Friday, May 17, 2013

Any body know how to make soup?


I’m going to try to write some more, dang I’m sounding like Paul doing up the book of Corinthians, any measure , if I mis spell a word or two here understand I’m sick.

Now there’s certain skills us male corpuscles do not learn or if we do not very well.

Certain habits even hygiene habits we do lousy at. that women just do better. Like cleaning up after ourselves after we go potty.(nmbr2) I don’t know of many guys who walk out of the Lou without a skid stain or two.

Then there are others like doing the simplest of tasks like making chicken soup, that they say, is supposed to make one better when they have congestion with snotty nose. Although if I could stand up for very long I might be doing it better , I could not mix in a 1/4 can of water, in a pan and nuke it to eat. Which after making a terrible mess and cleaning that up, grabbed a ham sandwich and sat down to check emails, so then heading to an early go beddy bye.

Ah if my lady friend from church, could make chicken noodle soup and bring it over , might do me good ya’ll think?

Okay then other skills, warsh, I can but standing in a laundry with noisy kids, drives me up the wall and anymore its not a drive, but a short putt. Or sewing, there’s mending that I need done. Is there such a thing anymore as a seamstress? If there is, I ain’t found em. My pant cuffs are an example. Since I can’t hem a pair of jeans I cut off with scissors and do the retro 60’s frayed jean thing.

For the woman who don’t think she’s important, Daniel 11-vrs32.

Going to try to eat again, watch Wretched TV then hit the rack.

But my what a bowl or two of chicken noodle soup would taste like right now.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, why don't we all get wasted and have the time of our lives?
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

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I just hate getting sick this time of year, oh and about Emma?

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I just hate getting sick this time of year. I can’t quite figure out where I caught this bug , seemed okay Wednesday, but I woke up yesterday with a headache the size of Boss Hoggs belly. I mean I was in pain, like a two week party and just getting the hangover.

Throat sore, sniffles , blowing my nose, trying to catch my dribbles , I mean not good.

Got my housekeeping gal’s parts for her Durango pulled yesterday night, figured on going after all to that men’s getaway with the church, but by mid day, body said no you ain’t. So came home and decided to do some office work, clean trucks, and get the fuel tank back in LexiBelle. So that’s my weekend.

Now for Emma. You all know how much I think of this gal. Emma has talent far beyond her years. And way beyond some skanky TV show on RFDTV, I heard how Virginia Dreams gave the shaft to a good friend of mine who is part of Cooter’s Band.

Any mile the planning for the AyreWolvez AyreShow to be held over July 4th in Jackpot Nevada, is near done, now got to get the word out. And who better than Emma, so will be bringing her out here, showing her the area and so on. Of Course she’ll do up some great music, at the AyreShow as well as at the Horse Shoe Club there.

I’d write more , but meds are making me dizzy, talk at ya’ll overnight and on HazzardAyre Saturday afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
--George Bernard Shaw
Romans 11:33“[Doxology] Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

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You asked, I answer

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

Well it seems that after many hours of prayer, and consideration, my going to this getaway for the male corpuscles of the River Fellowship of Twin Falls, was just not for me. In fact I’m really praying that outside of one special lady from there that does my warsh and house, I am considering not going to the River Fellowship again, and start looking for a Church to go. More over where to erect The Church of Confederate Star, simply put its time.

I’m really sad that my lady friend got me a sleeping bag and all, but I awoke at 09:00 hours with a 102 degree fever, sniffling and all to where until just about an hour ago all I was welcoming is the reaper. But it wasn’t just that. I thought of how outside of Leslie and her friend, who I’d marry in a Hazzard County second, and whose Durango, is my prime project for Saturday, the rest of that congregation out there at the River has become so smug, that the River makes the Mormons look good. Maybe them Mormons are, maybe I need to go back there?

All I know any place that says they are representing and bringing people to Christ, that treats someone like I have been, ought to be ashamed at the very least of themselves. Its good that I have a thick skin, and shell, but I wonder what both Bryan’s Pastors of the River Fellowship, do when someone gets their feelings crushed there at the River do, and jump off the big bridge or something? Then what are they going to do, will it take that to get those elders at the River, to re-examine methods and attitudes?

