Thursday, January 17, 2013

Like milking cows, both radio and going towing has no days off.


In my end of the world at only 17 degrees out, with everybody else frozen, there are no days off going towing.

Somebody always needs me. While it would be grand to delegate the duties , I’m pretty much a one guy one truck operation. So if snow, cold or otherwise to feed me, its go tow.

Then of course there’s the radio gig. Nobody or very well damn few people no matter gender who is going to jump in the Wolf’s Lair here to do a radio show or two, or go out and beat down the bushes trying to get other business’s to contribute to the cash stash by buying ad time, even if it’s the lowest cost there is.

I do have to interject something here, and it’s a formula, that a friend of mine in Burley uses on his station there. People who want to be on his station to host a program, pays him an hourly rate , and gets ads on their own to support their shows. Zeb Bell, Steve Minton, and others pay old Kim, roughly a $100.00 an hour for 4 to 6 hours of air time each day to fill his day parts. Zeb comes in at 08:00 AM goes until just before noon, then Steve comes in from 1:00PM to about 5:00PM every day. Cept Saturdays. Now figure that’s near $1,200.00 a day, times 5 $6k a week, or $24k a month. And all Kim does is pipe in the shows since both Zeb and Steve do their shows from their homes. Hey the do radio from their houses, maybe its because their older and married, right? Any mile that’s not a bad formula. Makes damn good money, maybe something we ought to do once we move this to Buhl.

The rest of the time, between engineering duties which are never ending in radio or broadcasting, administration, dealing with the FCC and other agencies, day off? I’d like one.

The only relief I get is trucking back with a good long distance toew on back, tunes going and the old truck singing through those lake pipes. If we’re lucky I get one day out to do domestic chores . And you think your day gets complicated.

Saw on a page on Facebook, something on I love Tow Trucks. Nobody loves this business and industry nor has anyone in these parts done more for this profession more than I have. Not bragging but who else can say they created a radio station to preach and defend the industry? Who else can say they helped write a lien law that helps toewers all over Idaho today. Who else can say they went to the halls of this states legislative bodies and testified for the rights of us in towing? Who else can say they have been barking about unfair and politically motivated rotation and other laws that hurt the small fleet towing owners/operators?

Okay over time that radio station has added the cause of defending the rights of our southern heritage and our rebel spirit. To tell the story of the Confederates from a factual and proper way. But deep on those, is the right to tow.

Granted I’ll say that at first observations people look at me as a bumb. But lets look at this a bit further.

The Flying J company was started in part by efforts of my Mom and Dad. The yearly profits were divided up between initial investors. Those payments made life where I looked like Little Lord Fauntleroy. When Flying J went nearly bankrupt there went my dividends. While still in the recovery stage, If I ever see the entire amount is anybody’s guess. But here too, I lived like a great ruler for many years. Snap of a finger and all too many got more than they deserved. But it was my fingers doing the snapping. Then came the cunning females. Loving the Old Wolf here, as long as I was putting out the money. Minute I said its my turn, get to know me they were gone.

With the end of my last marriage I decided that , I would look to be and live as lean and all as a church mouse, people would have to get to know me, not just what I had to give the materially. On the surface, I would maintain the look as just and not detracting from that, but look as only a mechanic and tow trucker who did a radio thing as a hobby.

Then came late November 2012. With a near heart attack, vclub said get some help. Right? Here? Doing what I do, who would do that?

So one of the club members said float a thing on CraigsList might pick up someone, that’ll train for a month or two get to know what we’re all about to take some of the weight off my back.

This is a sad thing though when one looks at it for Twin Falls.

Out of 8 people, only one has stuck with the idea, of being willing to train. The rest, just because its in my house, decided that it’s a ruse to lure women in to do the unthinkable. However would it have been any different in say a full blown studio? Just as much unthinkables can happen in a 10X10 studio as it can in a 5X5 studio in a house in the middle of Twin Falls. Only thing missing from one is a bed. And even when we did have the big studio in Gooding I had a couch, so I could catch some sleep on those long nights.

