Saturday, January 18, 2014

When death comes cheer the reaper, don’t be sad.

sundown turnaroundHazzardAyre Welcome Header

Its finally still here at Sam’s house. Madge, Sam’s old lady is making something good on the stove for night meal, and I finally get to chat at least through this medium with ya’ll.

In our way of thinking. A Knyte always cheers the day of death. As we say , today is a good day to die. Why be bitter about it? After all we all are going to Stovacore someday, might as well have a good trip. As far as those we leave behind? They should celebrate our life, as best as they can, cheer and howl that one of our brave warriors is on his way, and then drink red wine as a symbol of our friends departure and his next great ride in the other dimension.

Okay then , I’ll dispense with the situation for a few centons and get into a bit of personal reflecting.

I myself am still looking at a move from dear bassackwards Idaho, but not now. Oh yes the radio werx will as planned, be transplanted to Ogden, wired to Comcast, and a microwave link to a big stick, next month, but right now from many areas I can’t just pull up stakes and vamoose. First there is LexiBelle, that while albeit marginally , but is legal to run in Idaho. Both mechanically, as well as structurally. But she needs some tweaking first to run 300 miles. 4 times to move everything and that’s if I can find a place large enough that I can afford to live in that I can have all my rides in one place. Next is Wolf-Pup. Still good for the go, but a leaking main seal, no muffler, no parking brake, and really fuggled up windshield, I’d make it 20 miles in metro Utah traffic before I’d get cited or put out of service. Then there’s the General Jackson. And that’s the short list. Plus by government requirements, need to find a bean counter in metro Utah, to handle my funds. I’d rather be under Charlies roof locating that, rather than just dump him and be SOL. So in order, move the radio werx in February, then me in late April early May. Commute between the two either by the General Jackson or via The Lady.

One has to understand, of all the people I have known, been associated with, and have done business with. Charlie is not only my boss, on his clock, my bean counter, but Charlie is one of if not my best friend. In a year, albeit through hell and back, I’m a hellova lot better than I was in some ways, except for not having my own shop, but better off than I was in Burley. The club is beginning to heal, and don’t forget, DukesFest West/Hazzard Nationals end of next year.

I’ll be back online at around 21:00, but I’m going to eat, put my feet up, and get some shut eye.

Oh and yes I’ll get into the Nurse GoodBody going Jewish.

And if ya’ll really want to know a plus, Charlie hired this really hot fox to drive rollback for him. She’s a real hottie. I want to see where that could go as well.




Quote of the Day:
Light travels faster than sound so some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
--Joe Messmore
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Back on board on HazzardAyre


Back on board HazzardAyre. Seems like the last few weeks been bouncing all over the different news outlets of the club. But dig this every one of the entries were once a section or column in the Hazzard County Gazzette, that today we simply call HazzardAyre News.

Year was 1998 , I had stupidly moved back to the Tragic Valley becuzz the Montgomery Foundation had the slim shot at regaining the old homestead near Hazzard. I was drowning the dust off of the roof of my mouth at the Y, now Outlaws and Angels, and caught this little want ad paper, called Monkey Bizzness , printed out of Gooding by 3-0-3 Printing, for a sweet heart named Mickey. Mickey exchanged ad space for the club and my shop for articles. When the chance to buy Monkey Bizzness came around, I did, and changed it to our original printed paper the Hazzard County Gazzette and that’s the end of that story.

Made the connection for the new HQ for Confederate Steele Media the clubs, media werx, but am finding difficulty in moving me fully to Utah. The first thing that hinders that, I move, I loose Charlie. As it is, Charlie is my main bean counter and distributor. Which is why if someone wants money from me, it comes at the 1st, when the Marines pay me, the 5th when Social Security pays me, or the 20th when I split Dixie earnings with A1 earnings and pocket the difference. Now this month was none too good. First I spent way too much on a seatcover that I thought would be good eye candy and on air, person, but turned out to be a real vixen in denim. Bought her 4 packs of smokes, but she did have this radio board in her basement. I got a full featured console for $20.00 , my question is, is it hot? Gave the serial number to a cop pal of mine he’s checking. Once I know, finding a box big enough then sending it to Eli.

