Friday, September 16, 2016

Dr. Lisk on MANswers - Binge Drinking

Maybe by the year 2535 Computers will not be full of crap and Introducing Hazzard County University

I always dream of the Star Trek Computers, that except in a short time, but always fixes itself and never screws up. Data entry is by voice command, there are no browser malfunctions and it seems universal translation to all computers. No virus', no malware nothing like that. However have been going through hell this evening trying to get things in line to attempt to do a radio show here in about two hours. Or is my problems just that of giant Google and good old Google's  Blogger program? Would be the first time. The only damn reason I use Google Chrome as well as blogger, is that my posts are instantly posted to my gmail inbox. If it were not for that, I'd dump both, but maybe by 2535 if man is still around, things like this won't be a problem any more.

Okay then , questions abound all over the place, from which state has the largest population of native born blonde women, to which state has the largest amount of absolutely stupid people. To how to know if the gal your drueling over is really a guy. Think of it as the series on Spike TV a few years ago called Manswers, only done Hazzard County Style. On the Facebook page, on HazzardAyre Radio and in the HazzardAyre Gazzette printed version, we'll attempt to answer or really research the subjects, many search for but rarely find. And in most cases its not going to be on either Google, Yahoo, or Bing. 
See ya'll on the radio later on 

Friday, September 9, 2016

At least we are transparent and not afraid of fall out, we still deliver

So in an effort to snoop out how to get in touch with Tomi, from BlazeTV I found that there is a sneaky virus on there that makes sending a email or even making a phone call near impossible. Because of that for nearly 48 hours now been going through fits and virus scans on ye ole Betsy our trusty computer and I think we're flowing again. Thing is does Glen or his tech gurus even know there's a clog in the drain? The other question is why doesn't Tomi have her own radio show on Glen, Beck's network? Like I have said its not in the condition, of a lucious blonde thing, its that I respect her as the lady of a Navy Seal, as a broadcaster, and how she gets it done. I watch her at 4:00PM MST, on Blaze(CH-228) here and at 9:00PM MST time here. Once she done, I flat turn the channel. This young filly could be a new upcoming news media star. And demands ones attention.
But I also see a bunch of lets hide behind a cloaking shield to make sure no one can contact us. 
In the situation of HazzardAyre/DixieDiesel, Radio and upcoming HazzardAyre TV, but from our founding in 1983 and even as a syndicated program delivered over a ISDN line, We have trucked the radio highways with many of you out heavy and light hauling, and always, I mean ALWAYS have been able for you to get in touch with us. Whether to tell us we are doing good, or that we are doing not so good. Plus outside of times when our systems go down and that's to be expected, after all they are, albeit electronic, but still mechanical. stuff wears out and needs replaced and/or adjustment. Yet the rest of the time we still deliver our shows.
Our new hire didn't show up yet today, there could be a number of reasons, from she changed her mind, caught the bad rumors of us here in ETown, hey can't help it, when your the Wolf in amongst the sheep, your bound to not be the first recommendation of the locals. Our topics are a bit brash, our music more edgy, and we operate just on the fringe of being legal, but we still get it done. But the option is hers, and no one is going to hold a gun to her head. But we are deadly style radio, and we must be doing something right for lasting this long.
Hitting the rack until late this afternoon.
See ya'll on the radio.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Can you legally not hire Millenials? But more mature employees?

