Friday, May 15, 2015

Here’s one that will stump Google search

Hazzard lyfe 101wolf with a blog

It must be said that having a sandwich will cure just about anything. Two pieces of Cheese ham Oscar Meyer style between two Wonder Bread slices of bread and a heaping amount of Mayonnaise will cure the hungers. Goes to show Oscar Meyer meats will last several months in the fridgideezer and not mold. Now dig this, today our complex manager and one of the so called corporate heads were here. Of course I complimented our complex manger so much that I was waiting for the violins and cellos to start playing. Of course this corporate head got into a discussion on church things, of whether God and Jesus are two separate entities or one. Of course I know there is a separation between the two, as I have seen all three of the God Head. But I kept trying to explain to this little guy from the Wentworth's mothership that all of what was in the bible was added onto by the Book Of Mormon. Yet I had trouble at that point navigating between the need to just visit with Janet, and making it look and seam that I was there on business. Yea I know Janet is all hitched up and all, however I can just about explore different subjects with her thinking from a woman’s point of view when I’m writing things to use on air or here in HazzardAyre.

So then came up here to the Eagle’s Nest, and sat in the control room here, and tried to get right the exact color of taupe colored nylon stockings, so decided to try to locate a way to make that color on my bitmap color tray. Know what, no matter how I tried I never could get that mixed just right. There must be a way to make taupe color>MPC00004631-2in my bitmap color tray, but ain’t quite yet figured it out. Someone ought to create a new computer game, stump Google search. Cuzz I got many of questions that can stump Google Search, like entering the term Pussy Pink ain’t there, enter the term vagina color not there. Reason I bring that up? Several years ago I went to a body and paint supply store in Pocatello, to match that color as I wanted to paint LexiBelle part that color. The only way we really matched that, and it took some doing, but the only way to match that exact color was to get a gal I knew to go over there, get aroused and show her vagina to the clerk there at the body and paint store so she could mix the exact color. Reason I’m going there? The new paint color of our trucks will be Taupe and Pussy pink, as we transition from Cooter’s A1 to Highway Hooker Toewing. Now then there is the subject of that Sunday Church handshake. It does not matter what denomination you go to there’s always some church person, mostly male there to shake your hands, I always wonder what goes through his mind, does he secretly think, (“ howdy there fellow congregation member let me shake your hand, even though I just came out of the restroom after holding my shaft, or wiping my ass”) No wonder one of my XYL’s(Ex-Young Ladies”) had a mini bottle of germinator in one hand and a sterile cloth in the other.

Need to get that back on air, but thought I’d pass that along to you. Call in if you want to be on tonight’s edition of SAMCRO RADIO heard online at .


wynged sig 2hcc sig

Quote of the Day:
While the price of freedom and security is high, it is never too high!
--George W. Bush
(I bet he never complains about taxes)
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

my good bye

Where the Wolf began

HAZZARDAYRE LOGO4wolf with a blog mini cover

The Wolf thing that is just me all the way through started pretty much as a child. Raised up with a Step Brother in Vietnam and being nearly the sole son of only three in the family, I was an outcast to most kids my age, I was mostly comfortable around the adults that frequented our home. Dad had the USAF and USMC people over, as well as those who supported the Montgomery Foundation plus the formation of the Flying J empire, I just hung with adults. I learned. Had more support with those in the bad kids than I ever had with the, LDS goodie two shoes back stabbing snot flowing youth of our neighborhood. I was in view Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory fame, only I wore a leather jacket, rode a stretched fork bike, and eventually a Suzuki MT50J Trailhopper to school. A youth with much intelligence that got bored quickly with peers and normal schooling. Some called me gifted, I called it outer limit intelligence having to be with Tehran education institutions. The opening of my love of broadcasting started when I turned 7. Won this chance to be on the Fireman Frank Show on then KCPX CH 4, in Salt Lake City on Social Hall Avenue. In that studio was the great KCPX AM 1320 with such legendary radio people as Skinny Johnny Mitchel, Lynn Leman and others. So I went to the taping of the Fireman Frank Show. In between takes, I started wandering around. Found the main studio of KCPX radio, Wooly Waldron, said you think you can do this? I said I could. He let me do a newscast. I was good, in short from age 7 to the year we moved to Idaho, I was a 7 year old kid on the radio overnights weekends on KCPX. It wasn’t until age 13 that through many channels I got to go to the NAB show. One of radios ultimate ratical personalities was there. Robert Smith, who many of you know as WolfMan Jack. We got to talking somehow during a lunch break, and I went that summer to Hollywood to a understudy program WolfMan put on. The Wolf byte had bitten. Since my style of radio from 1974 to 1984 was bent on trucking and over the road radio, but never found a suitable on air handle. In 1998 I got a job at Deseret Transportation, changing tires, on the LDS Church’s big trucks. My supervisor, pegged it down quite firmly, I was he said the wolf in amongst the sheep. So the Rode Wolf handle was created, complete with my trademark done by myself wolf howl. it wasn’t until 2001, when I got back into flying and being organizing President of what is now the AyreWolvez, I said I’ll just R&R(Remove and Replace) Rode for Ayre, and AyreWolf became the on radio handle ever since. That’s how that happened.

