Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Same junk Different Day

hazzardayre poster boardcolonels journal

But there’s a reason that my Heavenly Father guided me rather abruptly to this location for the office/studio. Certainly he knew that my days

On Sullivan Road in Ogden were numbered, and that a change was coming.

I get many inquiries from people wanting to be my next roommate . Thing is after the last one, I’m not in a big rush to get one. The last two got my finances so messed up , that I had to get help from our Bishop, of the ward in Sullivan hollow to cover rent and domestic bills, while I pay to retain the office, studio and keep HazzardAyre on the air.

I have bad mouthed the Padre a bit here, but one couldn’t ask for a better Bishop. Sure, my time management has not allowed me to do all I need to do to fulfill the requirements of asking for Church aid, and or asking again. If I could just get some stabilization here, doing duty at the Storehouse etc would not be a problem, but I’m battling forces to survive. More over trying to get someone preferably female recruited, trained , hired and on air. Especially if I end up having to do a relocate of myself back to Idaho. Which is more likely than not.

The ability of not being able to shower, and smelling, much less some of the usual comforts one takes for granted is the real push in getting a person plugged in here at the station.

The obvious question comes , if you can’t afford your house rent how can you pay wages for a new hire radio person. The club pays the wages, I don’t , I struggle just like everyone else does.

So maybe the Bishop will help one final time, maybe not, let you all know this weekend.

Likewise if one that I’m partly counting on that is coming in this eve at 18:00(6:00PM) for an interview.


HK WYNGZ 2wynged sig

Quote of the Day:
Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence.
--Hans Christian Andersen
Psalm 63:1“[Psalm 63] A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
Wolfs Lair Tail

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Some things you just got to do yourself


Some things one has just got to do for ones self. Just caught a email from ye ole Bishop from the Ward in Ogden.

He was ratchet jawing about something to do with worshiping and all on Sunday. Supposedly there was two of the Ward that stopped by yesterday, trouble is, I was still in Idaho. I didn’t get to Ogden until 19:00(7:00PM) then it was truck, grub at Sills and to the studio.

Thing is, I still worship my Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ. The condition of the Sabbath Day being on Sunday depend on ones interpretation of just what day the Sabbath day is.

As a Wolf-Pup, I went and believed it truly was Sunday, but had a preacher in Bliss Idaho in 2009 that got me to wondering is it Saturday or Sunday? As such I worship both days and do very little both days. I read my Bible every day, as I awaken, I read before I go to bed, and while I should have a B-O-M and D&C at home, I lost those in a move from Heyburn to Pocatello in 2006, and haven’t had enough scratch to buy another quad set.

Now the reply would be something like you have money for the office/studio, and radio gear etc. Not so, I pay for the office/studio only because I screwed the pooch (Flying jargon for missing a carrier) in both Evanston in 2005 and in Gooding in 2010. As such to keep this going I had to pay the rent while the club replaced the radio gear. As far as the gas to get to the studio, that I have to squeeze out every month. And that’s really stretching what funds I have. And they ain’t much.

While worshiping at home is not as grand as doing so in a chapel or meeting house, but I too feel the spirit at home and know that Jesus and the Holy Ghost is at my side every hour.

What might surprise the Bishop, is I have been rewriting the B-o-M taking out the Yea’s Yee’s and so on, all those ways of speaking while retaining the meaning and all that is the original writing. Maybe that’s my calling? The fact that I also preached at our River side services in Hazzard(Hagerman) last year, where it was come as you are, and worship, might also surprise those authorities. The Bible simply says, where More than one of you gather to worship me, there I be also. It does not necessarily mean that I need to haul my cookies to a meeting house. The fact of me being self conscience of how bad I smell from not being able to shower, due to no gas to run a water heater, something that both room mates were to have covered but didn’t even though they said they would. While I could recover that, I don’t see me in that dungeon of an apartment past this month or next at the very maximum.

Two things got accomplished here. The radio gig, got its home, and will remain where its at, I got my SSI money in my paws so I can control it, albeit very poorly since June, but I got it, meaning I’m not tethered to having to live if you want to call it that, in Ogden Utah. I’m just not that impressed. Had I gone with my gut feelings a year ago, the station and all would be where it’s at now, but I’d still be in Twin Falls driving and working for Charlie, where at least I felt part of a family. As far as Church there, sure I got a little help, from the River Christian Fellowship, but I went near every week. They made it a bit easier, if you missed the morning session, you could go at 6:00PM(18:00) and at least take the Lords supper, and get a lesson. But I was made welcome and loved, not having to feel like an outcast, except for the Bishop, and my home teacher.

