Friday, June 5, 2015

No I don't know Everything, nor do I say I do

Again to the hecklers that seem to just thrive giving me jive about the wrong that I at times do on and about HazzardAyre Radio. The real come back is that I say to anyone that says can't you make that better? I would if I could. One must understand I have mucho money coming out of my pocket each month. I have to bust my ass more and more everyday just to keep my head above water. Yes thanks Obama. The club supports the station normally, except for one thing, after three shots they pretty much have said, hey once you prove its worth again, we'll be back in. So I have to pay for 80% of the ops for HazzardAyre. Sure I'd like to go on a buying spree for HazzardAyre, but what I have will do for now. See I do business like my Dad and Mom did. Oh sure towards the end of their lives they had credit cards, but only for expenses while Dad was rolling these Interstates hauling cattle. Before that, Dad would build what he needed on that 300 acre farm, that was subjectively taken away from me in 1984. Then once again, in 1999 by my cousin Bud. See my cousin Bud although at the last mile of the Foundation's life, Bud invested in a gig with my Cousin Gordon, to create AyreWolf Aviation. But even before Cousin Bud had to buy an annuity rather than when I wanted to buy a $100,000 home/shop/toew service in Price Utah in 1998. No we couldn't do that, but we could spend money on a long term payout rather than buying me something that could sustain life.
Now then there's this DickHead(Beaver Dick) on my radio web site, through Livestream. He criticizes me for my old tow equipment, the lack of investment in the station, and all of that. Instead of criticize, he and many should cheer. Why? Simple, I'm one for gaining financial altitude, so I can get off the SSI, church assistance, EBT card train. I want to be making my own money. I don't want to keep sucking off the hind teat of the government etc. But until I can get there, I have to rely on such helping sources. But I don't want to be a bum. If more did this, then others and this nation, would have better productivity, employment increases and tax revenue increases. And our city, county, state, and USA governments could invest more in infrastructure. No all I get is people who will not help, find fault and just complain because their lives are so messed up. Like I said, if your not part of the solution, your the problem, lead follow or get the fuck out of my and the Knyte's way. It's not that I completely say no guys in studio, but only one has jumped in, and he left on his own, as he was not of the biker/trucker/aviator, gearhead community. So Beaver Dick, become part or just shut the fuck up.
I don't know everything on radio. Some engineering things escape me, simple things, like uploading to YouTube I don't know. I can't make a pancake to save my hunger, I can't make much eating wise myself unless it has heat in microwave, on the label, I can't speak well with ladies, and there is much more. But I don't allow my limitations, limit my enthusiasm, nor am I willing to just stay home , collecting Government money watch TV and not do anything. I take risks in hopes I can land on something to put money in my pocket. And underwear thats so holy they need to be recycled and buy new. Let alone, go to NAB, Go to the California Tow Show, just build scoots, and toew. Sure LexiBelle is  37 years old, but there's a newer rollback that I'm eyeing, and once Nate fixes that it'll be mine. I have a Navistar 4400 with a Holmes 600R on order, and that's the short form. I'm busting my ass for community and the club and/or both. So hecklers do all the bytching ya'll want, I keep working and you get drunk with your welfare money.
I'd rather work for mine.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


We are replacing gear and doing pre recorded show production, overnight here at the Wolf's Den but will return at 06:00 Hours Friday.

Just what did the Dukes of Hazzard give us and what did we learn from that series