So in closing, so I can try to fetch milk, and meds, no I’m not going to that gig in McCall, the men’s gig with the River, as far as going to Church there again Sunday, well, I need to pray on it some more.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
I not only use all the brains I have but all that I can borrow.
--Thomas Woodrow Wilson
Romans 11:33“[Doxology] Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

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I’m beginning to think we are reaching the end

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I’m beginning to think we are nearing the end of the depth of information to be gleaned online.

I took a second or two to see if I could find the singers that did the old jingle to the Polaroid Swinger Camera ads of the late 60’s to mid 70’s. No damn luck.

There is a limit I think on time. Seems as the term statute of limitations is not just for legal stuff, the amount of information if you can find it at all , is limited to the time that information was important or current.

Anything before the onslaught of the web , is limited to music on YouTube, sure the tunes are there, but what about when it came out and who did it, especially the TV ads?

Now of course I know there is a data base out there for such things but its not public searchable.

Then you see a TV ad with a hot mama on it, you want to find who she is so YOU can feature her in an ad of yours. Good damn luck. I tried to find and still am, to find the real name, agent etc of the gal, that does the Forever Comfy seat cushion ads. That Trish D is darn good looking. Can I find it? Nope. Can’t even find who produced the ad or anything, make one wonder about the product as if you can’t find em where did your money go?

While much information today is more protected than in years before especially companies, that do media, is there a TV Commercial data base out there, that tells you who did what? Were? and When?

Okay still thinking on going to this Men’s getaway , with the guys of the River Fellowship, and I’ll say still thinking on it no final decision. This is the times that having somebody to sub on air, here, would be good, but its mostly weather, with a slight amount of hostility in my head as well. I guess true honesty is in the mind of the beholder. You want to trust but you get patronized too much or put off, you don’t get much from em. But maybe if they can’t just run off, maybe I can hogtie a few and siphon out some gray matter intelligence.

But are we getting to the end of available information on the web?

Does make ya’ll wonder, don’t it?

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Quote of the Day:
A thing well said will be wit in all languages.
--John Dryden
Romans 11:33“[Doxology] Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

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Monday, May 13, 2013

If it don’t work, get rid of it

knytecyde hedderPappys Journal, HazzardAyre

I say, if it don’t work, get rid of it.

Of the many things I really get festered over is computer software that is downloaded , but some hardly dry behind the ears college kid in Palo Alto California forgot, is that there is this place called Idaho.

Example, downloaded a tool bar for bible search, which is a disguise for that blooming My Search Toolbar. Ever try to get rid of that? Thing is, it has a pop out for radio stations. Know what not only is HazzardAyre not on there , but none of Idaho’s stations. When in the heck is those in California and the east coast going to figure out that in between there are states that have something better than they do? Add to that 80% of those that used to call California home are moving to Idaho, which sadly is one of if not the lowest wage states in the entire union.

But I say if the dang doo dad don’t work, junk it, take it off my computer, then move the heck out of the way for those who can.

Same thing is pride that should have nothing to do in church. But even our treasured River Fellowship has that.

Example, as ya’ll know the River Fellowship has three TV stations, and two radio stations, at the church. Other night , thing went sour. Supposedly the aux power unit hasn’t been fixed, the list goes on and on. Now I have put myself out there on more than one occasion, that I’d be happy to help. For free. Anything that gets the lords words out there I’m in. Yet for some reason, mostly pride and my rebel personality reputation, keeps me out of there. Really, isn’t it written in our Bibles that God forgives and says all is well? Should I be held back from helping when, I can and do a much better job than what’s there now?

Our Pastor put out this survey thing at Church, tonight about our gifts and such. He put out in his sermon if there is anything that you would change in the church, without regard to money needs etc, what would it be? I’d say, instead of slamming the door in front of someone with expertise, in broadcasting with nearly 40 years experience in both this market as well as some top 50 media markets, should be used. What I’d change, replace some XO’s with some troops, or in none military terms, less chiefs, more Indians.

Any way gotta get back on air, and next entry why I care.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
Honk off, bozo.
--Eno, The Duplex
Proverbs 31:30“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

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11754766_112978306656Where my mom sleeps now.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Simple acts go much further than money

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes 1

Simple acts of affection or just brotherly or church love goes a long way.

Sometimes though the need is not seen so it goes by and nothing happens but tasks performed can mean nearly as much.

Example, today was Mothers Day, all day I have been in grief over the fact Mom is not here. Aside from the small things mom did like laundry, fixing meals and such, the simple act of a hug at just the right time, goes a long way to comforting someone in the same boat.

