Friday, May 31, 2013

Are you sure you want to hire somebody?

java breakwtf hedder

In these days of a shrinking dollar, close profit it income ratios and the ability to generate even retain business , we get that rude awakening, of the Obama Care Act.

Details I don’t have, but if you employee more than a small amount of people, YOUR going to pay through the nose.

Did you think that, that guaranteed health care Obamabeenlyin promised you was going to be free? Or very low priced? Not so.

Your going to pay and it ain’t going to be easy.

After a full day, SpeedConnect, called back on the billing question. Somebody forgot to tell the right people that, the equipment rental deposit and such was to be waived in lieu of our barking about how great SpeedConnect and making SpeedConnect the main and only internet service provider of ours at the radio station in Buhl. So it’ll mean I’ll end of paying that bit by bit through June, but I’m looking at alternatives. Then SpeedConnect says, we’ll send you $50.00 for every referral I send them. I sent them two. Both I know signed up, did I get a check? Even after 30 days? Nope.

I have came to the conclusion, that in today’s business environment, the good old slap on the back and hand shake don’t mean squat. Now days if someone talks about a part barter deal, get the thing on paper, with a signature.

You can’t any longer do business Hazzard style, now days one needs to do business like a New York swindler. At least then you get what you pay for.

Any mile, going to try and sleep, some potential model talent called earlier today, by the name of Brooke, says she’s calling back at 17:00 we’ll see.

I believe model, on air and other talent when its in studio, doing the job, and doing it well. But at least showing up.

As far as SpeedConnect? Yes I’m keeping them, for despite the company ethics, the service works really well. Same for the radio station although I’m also looking back into Cable One for a network back up for the Radio station in Buhl. But paying out $100.00 is going to bite my butt for a month, so might not have cell phone, but I’ll pay the Internet bill. Just wish and thought that at least SpeedConnect, would have kept their promises, but what do you do?

You pay or your off line, but my does it sting.

L8R Ya’ll

sign off KNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
I’ll note you in my book of memory.
--William Shakespeare
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”

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