But that $20.00, plus the $116.00 I had to pay to Syringa, that I’m looking at not doing anymore, since the damn service is damn selective as to who can text me and who can’t, maybe its time for a new phone. So been on the lean side. To the point I’d kill for $5.00 right now nicotine withdrawl and all. Oh well Pay day Monday. Then I can get that wire that Eli needs me to get and Monday night we might just have a test fire of HazzardAyre Radio.

I’d do it today, but as soon as I get my car back from down in Hazzard, where a gal pal is using it, I’m headed to Layton. Sam’s brother Tim, bought the sand last night. No I’m not being disrespectful, but here was two people sharing I-80 west of Tooele, Tim had done a gig at a party at Skull Valley, was on his way home, one of our other members didn’t see him in his mirror, and caught Tim between his hind tires on his rig. Both Knytes, so its hard so I’m being smug, you can’t be mad at either one, shit happens, especially out there. Maybe the club needs to breathe life back into Teddy Bears there.

Any way what can you do.

Next time, Nurse GoodBody goes from Christian to Jew, maybe that’s the problem.


946734_10200757185752132_1261886901_n big bye

Quote of the Day:
If at first you don't succeed… make sure nobody finds out you tried!
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Who called it a Fish Taco the first time?


Calling a she wolf’s coochie a Fish Taco, is like calling a modern youths speech Pig Latin. First I do not think a pig from Mexico is going to squeal any different than that of a pig in Montana. More over a woman's crotch is not going to look or smell like a fish taco. The odor if it is indeed odor is stale urine smells, or one damn unclean coochie. But the question on the table is who called it a fish taco first? More over why? First if it looks like any kind of food it most looks like a dried up peach pit. or at least a discolored prune. Closed most looks like two buns waiting for the hot dog(I know it is) . But that’s the food images, so why call it and who called it a fish taco?

With that in mind I went patrolling the cyber highway looking at a few ratchet jaw sites like Google and Bing and all I got was a few images and what amounts to, as distant stares, from any other cyber highway exit that may contain a true origin point.

As with so things no Cyber road spot, gave any intel on the subject. While it may be connected to the concept that the slang term for the same region of the female anatomy, is pussy, and cats and cats love fish, that may account for the terms origin, outside of that why? I even asked Britt, why, she said it smelled like rotten fish. Okay rotten fish, but where did taco come from? A taco has lettuce and tomato in it. Now on the food side, Fish Taco’s are pretty tasty. With the right dressing, and extras they are down right delicious. I know guys so are the bad smelling ones, but we digress. Where and who said the slang term Fish Taco first?

In closing , want to just say thanks to Britt, who in fact has agreed to be my finance officer/Payee, so off to a good start. On that and we’ll leave it there, if certain other conflicting situations were not in the mix, it would be so easy for me to just tell Britt, I’m hers and be done with it. but she has her guy, and her little one is purtty cool. So I at least have someone outside of Charlie with a clean record, to take of the Government funds, for me any way. If you don’t think this will be a shot heard around the town and region I got news for you.

Big day yesterday, got church this morning then church tonight, going to see if I can take Britt and her little one to Sunday night services. Might could open an eye or two, don’t ya’ll think?

More L8R

aHazzardAyre Short hedderCLUB M,E


Quote of the Day:
A court is a place where what was confused before becomes more unsettled than ever.
--Henry Waldorf Francis
Isaiah 1:16-17“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Here’s the strange on strange Tweaker Flatts


25 days and counting. The clock ticks. Papa Wolf used to tell me, time waits on no one. All too many new hires always start getting into the when do we get paid stuff. My answer is only, I can only pay you for billable hours, and I don’t plan on doing the taxi cab thing, I’m not going to chase you down, and I damn well am not going to beg. My view no matter who it is right now, is simple, on the 25th my ass will be damn near out of here. On the first I’ll be here long enough to get checks out, clean the house, give back Charlie his key, turn the power back into his name and I’m out of here,. Then there’s Penny over here at the gas station. Smart as a whip. Not always so innocent words either, She sounds like a sailor, and its natural . She’s looking to coming on board the local branch of HazzardAyre. There are a few more looking, now that the word is rolling around that I have thrown up my hands and am just simmering ready to get my butt out of here as of the first. I don’t even care if I have to go to Ogden, and sleep into the new office should I miss the 15th deadline for submitting money to my new landlord. Thing is I’m outta here. I’ll pay Britt for the radio console, if she’s here to work she’ll get a pay check on the 3rd, If not she’ll get a fair price for the console, but by the 5th of February, there ain’t no more AyreWolf in Idaho, this old wolf will be done gone.