Our SOA story next entry.


wynged sig 2 AYRETYMEZ

Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

More of the Stinky Truth

knytes scrollStinky Chat

So caught Zeb Bell’s blog post today in my email, and the topic was doing what you said you are going to do and sealing that with a handshake. Now all ya’ll confederate rebels know that nothing is done without a spit and hand shake.  If its just a handshake, without the spit , its not to be counted on.

Zeb is a great friend, I have known him since we both worked over at the traditional original KART AM 1400 Jerome, along with Phil Gray and several others including over at the then KMTW that had as a partner, Doug Maughn of CSI now days. So Zeb’s piece was honoring you verbal as well and over any written agreements. I can remember several that good old Zeb did not honor with regard in building a counter station in the Mini Cassia area that we started in 2006. More over going behind our back and hammering good old Kim Lee on our proposed buy out of KBAR, which was why we sold our call letters of KTOW to a rat out of Colorado for. The $300k was put to rebuilding of our flagship station in Buhl with, but that kind of friendship is more along the lines of being a frenemy rather than a friend and collaborator. The other half of that tragedy was the fact we planned on bringing in then a bit more of a spicier blend of radio than what had been in the Mini Cassia area . Together the sale went sour, the only ones with egg on their face was us. Then comes the comment he made in his blog post of something along the lines of shooting magpies. I say a M15 fully automatic would be a better choice than a 22, as you could hit the bastards with multiple shots, of course there is another subject. How about the damn seagulls. Okay fine by legend them servants of Brigham Young came and ate the grasshoppers, not crickets on the deserts of Utah to save the Mormon pioneers crops. However these damn birds are everywhere. If Utah wants to keep them as a state bird, somehow confine em to the great Salt Lake, and Utah, but let me shoot the dive bombers and parking lot straffers here in Evanston or my soon to be new home of me Burley. Can I just blast these sea going avian pests out of the sky? Magpies or Seagulls both are avian pests. Either way 30 cal shells and a gun that can , eliminates the pests. Legal or not.

Then there is this bit of honoring Confederate America. I remember during the initial discussion of buying KBAR in 2011, just before we got our own license, I called in on the phone with good old Zeb, as it was then the 150th anniversary of the signing of the agreement at Appomattox. Of course there was this guy who was teaching the union version of the history of the war of northern invasion(Civil-War), so I suggested on Zeb’s show, about allowing me and or one of our rebel brothers to go into the schools and teach the South's version.Guess what the discussion was as short as a few skirts I used to see at Qwest offices in the mid 1980’s. The conversation went direct to the Dukes-of-Hazzard, reasons and meanings of our rebel flag and so on. In essence we are not going to talk about the opposing truth of the subject. What happened Zeb’s show just lost 1,000 listeners, ad dollars and the support of the Knytes, more over he was shown as much of a defector as Georgy of FoX News yapping about Hilary Clinton. Want to hear more, tune in on Sunday nights into Monday morning very early from 23:00(11:00PM) to 04:00(4:00AM) on where we speak the truth and honor those who have opposing views. BTW, the reason we are on at that time is that’s when the AllWest pipeline has more capacity. More on That Monday see ya’ll Sunday night on the radio.

In closing, Zeb old friend if your going to write it, tell the truth or shut up.