When people ask me why I still cling to the Dukes and all of Hazzard County, since there has never been much if anything money wise donated by the show to the Knytes and/or me, dig this; name any, and I mean ANY TV show's cast showing up to ones moms death in the middle of Idaho? The Dukes cast did for me, but it goes much deeper than that. Every fiber in my soul cries Hazzard County, the adventures were what I and my pals in the Knytes lived every day, and in much the same way I still do today. Everything I do every day is to enhance what the producers envisioned of that series. Before the Dukes, many northern Yankees had little if any interest in NASCAR. Oh sure CBS ran the major races, but the popularity of NASCAR today can be attributed to what we saw when the old General took to major race tracks, that Bo & Luke Duke's biggest dream was to be NASCAR fans. Think of Burt Renyolds and Gomer Pyle as Bo & Luke Duke, Burt (The Bandit) being Bo, and Gomer being Luke. Stroker Ace was a show brought to light through the mind of Hal Needham, who also produced the movie Smokey and The Bandit. You saw a full ego race driver and a Crew chief in Gomer and in many cases Luke, although good old Crazy Cooter that I emulate today in real life as I do what Cooter did on TV. Of course, Kountry living is something the Dukes gave us, plus in the Hollywood scene opened doors for then just budding stars, the list is way too long. Did you know that WWII Ace pilot Greg Boyington, also appeared on the Dukes? Did you know Boss Hogg appeared on Black Sheep Squadron? Did you know that Lt. Commander 1st officer Star Trek Next Generation star, was one of the lovers of Daisy Duke on two episodes of the Dukes? Riker was Boss Hogg's nephew, when they was making counterfeit cash on that series, I put my two suggestions in and were adopted. There was the creation of something called the Hazzard County Syndicate, and its base was called the Grits Connection. I was introduced to the Dukes, long before I got my General Lee. My 5th Cousin in real life Richie Montgomery, who played the radio jock at WHOGG AM 1090 Hazzard County's main radio station, came up to Idaho from California and wanted some tips on being a radio jock. Equipment people also inspected the gear I had, and duplicated much of it, on set. Hazzard County runs deep inside of me, but I wished that the producers namely Gy, would've dug deeper into Hazzard rather than so much Dukes. Which is something we are doing in creating our series Hazzard County CSA. Going into more of Hazzard County rather than so much Dukes, no disrespect to either , and for those that say NOBODY liked the other Duke Cousins, I did and so did many others. Imagine if you will a series that brought the idea out of other actors in as Coy and Vance Duke and took Hazzard County into new directions with different actors playing the other Duke Cousins? Bring in the other hot rod of Hazzard County, either double 0 or Lee's right hand man General Jackson. Remember the only southern General honored besides name of the Charger was StoneWall Jackson. Remember the episode that had Bo & Luke bring back the sword of Stonwall, for General Jackson Day? They never had a General Robert E Lee Day. If truth be known the General should have been named Traveler, which was Gen' Lee's horse' name. BTW, it was named that in the original  pilot movie MoonRunners. Oh and Cooter was a part of the Sydicate, not the good guy mechanic that Cooter became in the Dukes. 
We also took from that series, kindness, that its not bad to love Jesus Christ, that its not wrong to fight for a cause, that loving your fellow person no matter their age or color or creed that all were equal. This message was driven home every Friday at 7:00PM Mountain Standard Time. While Ben, Alma , Tracey and every body else is busy making or trying to use the series to make a living, The Knytes-of-Anarchy is busy keeping alive and honoring the legacy of a creation, that the critics said would never make it past the first commercial. Who's laughing now. Last, imagine a movie that took the best of what the Dukes was, the best of what Son's of Anarchy still is, even now a long gone series, combined those two ideas and you'd have one killer TV pilot. We call it the Hazzard County Knytes(aka Knytes-of-Anarchy). 
That's what The Dukes-of-Hazzard gave us, and why the Knytes still work to preserve.

Add Evanston Wyoming to the top of my list of the least best places to start a business

Add Evanston Wyoming to the top of the list of my fave places to grow or create a business. For no place can and most likely will kill any dream, you may have of carving out your own stone of life. Hey even employers had to start somewhere. From nobody being willing to risk a visit to the Wolf's Den to work the radio station, such as it is, to some asshole doing up a car show here, getting a bur under his ass, or his head up it, when the Knytes being willing to pass out flyers or doing an ad on our radio station that we offered free. So in the not so exact order, but on the list, it goes like this;
1: Evanston Wyoming
2: Pocatello Idaho
3: Rigby Idaho,
4: Glenn's Ferry Idaho
5: Ogden Utah
6: Bountiful Utah
Common denominator? Too much LDS, addicts.
No I didn't mis-spell I said too much LDS in these communities. Piss off the church don't do business tomarrow. If its not church supported or taboo to doctrine, guess what ? Repack the truck. 
I have a goal though. No not go back to Idaho. Just stay here long enough to get my rides in excellent road trip condition, and move my sorry ass to Georgia, Arkansas , or deep south. Nothing hold me here any more.
I've got a 5 year lease on the new shop, take half of that rebuild the rigs, and go where things southern are not so much of a strange idea, as they are there anyway.
Rolling out HCC in full throttle color just in time for Sturgis, add to that, looks like Evanston next year will be the home of DukesFest West.
Yep add Evanston to the top of the list as my worst place to grow a dream or business.
Too, the best place to suck out your air and cash.

