in Tennessee is throwing a gig they call Hazzard-Fest. No big, but do they need to copy us? HazzardFest West is our Confederate gig we hold every year at the Hazzard Fairgrounds. And again we'll be doing it again next year. As for me? I'm leaning more on the AyreWyng thing, and enjoying it. First, don't get me wrong, I'm not retiring from going toewing, nor doing Hazzard Choppers, but, need to pay bills and eat. Thus I fly. The more I fly the more I love it. Have done, long before towing, and way longer than all things Hazzard. From age 6 to now, my rear, hands, ears, eyes, and other parts of my anatomy, and mind has been in aviation, and brain drains in the air not just on it. As such we in the WolfPack are planning a wicked gig next year surrounding Halloween, Called the AyreWolvez/AyrePower Jamboree. A celebration of Vintage military flight. It will be a complete reunion, of the 214 both the first created by Col. Boyington and today's 214. All together at the Hazzard County AyrePort. Dates will be on both as well as .

Today I have two drops. One it looks like I might have hit a target, with that place the squadron's been eye-balling downtown Tweaker Flatts. It's in the right spot, has PMT access, which means maybe no more Lumen, or Sparklight, malfunctions. An outfit that I can go and ring a neck if they don't render what they peddle. And the last drop. Of all the platforms I love dealing with, although their search needs some tweaking, still, Google is by far the best. First as for sites, and/or social media, Google doesn't do porn. Second, as far as marketing the WolfPack, as well as HazzardAyre/AyreWolf Aviation, Google my Business has rendered more traffic, and brought more revenue, than all of them, including facebook, as well as Twitter. 

See ya'll tonight on KnyteWolf Radio.
L8R Aviators.