If I want to mention all the things that the financial side of the Church owes me, it would take a longer blog than I care to write, more over I forgave the Church, even me going once. I wanted to be part of some gig that the Ward in Ogden threw one morning a breakfast. I still had a phone then, but did anyone remind me of it? No. But a church should not owe anyone anything, the gifts or assistance should be requested, done and it be over. Had the bank, not messed up my account, had Comcast not taken money out that I did not authorize, had a shyster not taken money out of the account, after finding my account information, and ripping me off, I’d have not went twice nor even be trying to hang on now and asking for one more time. Yes last month I thought it was it, but by the time I paid the bills that ex room mates were supposed to help pay, but didn’t there was nothing left over after the studio rent and my truck insurance.

It might just be time to call UNCLE and close the book on Ogden and just curl up here at the office until I can get a place in Idaho and or Wyoming.

Something will pop, just have to have faith in my Heavenly Father, he’ll take care of me.

Any mile, let you know about this next week.

I am nearly sure the Bishop/Ward wont help again on the rent, if they do again that’d be great, if not then chalk it up again.

There was a reason God made it snow in February every time I made moves to move to Ogden. He was telling me to not come down here, but I trusted in Dave my landlord, and oh yes Bishop I have the receipts you asked for. I trusted in a real estate con artist, and got the shaft both times. I forgive and forgave, I don’t forget.



Quote of the Day:
Virtue has never been as respectable as money.
--Mark Twain, 19th-century American humorist, author and journalist
Isaiah 55:6“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
rebel ayre tail

Here today, yesterday, but not tomorrow

BLOG COVERayrenotes

You request a friend from your neighborhood, they sign on, then the next day or two, they’re gone. Guess not as much of a friend as you thought they were.

Example, my so called neighbor across the street, so called SAMCRO fan and all, had me as a Facebook Friend as well. Guess a few of my posts that I sent her and her guy, was too much for them. There’s so many that think they are SAMCRO , but if they really experienced the biker/aviator life in its real existence they would never be a SAMCRO friend or fan after. Once they hated us, now they want to be one of us, thing is many wouldn’t make a pimple on eithers butt, let alone a prospect for membership. Such is the world we live in. In today’s America, many want to retreat into their shell. Call it the fallout of the tragedy of 9/11 and all , the idealistic and resolve that we in fact would carry on, has been in reality , pull our bodies and heads back into our shells. Like the turtle, many are just hiding waiting for the angel of mercy to take them to Heaven or where-ever they will go. Another example is my drinking buddy next door to me Dave.

It used to be almost every night or weekend he’d come over or I’d go over to his place, down beers and talk shit of years in ancient Clearfield and Layton.

These days , Dave comes home retreats into his house and no visiting hardly at all. He say’s its stuff from work, my opinion, its he got tired of the smack talk of the area, likewise asking for money to buy chew. I wouldn’t have kept on asking but he told me , if you need that ask him anytime. So I did, but I knew as he said it, that’d get old quick.

I’m soon not going to be in that neighborhood anyway so it really does not matter, but instead of just pulling your friendship from Facebook, talk to me first.

The Bible says if you have conflicts with your neighbor work it out, it’s the love your neighbor as yourself, thing that is the foundation of all of God’s love and that of Jesus Christ. Yet few practice what they speak. Like my former roomy Jeff. Its not that I hate him, just could not live with him. Now with offspring and a wife that’d be a tense deal anyway, but I’ll be done with it soon enough, but no visit, no talk no nothing.

Now one might think, that speaking bad about the LDS church is byting the hand that’s housed me for three months. I truly love that Ward of the church, more over the Bishop, and my home teacher. Thing though, if there’s a problem, with me with no phone at home, which I’m forgoing until I get moved  to Idaho or Wyoming depending on where I find a place I can afford, and all, but you’d think that the Bishop, could take an hour or so, to come to my home and chat. The road truly does go both ways.

Makes you wonder.

Guess I’m too wyld for both Idaho and Utah, can Wyoming be more accepting? Time will tell.