Stay Tuned


Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
my good bye

Just like bad ladies underwear the sneak up and attack web marketers


So yesterday on my part day off, I was surfing the cyber highway, and tapped on this thing on LinkedIn about a pro business directory. I thought it was something else, so during my lunch today I get this call from New York City from some outfit wanting more 411 on HazzardAyre, and of course this old Wolf here. So I gave her the 411, but then she started cruising down this side road, mentioning that we have a platinum plan and a gold plan, I knew that somewhere this was going to be one of those things that was going to cost money, along the lines of $1,000.00 . It’s like what my XYL Janice came up with years ago about her everyday panties, she said they were like Apache’s they sneak up and attack. Why not just come out and tell it straight? Just say , saw you were interested in our listing, and here’s what its going to cost and give you the prosumer the chance to opt in or opt out. That way you can be aware that this is going to cost money. The webmarketer went on about how this listing included direct links to some of the top people in our industry some 500,000 strong etc , etc. But for $1,000.00 I better get more than a listing. watch and see if they don’t try again, I also knew this smelled bad when I explained that for me to spend that kind of money I needed to consult my other half, the price went down to $288.00 really? Naw that’s deceptive advertising and not something I want to participate in. I have been doing marketing for some 43 years, and no where on our radio network, nor our upcoming TV project will I allow products or services on our network that is not v100% real or true. If we find that the claims are not accurate that advertiser is gone and banned from our website, as well as on the radio network, no matter how much money they spend or promise to spend. Maybe that’s why we have been on the air and on our own network combined since 1970.

Okay then, as I figured and its real to the quick, apparently Mark, was not in tune or on the right frequency for our broadcasting plans here in ETown, so its still the ball is in play, but I’m looking at a different ball park, Burley, via Malta, via Wendover then back to Woodruff here. I ain’t going to chase tail. Just ain’t going to happen, hell even Twin Falls and Burley at least has the big box stores etc to at least give us a fighting chance. One more month and the Wolf-Pack including myself is outta here, tired of playing this game.

I will say though, even with Nate and a few others jawing that towing in ETown here is a lost cause, have gotten 5 calls so far by listing us on Yelp, there might be something to this. More at 11:00PM on my radio show. Had to scrub this morning, as I came down with stomach poisoning , ate something bad from Wally’s Burgers here in ETown, so about the time I was to go on air I was so damn sick, I stayed on the crapper, slept against the wall and found my bed at 10:00 hours and barely got awake at 14:30. So if my insides hold together , I’ll be on Livestream at 23:00.