I was sitting, in church this evening, hearing about all the gifts we have that we can offer the congregation. Its not just the church, since the church is a building with chairs. The congregation, is the earthly body, and needs feeding and nurturing rather than neutering, just as much as anything. For the few that truly have surrendered their lives to Christ and all, it’s the learning of how to enhance our knowledge that’s important. However faith without works is meaningless.

This gift I have of gab, that I use everyday on air on radio, the organizational skills I have learned as well as been given, by God, for the Knytes and AyreWolvez, but more importantly the gift of opening up my heart more than once and constantly and at times it gets stepped on. It hurts, more from pride, than anything, God mends hearts. But at least I held out and gave a hand up to someone that needed it.

Some take helping out as a sign of something sinister. Example, when I went to Glenn’s Ferry , in 2008, little gal next door, needed money for school supplies. I offer the simple task of posing with an aircraft, in a pic we were going to tag, as, “ Been flying long” kinda like that one of the two little boys dressed as young farmers who says, “ Been farming long?” Of course some dillweed of a city council member there thought I had devious plans. So the one task the AyreWolvez was trying to do went down in flames. But at least I can say I was being kind. Some people can be lead to knowledge, but at times you can’t make them think.

But then there’s this dear gal from church and although a task to be compensated for, still took my was, some that hadn’t seen the inside of a washer since August, and I have fresh threads. Yes I’d have been tickled for a hug, but hey the spirit hadn’t moved her, but still she’s as kind as could be. Why is it more can’t be that way.

Then there’s two that live with her. One seems to be going through some heavy duty, stuff. While I don’t like to pry, I am there for a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen.

Any way, decided to let the on air bit go to DXB tonight, I’m pooped. The spirit of God will place the on air people we need to us when he sees fit. Since he hasn’t I take it as , in his power in ain’t time for that for our own good, its in Gods tender loving hands, so I do the best with what we have right now.

See ya’ll Monday afternoon.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
In this world, it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.
--Henry Ward Beecher
Proverbs 31:30“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

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Mothers Day 2013

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Thank goodness there’s an evening service.

At 04:00 hours call came into Dixie central, overturned rig, I-84 between Tremonton Utah and Snowville Utah. Since we have toew rights in Utah and few others here do we responded with two trucks, skip loader and another open boxed trailer and tractor.

With most things cleaned up by 09:00 I decided to honor My mom, by going home via Grace Idaho and at least kneeling beside my Mom’s grave, as that’s all I can do now.

My mom was truly a master of all things, and a comforter to the degree I have not seen in any other woman anywhere.

I suppose I’m not unlike any other guy on earth, there is no other woman like Mom. But my Mom was truly special, and whose accomplishments are to be honored by many.

Many , all too many to put down on a blog, and a Mom who made possible dreams not just for me but all too many others. Many who fail and all too many forget. Guess its better for them that way.

The Christmas’ , work ethic, and oh yes that special spaghetti sauce, the hotcakes, cookies, and cinnamon buns mom made I can remember.

Of course there’s the ability to make water run uphill, the irrigating mom did on a 300 acre ranch only with a shovel, plastic dam, and siphon tubes. We didn’t have anything like a pivot or sprinkler pipe on our place.

Mom would milk 100 head of dairy cows, feed chickens, collect eggs, nurse little pigs from a bottle, and still made my life possible.

Mom taught Sunday school, contributed heavily to many causes financially, and still and maybe this is the most tragic, none of those people remember those financial and time consuming efforts. At least not to me .

Of course there’s the $15k she put into the coffers of the start up of the REAL , Hazzard-County-Garage, that is now Hazzard-County-Choppers/Dixie-Toewing. The real gift to me was the $1,500.00 out of her own savings, that bought LexiBelle,>>Lexi in green and yes even my General Lee. AREBEL GENERAL.

I got home at noon, and with all the driving and thinking, I think, I’m taking a nap so I can go to church tonight.

For all of you, who have moms at home, or are still in contact with your moms, honor and love them, they all are not here forever.

When they’re gone, they’re gone, and unless we do what we are supposed to under the eyes of God, we’ll never see them again.

I’m reminded of a song by CW McCall, “Roses for Mama” If ya’ll get a chance look it up on YouTube.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the Day:
The degree of one's emotion varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get.
--Bertrand Russell
Proverbs 31:10, 27-28“[Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character] A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:”

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