Quote of the Day:
The easiest person to deceive is one’s own self.
--Edward George Earle Bulwer-Lytton
Isaiah 55:6“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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As I related in the show, if people did in public or only partly private locations, animalistic things like sniffing the rear of a gal they are planning on breeding would you get arrested or would that be a new way for us to greet each other.

If one thinks, there must be things that to a man that smells bad when it emanates from another guy, however if the same musky smells or aromas come from a woman, guys consume those smells as something pleasing and rather pleasant. Think of the offerings that were of burnt types, that those in the BC times of Christ gave to our Heavenly Father, to our Heavenly Father as it is said, were pleasing aromas. So maybe our advancement of smelling each other that we don’t do because Victorian customs and society says is wrong isn’t all that wrong after all.

More Later, except to say we are collecting all the rather sweaty and smelly nylons and bras etc to decorate the studio. So if your one of our sisters of the club, or one of our fans send us or bring in the studio some of your most raunchy undies. Our mail addy is 707 West 700 South Suite 202 B Woods Cross Utah.



Quote of the Day:
A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.
--Robert Lee Frost
Isaiah 55:6“Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Idaho may be limited, but Utah is just cliquish and clannish.

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In the vast expanses of the Earthly universe, there are limitations and restrictions that right or wrongly, expected.

In Idaho at least my trucking/flying area of greater Twin Falls and all you should not expect that there’s going to be a bevy of beauties there that want to be on air or on TV or in print. There are a few , but damn few. The area is grounded seriously in growing that food we love to cram down our throats. so the best one is going to find there to put in front of a lens is a rodeo queen . Or a long ago, cheerleader. Not experienced models or actress. Its just not there.

While with some work that could be achieved the conditions are not right for trying to grow that kind of crop in those fields. However in Metro Utah with agencies, that are mere fronts for schools with a high dollar representation ability, one would expect to find modeling talent to put in front of a camera lenses as well as in a radio studio doing a daily gig on air. The fact is and situation is, if its something or a gig, that’s outside of the religious block, forget it. Never mind the thing might constitute kissing a gals toes in a symbolic Cinderella style thing, is playing on the words TOE and TOW as it is in our realm. Don’t expect that in Utah at least through the organized agencies. if your able to find someone, expect that person to be priced out north of $3k to $10k, for a days gig. While I would have no problem with paying that if I had worked with the talent or agency and found to be worth that I look more in the under $1,500.00 area. Well below that amount.

But you expect the restrictions , limitations. Years ago there was a meca here of both agencies and actress’s etc as Touched By A Angel was filmed here. Many feature films were filmed here, these were the days. Not only talent benefited , but area commerce was lifted up as well. From construction supply houses, for building of sets, and props. Catering firms, and more were enhanced. Sadly when the locals began to thumb their noses and gave the middle finger, to Hollywood, Hollywood said no more. Today if Hollywood comes to Utah as before, like to Park City, they bring their own talent, construction firms and food service people. The only gain in local firms is in the lodging firms.

As any one who has trucked through Utah especially south of Provo, north of Ogden , west of Salt Lake City, the beauty of the area and scenery is breathtaking. Especially early in the morning at sunrise or sunset. One flying over the Great Salt Lake at dusk, with the water below, its near like flying over the south Pacific. Riding a Harley over the Interstate through the Morgan/Weber Slot as its called, Mountains on one side green fields on the other is breathtaking, little of this has been caught on film. One trucker movie had the southern half of I-15 in it at sunrise, outside of that few films since Vanishing Point, have been shot here. Reason? No damn , decent walk on or extra casting agencies to get in the film.

This is something we here at Confederate Steele Media , Parent firm of HazzardAyre Radio/TV is trying to entice and grow here, both Utah as well as Idaho. But Idaho its expected to be limited, Utah not so much. You expect, but sadly , often disappointed. Maybe , perhaps, but not today.

Okay then, Had one filter into the studio the other night in some rather loud pink knit tights, with her guy pal. She seems eager, but I’m not going to hold my breath, since I might turn blue.

Just before I left Tweaker Flatts I had several applicants that appeared that said they had no problems with sticking a stinky toe in nylons in my mouth,. Thing was my partner in business there told me that there were some doing undercover probes of such production firms using this method, thus, I never ventured into the keep my hands to myself. Although there was two I so wanted to. One was a gal named Shar, who was hotter than a two dollar pistol. She had the energy and sass , trouble is I didn’t know if she was a plant by the fuzz or the real deal. Thing is I’d love to have a agency work with us to remove the legal hounds off our paws. Thing is all too many want to find flaws , rather than explore what could be.