In today's era, the likely hood of you having to hire a under 40 something employee is more probable than winning the lottery.  You no longer can be complimentry  or kind to anyone, nor overly friendly. Doing so will cause you pain. Both in legal problems as well as sleepless nights. Case n point; March of this year, went into a local bar here in Etown, and complimented one who works there in doing a fine job with extreme precision. So was chatting with a associate about the bar the Knytes had in mind here. So this gal named Lexi overhears it, and gives me her phone number. When I followed up on that as well as mentioned other projects the club was into, she pretty much divorced both the Club and I from herself. No big, who cared? Pretty much forgot about her in view of everything else, that was going on. So a few weeks ago, was at the Legal again, chatting with one of the security guards there, and the conversation led to the discovery that Lexi, had a S-10 Blazer she might want to sell. Contacted her, never heard from her and disguarded that. So a few days ago, Church had some picinic going on at one of the local parks. With some reluctance I went. As the evening progressed one of the kids from our ward went to the swings, well guess who was there? Yep Lexi and her brood. One of many of these, but a seasoned person, might have just shrugged it all off as a teasing at the bar, and moved on. This is not the first time. Remember the little twit, at NGL a wireless internet company here in Etown? When I first got here and needed to both get online and all went to NGL since AllWest don't serve where  I hung my hat at the time. Told the little twit there that she was bright and knowledgeable. As a result of im maturity, can't get service from NGL if my life depended upon it. 
When , I'm interviewing for new hires, either for my company or the Club's radio gig, I try very hard to find the over 30 somethings preferably the mid 40's to late 50's demographic to hire from. After all, with no real knowledge of the era of which much of our programming is based the mid 70's to mid 80's, how is one going to perform or do a radio much less a TV show based on those platforms? Of course there are exceptions, I see on BlazeTV Tomi on there 22 years old, engaged to a Navy Seal currently deployed who does on helluva show. Maybe my friend Beth Ann of CSC Talk Radio ought to have her on her daily talk show and vice versa, that'd be on helluva show as well. That said, are exceptions, older women as well as men who are older, perform better, are not as jittery about off the wall humor, and have greater follow through than younger potential new hires. 
We'll be chatting on this, on today's show.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Teat would seam that Livestream, is again having tech problems, does that mean the stream just steams?

So it would seam that our friends over at Livestream, the ones that carry the majority of our cyber side of our radio station here's programs are once again having a tech snafu. This is nothing new in the world of computers and scyfy tech. We too have been going through a bunch of it as well. Some of our people have suggested it might be one of those information bandits attempting to throw over our comp systems and hold that 411 hostage. Some have just said its our bandwidth, who knows. I will say that me discovering one day when harvesting some news fill ins from ABC News, radio online, that I stumbled on . Outside of once, when I was still figuring out the qualms and I'm still trying to get rid of the echo, but still overall its the best $120.00 I spend all month. The system will eventually be incorporated into our website when we find someone around here smart enough to build it, which is somewhat of a challenge. For now you can find all of our channels on both systems , as for Spreaker, you'll have to do a quick search but you'll find us, on Livestream, you already know where to go. In all cases we're here and there, and everywhere. 
In other Hazzard County News.
Saw a new site, partly based on RueBothums General Store(Hence the title of the FB group) But it would seam as well, that all too many are climbing on the old Hazzard County hay ride wagon, and forgetting a few of us that were part of both the Dukes as well as the original creation called MoonRunners. 
Any mile have a show to produce, hopefully on LiveStream, if not find us on  TTYLY

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Its beginning to look like fall and falling tempratures are in the immediate future

