Monday, May 20, 2013

Guess weather folks got it wrong


Guess the weather folks got it wrong last night, as its currently raining with sleet in Blackfoot, windy here in Twin Falls with expected serious rain mixed with snow in higher elevations.

This year has been a real gas weather wise. One day your going for the ac, the other refiring the heater. I guess, when God assigned the climate control to Mother Nature, he did so with a woman who will change her mind faster than Boss Hogg slurping down a corn dog.

Midwest farmers haven’t been able to get in the fields, the agri pals here have been slow to get there. Which has put a bite on the wallet of AyreWolf Aviation. While I’m thankful for no big range fires a small one so we could go do fire suppression would be nice.

Last night was great at Nancy’s place, but I got the vibe from her guy that he thought he was in competition with me or something. While there is a brotherly/sisterly love thing there, there’s too many things there that would not be in my best interests. Mainly young pre teen kids. Heck most barely toddlers.

A few years ago that wouldn’t matter, I had more ability to put up with children, now, at 54, not so much.

I thought that two of those dogs wanted to come home, with me, but in the next month my real to honest real Wolf pup will be here and I don’t know if that little poodle would get along with a Wolf, or be a snack for my wolf-Pup. So just feeling that out.

Any mile, looks like I’m not getting into the air today, so will be puttering around Tweaker Flatts here most of the day. Going over to A1, get my mid month check, fuel, needed skoal, and if it is sort of good, going to try to get the new tank under LexiBelle.

Nancy and her crew is supposed to be here in the AM, so I’m off to sleep.

L8R Aviators,

my good byein the air

Quote of the Day:
If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, why don't we all get wasted and have the time of our lives?
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Sunday, May 19, 2013

This will not be liked by everyone.


After I finally got home, after consuming some spaghetti over at Nancy’s I trucked home. I went over for two reasons, one home cooking , two , to retrieve Nancy’s ride to get it over to Shaun's to get the brakes fixed.

So about the time, I finally was relaxing and the nightly build up of plem in my throat began to make me hack like a 10 pack a day smoker, I came home.

Smelling like dog, from two that found my size to be a place of protection and security, one that’d go home with me in a Hazzard County second, I tweaked on the TV, damn I’ll be glad to get my cable back, and all of that. Never thought I’d miss it, but the stations at the River screwed the pooch on the conversion of RFDTV, from whatever independent programming they had before. Fact is RFDTV is boring, no action and no good weekend prime time. Tried to watch some preacher on CH-38 also of the River Fellowship, but the guy was talking like he has a paper asshole. So I turned that off. I either got to get my VCR back, or cable, cuzz this BS has gotta stop.

Remember Confederate Star TV is not too far in the distance, but its still out there. Kinda like the Epsilon nebula, quite a distance, but its reachable.

So then turned on DXB, and was cyber flying over NPR’s site. Saw this review on some lady singer with a song out that is by the same title as Bruce Gamble’ book on the 214. The title is; Once I Was an Eagle, which is going to make a bunch of Marine aviators to take a look but be disappointed as its not about the 214. It’s not even a book, but a cd.

So now I am auto piloting the radio show, and getting ready for bed, thinking that Nancy will remember to get her, Durango, over here so I can get it to Shaun early in the morning.

More L8R Ya’ll

my good bye in the air

Quote of the Day:
We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Christianity means love, if that’s the case The River Fellowship blew this one


The Bible teaches us, that to love Christ we must love our neighbors and others as we do ourselves.

The meaning at its roots of Christianity is love.

If that’s the case, the River Fellowship of Twin Falls Idaho , certainly failed me.

Some would say, I never really gave it a chance, really? How much time, how much of a chance do I have to give?

You ask on numerous times how can I help, you get the response, we’ll let you know.

You ask to head up a bible study for Veteran’s especially Vets of the air, the response is; we’ll see.

You offer to help in the book store of the church, the response is, check with such & such, you call, get told she’ll call back, I’m still waiting for the call.

Same goes for any numerous requests by me to help, to be of some use. Sounds like that church over in Jerome I went to once don’t it?

But for the River Fellowship to just brush me off.

Why not just have an Elder or Pastor come to the Wolf’s Lair here and say, “ We love you, but your attendance at church is no longer welcome” Might as well do that since the response has been purtty much that.

Outside of one young lady who I took on to do cleaning and laundry duty here, and who actually responded with I love you too in finishing up phone calls, the rest of that congregation although somewhat friendly, purtty well snubbed me.

No biggy, as my feelings are not that hurt, its that my pride and all has been a bit bruised here.

But how can a congregation that purports to be doing God’s work on earth here, be that stand-offish?

Now I will not say I wont go back again , as I don’t go for the people, but to worship God, but I can purtty much do that at home. Could it have been me as I was going through my southern roots showing period? Perhaps, but is loving your fellow person, meaning that you look past their frailties? If one in your group, or congregation needs a hug, do you ignore them? Or go up and put your arms around them and say it’ll be okay, God loves you? I think the latter applies.

