Monday, May 13, 2013

If it don’t work, get rid of it

knytecyde hedderPappys Journal, HazzardAyre

I say, if it don’t work, get rid of it.

Of the many things I really get festered over is computer software that is downloaded , but some hardly dry behind the ears college kid in Palo Alto California forgot, is that there is this place called Idaho.

Example, downloaded a tool bar for bible search, which is a disguise for that blooming My Search Toolbar. Ever try to get rid of that? Thing is, it has a pop out for radio stations. Know what not only is HazzardAyre not on there , but none of Idaho’s stations. When in the heck is those in California and the east coast going to figure out that in between there are states that have something better than they do? Add to that 80% of those that used to call California home are moving to Idaho, which sadly is one of if not the lowest wage states in the entire union.

But I say if the dang doo dad don’t work, junk it, take it off my computer, then move the heck out of the way for those who can.

Same thing is pride that should have nothing to do in church. But even our treasured River Fellowship has that.

Example, as ya’ll know the River Fellowship has three TV stations, and two radio stations, at the church. Other night , thing went sour. Supposedly the aux power unit hasn’t been fixed, the list goes on and on. Now I have put myself out there on more than one occasion, that I’d be happy to help. For free. Anything that gets the lords words out there I’m in. Yet for some reason, mostly pride and my rebel personality reputation, keeps me out of there. Really, isn’t it written in our Bibles that God forgives and says all is well? Should I be held back from helping when, I can and do a much better job than what’s there now?

Our Pastor put out this survey thing at Church, tonight about our gifts and such. He put out in his sermon if there is anything that you would change in the church, without regard to money needs etc, what would it be? I’d say, instead of slamming the door in front of someone with expertise, in broadcasting with nearly 40 years experience in both this market as well as some top 50 media markets, should be used. What I’d change, replace some XO’s with some troops, or in none military terms, less chiefs, more Indians.

Any way gotta get back on air, and next entry why I care.

L8R Ya’ll

pappys journalKNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
Honk off, bozo.
--Eno, The Duplex
Proverbs 31:30“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”

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