Monday, May 9, 2011

Not wearing my religion on my sleeve


Depending on where you live in this nation, religion is a freedom that many of us treasure. However , should religion be forced down someone’s throat? More over should everything be restricted to one religious mindset?

Not everybody in a community believes as you do or as I do, one of the basic foundations of America’s constitution is religious freedom. Yet if you or I think, outside of the perimeters of say a TV station manager, or a Newspaper editors boundaries then guess what? Your told to go away.

However should just one opinion be expressed in say a newspaper? What about the others in a certain town, or area that looks at sexual, or political or even basic concerns that say a biker, OTR trucker or even a military aviation enthusiast might think, about. What about the views of the Confederate American? We believe in something else, other than the holier than thou attitudes that some emulate. Of course the same newspaper editor, say from the WeeklyMailer of Burley, most likely is not the place for HazzardAyre to appear. More like a publication such as EasyRiders, might be more appropriate. Yet should a newspaper be that shallow? Should not the views of all, rather than just the views of a limited few be reported? Or for that matter be ignored?

As for the Knytes’ pitch the the WeeklyMailer, or advertising for AyreWolf Aviation, The AyreWolvez or any part there of, you can bet your next tank of Av gas that we will not be doing business with them.

That said, maybe a newsprint publication that does not wear its religion on its sleeve or afraid that some other head in the sand advertiser might be turned off, just because the paper prints articles that are not the popular, but still needs to be reported. Such a publication as say the Hazzard County Gazzette, that contains HazzardAyre in its pages, be something that would give the WeeklyMailer or even the Cassia County edition of the Times News, a run for their money?

I think so.

After all , like churches, there are more than just one in a geographic area, more over a newspaper that gives news in a way, that is not so constrictive, but tells the whole story might be welcomed.

While I still hold my LDS Priesthood, and attend church on a regular basis, does not mean I will hold back on ideals of other cultures. Such as the rebellious ideals , but progressive mindsets that are the Knytes-of-Anarchy. As well as myself.

I don’t wear my religion on my sleeve, and am open to others opinions, not just the ones that are published in the Book of Mormon.

You can bet though that those restrictive and restricted publications such as both the Times News as well as the WeeklyMailer, will be calling once we ascend to the altitudes that are in sight.

L8R Ya’ll

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Quote of the day:
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
Romans 8:1-2“[Life Through the Spirit] Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

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