Now then am I stupid about why gals worry about their money working here? No, but then too , I’ve seen outfits with fancy offices and all but owe their souls to the local bank, too. The Knytes just have not seen fit to spend money on a place, and one of the new hires screwed the pooch on the one place we were looking at so now got to go smoke one out, that’s affordable. But either way I’m out of here come the 5th of February if not slightly before.

Britt texts me wondering how much her check is going to be at the end of the month. That depends Britt, how many hours are you going to be here? How much time you going to put in, in training? How many hours on air are you going to be here? If you’re here a good set of hours you get good pay, no hours or few, not so much money. Its that simple.

Like her house rent, If she’s our Financial operations person and all here, club pays rent. She don’t show or be here to get that done. Its her loss. I am no longer sweating it anymore. These young split tails want club money, be here to work and do the deets. If not, don’t come crabbing that you have little money. I’m not chasing people down, I’m not going like I said earlier, I’m not going to beg. I’m in the I flat don’t give a rats ass anymore. If you want to be part of HazzardAyre and want it to grow, then you’re here. if not, then don’t be boobing that you ain’t got money in your britches.

Taking it easy tonight since Britt didn’t show. More on that after I process my sugar from my trip to McDonalds.

L8R Ya’ll

big byehazzardayre business card

Quote of the Day:
Light travels faster than sound so some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
--Joe Messmore
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

The difference between two days


Ah the difference between two days. Yesterday I was all big bang on operations here and going to Utah. Yet today it’s a bit cold between Britt and the weather. Seems, getting in touch with Britt is a bit distant. So maybe my first idea of putting her in charge of operational funding, including administration of my personal funds for a short term might need to be rethought. But no matter if its Britt or someone else I can trust to do that, the fact is it needs to be done. Having projects put on hold, just because Charlie’s other half wants to prove a point, or stonewalls due to her pride to say no it can’t be done is complete idiotic. The clubs ultimate web site, and of course streaming HazzardAyre on that site, is paramount. But should have been up three years ago. For some odd unknown reason the theory for many here is keep me subdued through limiting funds. Or keep a thumb on me so the club can’t grow in intensity, or aggressiveness . A serious wake up call to Charlie, by removing him as Operational funds manager, i/e Payee, just might be one helluva wake up call or a serious kick in his complacency. It’s not that I have anything against Charlie, I think he’d like to see me escalate and get away from SSI as well, but the wifey not so much.

One of many things, but this one ranks right up there, but being able to make a phone call for eye candy resources for gigs and all, rather than very speculative to put it mildly on CraigsList, to recruit from is the thing that drives the effort to Utah. The other factors of low cost office/studio space, shop space that is much better for the dollar. The chance to replant a media seed somewhere that’s more receptive to it, and where more club members are that can work projects instead of me killing myself, is also part of the move. Then there’s the thing of putting my own green in my hands. If there were Doctors of mental here I’d be thrilled. Get one that has no problem after say 3 to 6 months carving out a letter that says in his or her professional determination I’m glued together well enough to handle my own money, then I go to SSI, which has a BIG office in SLC, submit same, and then the check is in MY bank account, then I can deal out my own money. Nobody saying no. Of course for every 10 people in the Tragic Valley there is 100 in Metro Utah. You put an offer out of a $100.00 a month flat ad rate, with unlimited ad airings, for no extra charge, means $100.00 times 100 people. That’s $10,000.00 a month. Well that’s rent, operations and wages paid for. But the product needs built. For me it’s a path out of SSI and back into the work force. For Britt, Eve and others its money in their pants, or pantyhose for that matter. Now say Britt does go to being a commercial payee service person, that’s $10,000.00 a month, just for distributing pension and other funds to military vets and others who can’t do it themselves. Considering there is only one outside service doing that in Idaho, even half of Rebecca’s client load, at say 5,000 clients, multiplied by $20.00 a person, that’s $100,000.00 every month. Double that with Utah’ Idaho’ and Western Wyoming’s client base and we’re talking nearly a half a million bucks. That’s $100,000.00 or better every month in Britt’s panties and $200,000.00 in the clubs. Get the idea. It starts with the radio net, and the website. And spice makes the chili better to consume so-to-speak,. Why someone hasn’t put a pencil to paper and figured this out is beyond me, but then many haven’t seen this either. At least outside the need.