Due to illness HazzardAyre/Samcro Radio will not air overnight

Due to illness, mainly me with a fever, HazzardAyre/SAMCRO RADIO will not air overnight but will be on at 13:00 Thursday afternoon.
On the subject of the Hazzard County Nationals reported on here earlier, I mis-spoke by saying that we would stage the show on October 28th -31st 2015. I should have said the correct dates , and included the year as 2016. We are to meet with the FairBoard Uinta County Wyoming Thursday on the matter. We regret any misunderstanding this error may have caused. However the Hazzard County Nationals for 2015 will transpire at the Hazzard City Park, Hazzard Idaho on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

the Unemployment State Benefits job searches

The Unemployment, State aid job searches. If your in any kind of business, you know the story. Someone calls says they are interested in your open staff spot, so you invite them in, interview them taking up at least two hours of your time, then when it comes time they are supposed to be at work, guess what? They are not interested. At first you think , hey its my fault , what did I say to piee em off? It wasn't you. The reality is simple, there is a requirement in some states that says those on state aid, housing assistance etc, need and should be looking for work. Yes get a damn job. If they don't show that they have been to enough places for an interview, or applied enough in enough places, they get their benefits reduced or even cut off. I have discovered through some of my friends that this is what's indeed going on with many of the proposed new hires. None of them were truly interested, but our gig was a good cover to go interview to retain state aid. 
My thoughts is, that once they apply, they must certify that they have been at least be given a medium term training period, so they at least gain a skill, or their benefits get cut off. Kind of like the LDS Church does at the sort center in SLC, or the truck shop of the LDS' fleet. 
As long as state and Federal agencies allow unwed mothers, to go about life without a care using state financial resources, to nurse of that State hind teat, without at least showing they are doing something to get off the public food/housing roles such as what I'm doing, then they should be cut off.
Now to close, HazzardAyre Radio will air at 02:00 instead of 23:00 tonight. As I have another gig to do.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Just Because they do it in California don't mean they do that in Wyoming

Just because they do some things in California does not mean they or its done in Wyoming, even Idaho and Utah have their limits. Its not just because of the religious conitations its that these people believe in doing beauty at the limits of  county fair royalty contests, Miss such-n-such town pageants, and if your really lucky, Miss Wyoming.
However past that, things like having walk on's, stand in's, extras in a made here film, or something. Forget anything that might partly show a belly button, or things like a Betty Grable flapper skirt (roaring 20's) as in a pinup or poster girl, and short of being tarred and feathered, your not going to get anywhere, even if you do dredge up some town hussey. Nope don't try that here. Don't do things like trying to get hot babes on the radio or TV, nope none of that. As long as these gals here are going home with their Gorilla sized hubbies, feeding him, massaging that tree sized stick, and interbreeding, all is right with the world. Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and some places Idaho(Except for Hazzard) are the same way. Remember fellow cyber tourists, this is not Hollywood, Atlanta, Nashville or Miami. What can be done there is done there, elsewhere its too damn tabooo to do. So rather than being seen as different, they don't want to be ostrasized so guess what?They don't do it. Let's face it, nobody in the Knytes would ever think of the idea of the club hiring someone from the GAY community, but we did for both a PA and on air. The gal I thought was a shoe in never showed, and as usual ignoring phone calls. But if that's the way some want to be, fine. Let em sweat their rumpus's out in the hot sun with a shovel. I'm not going to beg, my time here is finite. In words of the Las Vegas community, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Here what can be done elsewhere best stay elsewhere.
Decided to take off tonight, see ya'll on the cyber radio at 06:00.