There were several gals I met in late November last year that were of quality, but hubby’s and guy pals , are funny about having their gals peds being kissed or nuzzled by this old wolf. If this situation truly a path to something more than a bit for a TV ad for a tow service like ours, I could see it, but all too many there should know better and so should here in Metro Utah. But the sad thing is all too many of the agencies want to thing it’s a ploy to get kinky rather than just a tag bit for an ad, that hey nobody shows up.

Of course the old excuse in both Tweaker Flatts as well as here in Metro-Utah, was it was that the talent and the gig was in a private home. A home yes , private? Not so much. Any mile, here we have been in a professional office complex, for three months now and outside of two that were up for it and two that said they were too busy, few of the agency talent has even came by for an audition or read through.

So while you expect certain things not to be in one place and a gusher elsewhere, what looks to be tall cotton in a plush field, might just be filled with snakes.

In Utah, its of the clan, and a very cliquish attitude. If your not of KSL, or such , don’t expect anybody to show up at a talent call. In Idaho, you don’t expect it, but at least some WILL show up.

Was the move here worth it? Yes and No. Yes that the radio gig is where its going to be. Its secure, it has its home and will remain, on air talent or not. Yes, because I got the money problems turned around for me, but for the club still working on that, but KOA and the Wolf-Pack have our HQ.

No because , still no talent for the website except for one. One from Farmington showed up twice, but if one does not show up in the wee hours of the evening, I’m not here. I’m human, I need feed and sleep. If not for going towing or responding for an air rescue that AyreWolf Aviation provides.

So what to do? A radio/tv school? More on that next time.



Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
Proverbs 27:1“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

If you can’t bring the truck to you, go to the truck

hazzardayre poster boardcolonels journal

As I looked over the viewing of my Son this evening here, and passing through my home turf of Idaho, I began to think. You can do that rolling through the Idaho desert in a Greyhound bus.

I thought it was just last year short of 3 months that I looked into being there in Utah, mostly to set up HazzardAyre and secondary to go to flight school to upgrade my flying skills and uprate to rotor craft(helicopter) ratings.

Seeing that upgrading and uprating to rotorcraft is going to be at least another year due to being overweight as well as my diabetes, I began thinking of what else I can do to put food on my table and a roof over my head. Don’t think I’m not grateful to my Heavenly Father and the tax payers of the Union for my Social Security benefits, since I am. However $800.00 a month only goes so far, and its getting really lean.

Two months ago I was not thinking of moving back into Idaho, and I’m still just shopping, but since the radio gig is now near secured, and flying is in the far distance, maybe its time to get back to what I did before, and where my heart is, toewing. That means LexiBelle>lexi in green miniand my abilities thereof.

Since trying to battle the problems in metro Utah going towing would be unrealistic, putting myself where I can tow and yet three times per week or so, shinny down here in the Gen. Jackson to do radio would be the idealistic situation.

So being as I’m going to need to inquire to our Sullivan Hollow Ward Bishop for yet help in both utilities and rent for October, I’m looking at curing the financial drain next month(November) by putting myself in Burley. Okay then, go tow in Idaho, and having the radio gig at a distance might be good conditions.

I tuned in on radio to LDS Conference this afternoon, and heard our Mr. Oaks speak, and as always when he speaks I am moved. Of all the church General Authorities , his words are ones I cling to.

Mr. Oaks spoke of the acceptance of and not faulting those of us who are not us. I have preached this for centons.

I think of the lessons , maybe life lessons of Gene Roddenberry of Star Trek fame. Who taught of not looking at ethnic or cultural backgrounds or at least your race, but more of your abilities.

Many of those who don’t read the Bible, say some were gave talents. The thing is the word is used incorrectly. Talents in those BC days were more a unit of measurement rather than ones abilities. Abilities, and God gave gifts are just that. Talents are the equivalent of our nickels , dimes, and dollars.