See you on the radio

Stay Tuned


Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Stinky Truth Part duex


As I get ready to turn things off and gather more shut eye, to be able to awaken ya’ll at 07:00 hours, a rant about things stinky toews would not be complete unless I related this tale, because so few women that I have ever worked with in my radio career of some 43 years, has ever been as sweet and accommodating and truly helpful as she was. BTW we still keep in touch, and Stinky truth be known had I received the signals right that could have been much more personal than it was. But any mile. Thing is when she first enquired for the opening of the Gooding Idaho station that eventually moved to Buhl, when I said her toes and feet would be a focal point of the first rip and read interview, her only question was pantyhose or stockings, like I knew there was a difference. There were no 80 questions of why and what for, just my flavor and she was there in about two hours. Now I had worked with many on this point, one was a gal named Robin Whittaker from Minidoka Idaho. She did good work in a very closed in just bigger than a broom closet studio in the back of the original Dixie Diesel Shop of Rupert Idaho. Yes her feet and toes became a very focal point, again signals were there , just being an old confederate kountry rebel male corpuscle I did not know these signals. So any whoo Erinme and Ellie May shows up in some very leather knee high boots. My mind was saying my are these going to smell bad, I’ve ran into that on a few shoots since and before then, where hygiene was not a factor to them, I’ll tell you more about that on the AM side of HazzardAyre in the morning. So Erin comes, in, takes off the boots and allows me to get comfortable with her feet and toes. Nothing kissy yet just getting comfortable. Now Erin who we called Miss Nurse GoodBody, as she was a LPN at the time, studying to be a mental health worker now she does PSR duties for Alliance Inc. Out of Twin Falls Idaho. So she comes in and we melded together better than a Vulcan Mind meld. I mean she’d finish my sentences, she’d do a lot of home work before the shows that we did overnight, in snow blinding weather she’d drive nearly 28 miles one way just to be there. She made it where the desire was more subdued, as after a few months of kissing feet and toes, I wasn’t in need so much. Even her Aussie hubby a local preacher no less liked me, her kids liked me, there was something other than my nose on her toes in hose afoot. But I was too damn stupid, to notice, should have hung in there closer. Then there was that one night which made Erin so much of an important person in my life. As you know the club pays the pay check of none member employees, I don’t, but one night after LexiBelle got serviced was a bill for some $800.00 . Erin saw that I was really up against the wall on it, and out of her personal savings, wrote me a check for $800.00 to bail LexiBellelexi in green miniout of bondage. Some day I’ll relate to you how important and why that truck is so dear. Any flyte, she bailed out LexiBelle. The net result is this, no woman co anchor/producer of the radio media gig, no other woman has meant or means more to me than Erin does. That’s one of many but the main reason I live in Wyoming and not Idaho, so to stay out of her new marriage, and all. That’s going to change in a few months as I’m looking very hard at going back to the Mini Cassia area of Idaho. Why bring LexiBelle here to Wyoming when I can just move back where LexiBelle is, and increase my monthly income, not the clubs , mine. But the radio station project needs to be completed here in Evanston, as well as the project in Tooele Utah. But Subaru or what ever I find, and a spot of go fluid, and I can commute, from Burley to anywhere Utah, as well as here in Evanston, and just hire station managers for both here in Evanston as well as Tooele Utah. Want to sniffspeak nothingthat out, log onto and look under jobs. There’s been others that I have worked with on the concept of I LUV TOEWS , and all but fewer still that if any that can match Erin, our Miss Nurse GoodBody, and if you want to know the origin of that, remember Miss Nurse Goodbody from HeeHaw?NURSE GOODBODY now gander again at Erin,erinsee the familiarity?

More on the air starting at 07:00 you can catch the archived version at .



Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Ecclesiastes 11:5“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Thursday, May 14, 2015



Years ago when AyreWolfFM and Dixie Diesel the predecessor of HazzardAyre was just a freshling, the thought doing a sex talk show got right on our front HUD, and became a target of our radar. So after looking into the many voicetrack offerings I stumbled on one from Ottawa Canada, called Sex With Sue. Now Sex with Sue is a 60 second tid bit of serious sex advice, of course Sue also does a call in show. After arrangements were made and btw, we are still the exclusive radio network in the US, carrying her show. I suggested she do something quite racy, after she actually answered the on going question of why of all the parts of a human female that I find desirable is her nyloned toes and feet, Sue did what I requested. She got a pair of stockings, panty hose and some very hot pink tights, wore them very well, containing her smells and all, put them in a big envelope along with her weekly show on cd, a few pics and her New York Times best seller book , Quivering Jello and mailed them via snail mail. I must say, when I dug these out of my station mail box and unwrapped the envelope, I knew that Sue was the kind of host you could depend on. She did as requested, and those hose samples were the talk of the station for years to come, one pair got snitched by some gal in Gooding, Idaho. The panty part of the PantyHose she sent became my steering wheel cover, that way I felt I was gripping her hips everyday in ye old LexiBelle, but it wasn’t just the hose, it was somebody who cared about her stations that aired her shows. From this I always tell most of those wanting to be an in studio on air anchor or co-anchor to send me or wear and donate her fully stenched hose to the studio. Why? I saw this at a bikers bar in Idaho , Bliss Idaho btw, that is called Angels and Outlaws. In there, every hot female that enters thereupon, donates some piece of underwear, bra, panties or nylons, fully soiled where they are displayed on the ceiling and other places where things can be vertically hung. Since we became and still are the only radio show for those that tow, we thought combine the words toe and tow into one word something one of my interns thought of, Emme who became our in studio sex therapist . From that toe kissing and the rest became the normal, in the station and on remotes. I first got into this in 1978, when I saw a yellow page ad, that said the Star Garage does not want your arms or legs just your tows. Of course the introductory of all things Hazzard County and the ultimate set of legs in America at the time, Daisy daisysweet DaisyDuke. The reason she wore nylons was censorship from CBS, as just her bare legs were seen as far too racy for primetime domestic TV. So we followed suit, after all a company called Cooter’s Toewing COOTERS JACKET ART 1as well as the shop becoming the original true to life version of the on screen shop of crazy Cooter, The Hazzard County Garage,HCG BILLBOARD sniffing Stink toes in nylon hose became a testing feature that I still use today, for new hire women anchors. Reason? If a gal is rebel enough to come into the studio, and/or office for an interview if during that interview without 80 questions and urging, if she just unwraps her nyloned feet and sezz here’s my smelly toes in hose, I know just about any other request and assignment will not be out of the normal to her. Plus her just wearing nylons to the interview, means she knows how to follow instructions and that means she can follow stage and other on camera directions. In closing for the night, if a business associate, or someone attempting to get the clubs cash , sends me in the snail mail, her stinky hose, that means she really wants our business and she will be there if we need her.

