Sunday, August 8, 2021

It's Not a nipple its a cute little bug.


At least they cause me to weirdly thoughts.
Never fails, I choose a font from Google's Blogger and it always goes to one simple font, weird. Did not go to the Church thing today, but am working to our new digs downtown for the radio gig. 3Rd Floor, groovy baby yea, as American Spy said it. Okay then, been watching these little red and black bugs. It says on a search that it's a concrete tick. Why? What are they attracted to in concrete? Sezz they are not harmful to Humanoids, but they are cute anyway. Took a photo which now I can't find, but it's so tiny, at first you think that you're looking at a nipple 
it's a tiny insect.
Cute little bugs anyway. Haven't seen my tiny Killdeers guess these tiny sweethearts are where there is water. They are part of the Plover species, and really cute. Their interactions with me are two that show up just after I water the lawn here at the RodeHouse. 

These little guys come right up to me and chow down on the bugs. If you don't want trouble with me here at the RodeHouse Leave 
my tiny Killdeers alone.
Alrighty then, moving on here. Got in a bit of air yesterday, with our new experimental byrds. It's still VFR for a bit, as a few gauges and such need to be reworked, but at least it flys. Been wondering talking flies, Can they hear? 
The answer? yes, but not well. Most long ways away are scanned and interrupted through, vibrations hitting their antennas. With that said, I wondered, if they can hear, can they understand us? Or is it just tonal audio? 

By next Friday coming, we will be off the air for a time, on online broadcasts. However, we are still on-air over the air locally at FM 93.3, and 105.7 FM. Last here and I really want to dig into this manure again, because the sitch uprooted again this afternoon. Over at Java the coffee house, one of the snippy, not forked enough, had to bring up the Toew Smooch 
So I'd enjoy here the sitch.

It is a one-of-a-kind hand-off TV slogan shot to enhance the concept that here at Cooter's Toewing, we love doing the job of toewing. However many peeps have been either confused about the issue, or ignore it. So been working on a few alternative concepts that we hope gets that idea across to a really dimwhitted local public. The image we are straining the juice from is this>
With that said the Toew Smooch was and is one of our tags copyrighted, but for us. It identifies us, it is different, It is not wyld sexual advance, as so many have it out to be. It's not an everyday sitch, nor is it a requirement to working here. I get a small but not constant inputed thrill, butt it's not what I'm into. I also bring this up, for another reason. There are a few of these hussies that attempted to run over things Hazzard last year about this time. Thing is and it was short, two airings, on two topics. Nothing more. The rest all just sat here, playing with their cell phones, and doing a bullshit session. I'm not paying for no work being done. The sitch is they could have been out gaining traction for the station flushing out people that might want to advertise their wares, on our station. For every $100.00 they could have generated, there was a commission of $20.00. They could have been watching and learning how I build the graphics for the streaming side of HazzardAyre, and all the rest, plus what pics we build for this blog as well as our printed newspaper, The Hazzard County Gazzette. Did they do that? No. Did they even watch as I did a show? So they could do their own shows? Nope. What I saw was three women, sitting around messing with their cell phones, doing child care, and talking about how damn bad their love life was. I'm not paying for that. I pay folks of any gender, to work. Not just sitting flogging the dog. More on this on the morning cyde edition, of The Crazy(butt not stupid) Cooter Bad Ass, 'd Radio show, heard online on: and on KnyteWolf 
Join me then 06:00 . TaTa.