So why Britt? Because I see, someone young , but mature, and someone that has more than a great package but an engine to back up the great body and paint. I must trust her, after all I’m looking to handing over my very lifeline to her.

Okay then.

At 08:00 got a call from Nurse GoodBody, saying she needed to postpone coffee meeting due to some child health thing. Okay, so I had to get word to Britt, and all not to worry about it.  Is there some kind of jealousy or something with Nurse Goodbody ? Now that someone could easily stroll in and slip into the job, she deserted in 2010? Of course I’ll always be indebted to Erin for rescuing LexiBelle from captivity, but still, I threw the gig of payee to her years ago, she turned it down, said she needed to pray on it. Real reason, did not want to tarnish friendship by being the person that tells me no, or the club no. Something neither takes easily. There are times that’s needed. It’s bad that cousin Bud is chasing angels in the other dimension right now, and for 6 years prior to his health going bad, did this payee thing as part of being the trustee of the Montgomery Foundation. Cousin Bud, invested a heap amount of money, into an annuity, and while we’ll eventually get the majority of that $250,million back. Still no judge in their right mine is just going to give me total control of $125,million just because. There has to be a board of directors etc, in place. Which is what I’m trying to establish now through the club, that includes Britt.

Any way that’s the mid day report.

More L8R

PAPPYS SIG  aHazzardAyre Short hedder

Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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Overnight inspirations


Midnight inspirations is a thing us creative types get. We’ll be snoozing light and all of a sudden get a jolt of an idea. This jolt was one that wasn’t all that creative, but might just shake my pal Charlie out of his complacency. What if and its very speculative at this point, but what if Britt took over the payee duties that Charlie does now. Move LexiBelle for the short term over to Britt’s , maybe let her use the Subaru, until we get her a better car, and she still collects a paycheck from the club? When Charlie asks why, simply say, got tired of his old lady’s bitching about my operations. No more, no less. I still move to Utah, get things in gear, on time, then when Britt and her guy and crew is ready she moves down with me. By that time I could be doing my own money handling.

I hate doing that to Charlie, but if you look at the entire picture, what has been gained in me being transplanted from Burley to Twin Falls? Loss of two shops, loss of a solid place to live, loss of business for Dixie Towing, not A1 , but Dixie itself. Delays of building bikes and rods. The web site delay, radio station delay, the list goes on, for what? Saving $40.00? I lost over $150,000.00 .

Like I said ain’t done yet, but I’m going to put this to Britt later this morning.

That means she is my second in command, but yet can still make good money, and might could open a door of forming a firm in this area to handle specialty payee services. Considering from a conservative point of view, that the gal in Blackfoot, makes roughly $40.00 a month, from roughly 1,000 clients from all over the state. For what 3 weeks work, and $40,000.00 return, not bad. Now lets say we’d cut that back to $20.00 for Military and specialty clients, needing such services, that’s $20,000.00 a month for not a helluvalot of work. Any way have an 08:00 meeting so need to get back to rest, but what if?

Let you know in the PM.

L8R Ya’ll

PAPPYS SIG aHazzardAyre Short hedder

Quote of the Day:
If everybody was satisfied with himself, there would be no heroes.
--Mark Twain
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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Toew Trek.