But could we have at least another month of warmth before it gets cold again? Seems as though I watch the Utah news and see weather saying high temps in the upper 90's yet here its always at least 10 tow 20 degrees colder. Its kind of like the first weekend I transversed the Wasatch range here to Evansgone, it was warm and toasty when I left Woods Cross Utah, settled in here and nearly 12 hours later got dumped on by serious snow. Seems I was both duped as well as a few other things since I arrived here, yet  as many times as I have set my mind into vacating the place, some strange force keeps me bound here like a chain and anvil. Over the last two years its been so close and yet stopped so many times, that if something does go right, I'm not surprized, I'm amazed. I get to thinking is there something the Lord above needs me to teach these people? Is there some beneficial task that the Lord needs me to do here before I relocate or at least allowed to relocate? Thing is several things that have not happened here, although, I should have done a few since I've been accused or at least suspected to have done. Mostly in the human need to breed, I haven't sunk my worm in anybody female here since I arrived. Always vocational. I remember Becky from the Porn store here. She saw one of our job postings , showed up, and nearly parted her thighs. Yet I did not partake. But I was accused of it. Then came Brittny who showed up one day in some rather revealing leggings. Didn't do much if any kind of on air or prep work for HazzardAyre, but my she could really bad mouth me and the Club. Then came Sammi, and her hubby. Up to a point thought we had a great team, but they gave up about the time I said enuff fluff, and lets get busy. Both of which in fact nearly all have not done any if any better than if they would have just stuck in here and helped build this media operation. Am I sore about it all, no, but I am dissappointed. Then came Pam down at the real estate company here. All sweet and all while we were up and grooving on a bar buy, once that was shot in the head, she gave me the boot, as well as the Chamber of Commerce amongst others here. Still the local C-of-C's website is dull to say the least 70% of the links don't work, maybe they should have held on with the Knytes and me a bit longer. Then came the deal at Tumbleweeds here. Pam set it up, but who knew Pam, and the lady who owns Tumbleweeds are bitter rivals and near enemies? Now sure maybe the funds from the Club could have flowed much faster, but when the President of the Club shows up and can't even get a steak, at 11:30PM , confidence in a location rapidly fades. Yet here I remain trying to rack my brain, attempting to figure out how to make a silk purse out of a sour sows ear? Don't get me wrong in some hours as the break of dawn here, watching the sun come up over this mountain range, and seeing the deer just outside my door, frolicking is Gods beauty on display. But then I go into town and have to undergo the terrible greed that is a constant resident of Evanston, Wyoming. Utah landlords , think that property values are equal to that in Utah. Yet Evanston's residents 70% are on some form of Government life support, and with a very limited return on investment , find that paying $800 to $900 a month plus utilities does not gain much. Your still only getting pennies on a dollar in income. 
When it comes to climate. I can remember the bitter cold winter of 2005 here. After reluctantly moving from Utah to Cokeville Wyoming, and with every eye including the local fuzz there, because of the lack of heat, except for a couple of space heaters, I slept one night there damn near freezing to death. Then had to fight like hell to get the few hundred bucks I earned at the Flying J there. I finally had to call in a favor from one of my friends who worked in the BIG office of Flying J in Ogden to get that check cashed. Once I did, I made a beeline right here to Evansgone and by March 2006 I checked out of here, determined not to come back. Yet here I am once again, with eyes of getting out of here. It wasn't until mid year in 2014 that I got hold of my money after years of fighting with trustees and payees, which then, stupidly I moved here to revamp and reignite a gone quiet radio station, for and of the community of the Interstate and the preservation of Southern Heritage. 
I can tell you this;, by the time I put a ring on Shelly's finger next August at Sturgis, Evanston is bound to be a bad memory, in my mind and my exit a forgone happening. 
I'm tired of freezing and I'm not just talking about the weather.
See you at 05:00 since we are doing some computer upgrades right now. We'll be on cyber air again at .
Now I need to throw these last two items in here this morning. 
Over the last three days since I posted a few pics of LiL Lexi 
 on a towing groups site, I have gotten quite a few thumbs up on that post on good old FB. Seems like a few do like the little truck. Thanks to Nate and some serious jump start power, found that all LiL Lexi needed was her computer reset, the truck still runs. So that tells me a new battery or two would take care of her maladies. Bet the fact that Beaver Dick and a few that call it a Clown truck, will be heart broken that more than a few like my creation. Kinda slaps em in the face, don't it? Number 2 here, It took, Facebook, and a common interest in a old TV show from Florida, to see the good and warm heart in me when all these stuck up broads here in very old minded ways Evanston, Wyoming just pushed me aside. Again kinda slaps the local women here right in the face, and right in that super putrid crotch of theirs. Just goes to show the real villians here and those that don't know or just barely know the facts before they open their mouths and write on a person's radio station site.