Last here and I’ll follow up on this in the AM, but this coming Wednesday, is the last LIVE episode of LateNight with David Letterman on CBS. Two things come up here, first what will CBS replace or who will CBS replace him with? And two, there goes the last long running late night TV show with the original host. Late night TV has just gotten worse, of course I wasn’t much of a fan, but the few times I did watch, was when Katy Perry was on there, who by the way ALWAYS wears nylons on her legs on TV. As well as in her videos. Here’s the finish line , got the pic from our CenturyLink rep in Lost Wages, by cell phone, just wished she’d have sent it in my email, so I could really see it, and two if she wants to get my attention, send a pic of her toes in nylon hose, more over send me via snail mail fully soiled nylons she wore. Still didn’t hear from Mark today, don’t quite understand why, but hey just another example of the I don’t care Etown, attitude.


STINKY TRUTH2wynged sig 2

Quote of the Day:
I got a new keyboard!
Psalm 139:13-14“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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The High Council makes the decisions I just take and carry out orders


the Knytes sends you greetings. Call this one a lesson as Knytes 101.

In all my capacities of the club, I am only an executive soldier. In essence I can make suggestions, and at times execute those ideas, but in the end it’s the club’s High Council and top Alphas that make the major decisions. Some may say that’s more like a dictatorship rather than a democracy. Its not exact as my duties I perform, for the love and kinship of the club’s members whether on two wheels, four wheels, 6 or 18 wheels as well as those in the air . There’s no one in the club, including the Alphas that gets a single penny for doing what we do, as we do it for all of man and yes woman kind. Its not for praise or acknowledgement that we do what we do as a group, its that we all as a group fight the system, because quite frankly the system is broken. We do not adhere to a single political party , as both Democrats and Republicans are equally corrupt. We lean more to a middle of the spectrum, and yield to the United Confederate States of America, and the UCSA Party. Some say this is only good in the deep south, thing is a modern day confederate rebel is from all areas of the union, and from all creeds, colors, and ethnicity. We all share the love of trick- fast bikes, fast trucks, fast food, military aviation and aircraft, and of course fast , able and willing hot women. Past that we are individuals. With great power comes even greater responsibility. That means doing the thing with all T’s crossed and all I’s dotted. That also means that every decision is made by a majority vote, and that majority usually depends on the seal of approval of the Knytes High Council, and Honor Guard ihg 90% of our membership is either currently serving or previous serving members of either the Navy or Marine aviation units, or descendants thereof.Currently 80% of the executive High Council is currently deployed around the backside of this third rock from the solar sun. High Council meetings are held via computer teleconference with only those of those not deployed, in Knyte houses across the Union.

When it comes to spending club funds, I can make suggestions and give input, but the decisions are made by the Alphas, and I carry out the orders. Sometimes not too tastefully, and not always in agreement, but I still carry out the orders.

Been awake since 03:00 so I’m tyred, and heading back to bed, until 23:00 today, as I usually take Thursdays to kick back, watch TV, and turn off my brain, only going out to eat, buy SKOAL, and maybe a brew or two. Past that I stay in my bungalow and stay private. Didn’t need to years ago, but age and frustration with human kind, makes it where I need to give my cranium some release and to let off steam.

More L8R


AKNYTEHEAD2knytes sig

my final

Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
Psalm 139:13-14“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
my good bye