It makes one wonder at organized religion in general.

It says in our teachings, that where more than three of you gather in my name, there I be . But can God really enter a place with power where there is so much hate and discourse? I think not.

The first few times I went to the River, I truly felt Gods presence, the last few weeks, that presence has not been as strong if there at all, could God, be saying to me this ain’t for you? Or could God just be pee-owed at the River?

It ain’t so much that the radio/tv station half of the River purtty much blew me off, that I expected, the head engineer there has disliked me since I blew off KMVT years ago, likewise KMTW FM, but to dwell on that as a cause for disfellowship ? Naw .

I’m thinking that next Sunday, at the evening meeting, I’m going to ask Pastor Bacon, if I can address that smaller congregation, not to belittle them, but to teach them or show what they have done in hopes they can improve .

As for attending afterwards, we’ll see .

Bottom line, I have yet to have Pastor Bacon, drive over to see me, he has my number, a phone call, lunch, or just a kindly visit would open doors here.

While God tells us to forgive which I do, he also doesn’t expect us to keep putting our hands on a hot stove either.

Talk to ya’ll L8R ,


Quote of the Day:
We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

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Then there are all those Facefart ads


Then there are all those Facefart ads.

Everything from teasing you with date sites to making you irresistible to women, to making your business more profitable. Really? I’d like to see anyone of theirs beat the odds of the economic slowdown and financial death like, ours has.

But how about a real screening of putting up only those ads, that really are worth looking into or that YOUR interested in?

I mean , I damn well don’t want to know what a shop doing the same thing I’m doing is selling. Outside of shopping my competitor, of which in some areas we started the dang trend in the first place.

Then there are those hot model ads. Really? Ever try to get them , to send their talent to you to work in your media company? I did one not too long ago, and because she couldn’t find anything online, (did the owner look very hard?) she questioned motives. Finalizing on the fact that we are out of her area. Duh? What did she think that putting it on FaceFart that it’d just be a local observance?

Then there are those ads on getting your credit rating for free. Bullsbreath, the dang thing ain’t for free. The offer is from an outfit called Triple Advantage, that only offers credit ratings, if you set up credit monitoring through them. Which requires a dang credit card that I’ll never own anyway, but even if I did, its misleading. The Knytes did a sting back in 2005 on the outfit, through the Federal Trade Commission, and now they have to put the disclaimer on ALL their ads. To date, none of the clubs companies nor mine have had to put on a disclaimer, we are what you see, no more, not less.

The roll up on the crawl, of these ads , Facefart wants to know what you like? I have an idea, Facefart, give me Facefart without the damn ads, that’s what I like. When I tell you I’m into fast rides, warbirds and southern culture, only give me notices that are screened for authenticity and reality, outside of that keep the BS ads off my page.

Facefart will even sneak an ad onto YOUR newsfeed page.

I only want to see stuff from people and things that I mark as only important, outside of that leave me alone.

Then there are TV networks, that are BS.

That in my next Entry.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
hazzardayre tail

Cleaning out friendship lists

knytecyde hedderHAZZARDAYRE TAG2 BIG

Mom used to call them, foul weather friends, I call them short term acquaintances.

These are the people, that during something major all want to be YOUR friend. Even some that assume names of your relatives, even your dad, of which mine has been dead for now 30 plus years. Some buttwipe on Facefart, signed up for an account on Facefart using my dad’s name, oh well some asshole signed on as Uncle Jessie , so I guess anything goes. You’d think Facefart would police and screen that a bit heavier.

So then I start going through all those pages I sign in with, and so called friends. Many of which were people, I’d just asoon forget from Hazzard, as well as the valley here.

Many are in to being my friend when its convenient, ignore me the rest of the time. So I only accept friends on Facefart now from people I damn well know and really are friends, within a few miles or areas that I go. Elsewise no more my friend.

of course there are exceptions, my publicist, and one who manages Emma, but past that , ignore me, adios you don’t need to make believe your my friend, go suck the hind teat of another idiot. I don’t dig carpetbaggers, and many on Facefart are little from that.

So I start cleaning house.

Take off 5 friends. And looking to do more.

Eastern Idaho and Utah looking better every day. In the time, I still have here its still the same plan, finish building KDXB, put her on air, find manager, fix up my rides, then its me outta here.

But I’d like ya’ll’ opinion, how many of your Facefart friends do you keep or how many do you ignore until they cross YOU off their friends list and you do likewise?

Will follow up on this later today, is Zuckerburg’ monster outgrown its usefulness and is there something coming that’s better? Only Google knows for sure.

For those who have continued to ignore me on Facefart>>AYREFINGER SALUTE

L8R Ya’ll

my lulliby

Quote of the Day:
What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte tail.

This could get complicated but its needed


Now I’ve been praying about this for about a month or so, but the feelings I got Wednesday night, and the overwhelmingly events including my getting sick, not having a sleeping bag even though my dear friend Nancy dug one up, and the patronizing and all last Wednesday night, just told me that the River Fellowship is a place where my presence is, going to be on a 3 times weekly event, and nothing more and eventually not at all.