HAZZARD AYRE WINGSPappys Journal, HazzardAyre

So it is 00:00 hours on an early Saturday morning. Toew truck put up, fueled for the next jockey and I’m home hammering away on a damn ass’d keyboard, while everybody else is getting laid. While the gal I have on board now as co producer, and op’s director of HazzardAyre, Britt is not one that I would do the real mating ritual with. She’s great looking drop dead lets get with it gorgeous. But she’s not the look that I want to wake up to everyday. Unlike many of my two , tow and 18 wheeled bros, I’m not one that is looking for quantity, I demand quality. I’d rather sleep alone than wake up to a drunk mistake. Ain’t going to happen. Hell if truth be known outside of two, the other near ends of a marital union, or just about caught was the result of way too much Jack Daniels. The fact that I’m in Idaho, or even moved to Wyoming in 2005 was the result of too much indecent consumption of barley pops.

Here’s what I do not consider proper, in a supposed to be free nation. Just like my southern fried kin folk, I too am being oppressed. The fact that someone else has control of funds that should be just my business, is ludicrous. 40% of the reason I’m moving to Ogden or at least Utah is to find a mental health Doctor, who can sign a tiny piece of paper telling DoD and SSI that even with the PTSD and all that I’m fully capable of handling  my own money. To stretch this out, having someone say I can’t have, this person or that person, over to my home, as long as its consenting people or mutually agreeable, should be my own business. If not don’t charge me Rent, I’ll just stay at the place , and be a slave. Why the heck not? Then there is the concern of the Latino community here. My next door neighbor, and my I always seem to land in places where these people live, but I have two busy bodies that just can’t help calling up Charlies wife anytime a gal of any way shows up at my place. Hell they even called Jenn up when I used to host Bible study here. For heck sake. Even if I were to meet someone, and it really would be a miracle, since my mateable Alpha SheWolf, would be a honey with the personality of Kountry star Gretchen Wilson, in a body combination of Kerri Russell, Daisy Duke and Selena Gomez. I’m not against the Latino community, I am against any body using that as a pass card, just to get what they want. Example, next door neighbor is a beaner. Parks right up near my 2nd window, will not even move back even the smallest amount so I can park my car. But getting back to my SheWolf, the question is, would it be sooo bad if ye old AyreWolf, met someone to share the rest of my earthly days with? Why should just about all those bitching be able to go out and bang monkeys all night and the old Wolf here doesn’t? The fact that the availability of possible candidates in metro Utah is another factor in moving there. If truth be known I got tight with more gals there than I ever have here. But even saying that, I only get lucky in other towns, is because I don’t have the nosey Nellies with their nose up my ass all the time. Sure sex is fun and all that, but at my age, just sex is like going to the latrine. You go in get rid of bodily fluids, wipe off, and leave with a flush. Needed release, but I’m looking for more I need companionship , love and a good lady friend that keeps my old mind and heart ticking. Today Britt did something that hasn’t happened in a year or so, she gave me a friendly hug. No sex or anything intended either way just a hug, and yet since that has not happened in so long my body and all did not know how to process the physical feelings. Don’t I deserve a lady of my own? No I’m not into internet date sites. You don’t get the real deal there. Sure many have got blessed that way, but I want someone that I have known for some time. The fact that Britt even if she was available is too young. While mentally at 35, her chronological age of 22, means, no memories of anything of my era. Thus no way to share similar interests, or finding common interests. How the hell would someone Britt's age know The Monkees, Laugh In, Room 222, Mod Squad. How many have seen movies like Love Story, or went to an Earth Wind And Fire concert? How many new age girls, remember what a typewriter is? Not a computer keyboard but a typewriter? Yet I sit alone on weekends, waiting for those weekend toew calls, watching old vcr tapes. Don’t get me wrong, I really love Charlie as a brother and tow bro, but, his wife is one thing, this tiny town even at 44,000 population knows what your doing from one end of it to the other. I’m tired of it. The door is open for relocation, and no matter Charlies barking, this old Wolf and the rest of my Wolf-Pack is outta here in about 25 days. New Payee, that might even be Britt.

Keep it between the ditches,

PAPPYS SIG   aHazzardAyre Short hedder

titlewolvez wyngs

Quote of the Day:
At the working man's house hunger looks in but dares not enter.
--Benjamin Franklin
Micah 6:8“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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