Mr. Oaks quoted scripture, of Love they neighbor as you love yourself, as it was quoted Love your neighbor as I have Loved You, as it was Jesus saying love your neighbor as Jesus loves you. If that were fully practiced throughout our church as well as society, Not only would have my ex-roomy’s paid what they promised, but would look past prior misdealing's and say how can I help you now? For I allowed both to move into my domicile below the asked for entry fees. In essence I allowed Jeff to move in on $280.00 rather than the $600.00 I asked for, more over Greg, at $150.00 rather than the $600.00 . But has either one knowing I was struggling said, hey I’ll help you in your rent or utility funds this month.

I read with interest the messages that our Bishop sent me. And while, I just cringe of having to even approach him to help this month, except for sleeping in the office here, I need to. But always leaning on what work I need to do, to get that aid I think is wrong. Now understand, I’m very glad to go to the storehouse to put in time. I can’t help it if it was not credited to me the 8 hours or two days I was there until noon . You scratch the notebook as you go in, and scratch the notebook as you leave. I know I worked in back tieing the crushed boxes one day, I know I stocked the front meat coolers the next, freezing in the process.

And Tuesday I’ll do it again, but gaining some sense of stability right now in my housing arena is prime job numero uno. I’m busting my hump to get me a place where I can live and stay warm through the rest of the winter if not for good, but trying my butt off to get something going where I can retain, my SSI benefits, yet earn legally extra money.

As I gleaned the teaching of Mr. Oaks, on Conference I thought, too, that if everyone truly practiced the things being taught, our Bishop and or a counselor would be over to the house , with checks for rent, my heat gas bill, and help me with the power bill without dredging up the past nor lingering on what I must do. I read very strongly the words from 2nd Timothy, where Paul says: If one does not work, one does not eat. If one were to examine how hard I work on the station, the tow service and all, plus work to help others, there would be no question of or from Church authorities including our Bishop as to my effort. Sure last month I said I’d be there to clean the church. Problem was my old truck would not run. And walking was not an option. So I had to spend that day doing some shadetree mechanic work to at least go by truck . Sure I said I’d go to the storehouse, and church again no fuel, couldn’t go and that Sunday to go to church via foot, it was downpouring.

Forgiveness is another gift I possess. If it were not for forgiveness, I’d have found and pulverized the real estate agent, in Ogden that promised much but failed to deliver. Just as I pray that our Ward forgives me and helps on the expenses I need so desperately . But of the things the Marines taught me, have back up plans. So I’m lining those up.

I can remember as a young wolf-pup in Layton Utah. While I attended all church required things such as Primary and Sunday meetings, the rest of our mainly LDS populated neighborhood , had troubles with me associating with other LDS children, mainly because my Dad was not of the LDS denomination and the fact that my Mom smoked. Although my Mom held several Church callings including Primary and Sunday school teacher. Just because your friend may live another way than YOU do, just because your neighbor may practice another way of life than YOU do, YOU should not shun, but attempt to teach. Don’t force it, if the Lord wishes it, it will happen. Understand your preaching is a tool of the Lord, of Jesus, if the Lord does not wish it at this time, don’t press the issue. This is left up to the wonderful gift of our Savior called FREE AGENCY.

With that in mind, one of my struggles here has been bringing LexiBelle>lexi in green minito me, considering the situation as it is, perhaps I need to go closer to if not where LexiBelle>lexi in green miniis.


wynged sigHK WYNGZ 2

Quote of the Day:
Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.
--General Omar Nelson Bradley
Proverbs 27:1“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The saddle is on the other horse

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I just had to throw this in this morning, as it’s a reverse of last year this time.

Last year the big fuss for us here at HazzardAyre was gleaning the newscasts, for stories for on air. Many of these we’d get from video feeds off of newscasts.

So this morning and for mere entertainment, I went online to KSL –TV 5 ‘s site, got just to catch if any new news had came out from the death of some friends in Springville Utah.

Well got to mid point of the weather on KSL, and the dang page froze, kept getting this DNS 404 message. Now might could be computer ? Right? Nope! To do a quick diagnosis looked in on KTVB CH-7’s early cast, and no problems at all, except when I went to check email. Which makes you think, no not thinking of moving to Boise or that side of Idaho, but maybe Utah needs to refine its high and mighty attitude and not condemn Idaho, more over the just an old farmer thing. Idaho may be just a bunch of potato farmers, but Idaho’s KTVB has better streaming ability, than Utah’s KSL.

Something to think about.


HK WYNGZ 2wynged sig

Quote of the Day:
A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.
--Samuel Goldwyn
1 Peter 1:3“[Praise to God for a Living Hope] Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,”

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