The other half of this is simply that while the Radio station and all is ready to roll out pending FCC approval in October and crew assembly , most of that work is now done and just needs to simmer, over the summer.

I eluded to this in some of my past entries here, and while the FCC is not going to grant any new TV station construction permits and licenses, that doesn’t prevent us here in the Knytes-of-Anarchy from creating the first in area IPTV station. With the programming ya’ll want, from Petticoat Junction to oh yes , the Dukes of Hazzard.

Don’t think we wont be going after both the channel and signal of the old FoX station here. When KMVT swallowed that one up like a whale scarfing down a guppy, the analog channel still is there, likewise CH-6 on Cable One is still there blank and as black as Toby’s butt. Considering the River

Fellowship CEO of TV, there pissd off Cable One, we haven’t at least entirely. So why not go after that?

Enter in; cst1 combining secular TV with Christian values and teachings, both Hazzard County and southern heritage style.

What will be different from us and say RFDTV? Something on , on over the air and Internet TV except infomercials, Country lifestyle programming that goes much deeper and better than anything ever done. Think of us as like Redneck TV with some serious spice.

Now then as I close, I think I might have put my friend Nancy off a bit about knocking the River Fellowship. Hey I dig the church, I love the feelings I get from God when I’m there, its just the condescending attitude of some of those there that have it in their heads that they are equal to God and/or Jesus, not his humble servants. The humble, and serving part has gone the way of, those who have power don’t want to loose it.

You try to open your arms to be of service as the so called 30 day Challenge they were barking about, but guess what? If you do, its hey we'll think about it. really? Oh you have to be an Elder to do that, oh you have to jump through hoops to do that. Ah bite me.

I as a part of that congregation see a need, I want to serve it, all I ask for is a place to meet there at the building and maybe an announcement on Sunday or two. That’s all. Too much to ask? Supposedly so.

This is serving God? Or is it more to serve only a very select few? I can tell you this, its no way to secure new people coming to the River.

I will not be part of anything phony or a front.

Maybe it’s time I just relegate myself to the thought that perhaps what’s there ain’t for me and quite a few others. By the way, to those that go there, ever hear anybody else deliver a sermon, besides the two Bryan’s or perhaps by a Lady Pastor?

How about singing southern gospel songs?

Its for Jesus, its for both the Hazzard County, and Southern culturists at heart, but it is cst1

L8R Ya’ll

cst logomy good bye

Quote of the Day:
We need not all agree, but if we disagree, let us not be disagreeable in our disagreements.
--Martin R. DeHaan
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

When celebrities should retire and networks that not ought to encourage

AWAVIAASSNLOGOa wolf prowl header

I know I’m going to catch hell for this one but it must be said.

There are way too many old farts on TV that should retire.

Example: This week in Agribusiness on RFDTV , with Orion Samuelsson and Max Armstrong, should have hung it up years ago, guess the pension plan at WGN/Chicago Trib wasn’t enough. But their age is showing. I say boys go back to tricking out tractors, sit on your porch and allow new blood to flow in.

Larry Black’s Country Diner is another. Larry Black the official Ambassador to Tennessee, is a good as a celeb, but his show has aged. No new blood on either of the shows on that network. Imagine if Larry brought Emma on , the entire bunch would look pale in comparison. Thing is Larry wants to prolong careers that have seen better years.

Then there are those celebrities that are timeless that do not get air play or honor.

Like Larry’s other show, on RFDTV, not once do you see or have you heard any music from Waylon on there. In fact as I get it, Larry never invited Waylon on the show. Nor has Larry invited Waylon’s son Shooter. Granted Waylon is part of the OutLaw Country Music wave that the Nashville elite was for, but hey , Willie Nelson, Bobby Bare, Kris and heck even Johnny Cash was part of that OutLaw movement, and yet guaranteed if all were living today, Larry still wouldn’t invite them on or play their music.

There’s many current country stars today that owe zillions to Waylon for the doors he opened.

And oh yes, Waylon not only played in Idaho and Utah , he lived here as well in his early career days. Waylon lived in both Twin Falls and Blackfoot, Idaho, as well as Tooele and Salt Lake City Utah. Historical facts that you might not know.

And yet , you’ll be hard pressed to find a local radio station other than HazzardAyre/KDXB playing his or his son Shooter’s music. Question becomes , Why? Has anyone else here heard of Ralph Emery? A legend both in country music, and radio. Yet outside of a limited show you see only one, of Ralph’s programs on RFDTV. I have an idea for them at RFDTV, can some of the old fart music shows like that polka crap, and run the series of Ralphs that ran on TNN?CMT the Nashville Now. You might gain more listeners and viewers. Oh yes more advertisers.

Maybe its time to get networks to retire, and be replaced with those with the resources to be modern and current, like oh I say, Confederate Steele TV?

Stay Tuned,

my good bye225pxVma214a

Quote of the Day:
WARNING: Repeated brain usage may be harmful to others.
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

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