Must have been somebody doing something hinky and kinky long before us, in this way that got all too many nervous.

Guess we can’t see ourselves as others see us, but I don’t look at doing radio any different than somebody going to a farm house looking for work on a farm.

Any mile that’s all going off point, but only to a point. I can remember several good tow services that started and several that still run out of a private home. Johnny’s here in Twin was ran from Johnny’s house, Jim Wilson who started Custom Towing out of Pocatello started and still does run the majority of his business from his home, Marvin who runs Jakes Towing out of McCammon Idaho, runs his out of his house, the list could go on, but who cares? Nobody’s virginity or lack thereof has ever been threatened or challenged by me or any part of the club’s business.

But just as it was in November, I still am doing the majority of everything myself, out of my shack on my own. Until I see a helluva lot more of a reason that’s where it’ll stay outside of what is already aimed at Buhl in a few months. Even then, for the most part, it’ll be me, in LiL Lexi hauling over there doing the shows, as best as I can and hauling back. But know what, the place will do just as it does now, house the Transmitter and STL(Studio-Transmitter-Link) between Twin Falls and there and I do my radio show from the Wolf’s Lair. By myself on my own, just hope Sylver Star will be on board in the interim.

Day off? Right. I haven’t had a real day off in 25 years. And like milking cows, going towing or doing radio is my gig in life and that means no day off.

More over night,

HAZZARD AYRE WINGSpappys ayre sig

Philippians 2:14-16“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.”

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Is it too much to ask just to be noticed?

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Yesterday, was monumental in a way, as we winched old LexiBelle up on the back of A1’s rollback.

Coming home I thought of all the things that occurred through those 1,300,000 miles of that old rig of mine. The people I have known because of her, the recoveries and most importantly the milestones in my life that are all tied to those 6 tires and body attached to thereof.

The foundation of the Knytes or at least why I’m even involved, the reason the radio station was created. The Radio network that was formed all have their points of origin on LexiBelle.

Yesterday after I had thought that all was solid between myself, Sylver and another guy, that I still would like to know why he wanted to be involved with something southern and very confederate, he wrote in a near essay about the lack of comments on the blog, as well as criticizing my home or contents therein.

Why should he judge me and my home? I did not judge his. I walked in noticed dishes piled high in the sink, a big dog barking behind a door, and ultimately his recording studio is also in his bedroom as well. Really you criticize me? That I do have my own towing and automotive company, two shops, that I pay for, I have no partners there, that comes out of MY pocket. Yet pardner you criticize?

But the Lord tells me not to judge, nor should I not forgive, but I’m not going to be holding out the welcome mat neither.

I live life my way, and oh yes friend, I also noticed too, that you also have a SNAP/Food card too. In words of a great writer in trucking journalism, don’t lie about me, and I wont tell the truth about you.

In great intelligence though, SAMCRO MC Idaho did elect to shed what was going to be Knytes Hall on West Main in Burley, but retain Hazzard County Choppers and meet there when we have a meeting in Cassia County.

Missed my coffee session with Ellie May, yesterday. I just love her. Of all the people on Earth she is one who fully understands and I am nearly sure if things were of order that well , I’ll let ya’ll figure it out. Course that’s also why she holds the place in the club she does.

Any mile show, went well last night, no big tech goofs. Not looking at going on the Mountain to do some repair on the microwave link, but hey life of a radio engineer.

See ya’ll in the PM , today is my day off and I’m enjoying it.


pappys ayre sig awlvz logo

Quote of the Day:
Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is a permanent attitude.
--Dr. Martin Luther King
Philippians 2:14-16“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.”

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Glad to be home


Finally home, LexiBelle all secure and life beginning to turn to normal. It’s times like this you find out who will be your back and those that just make noise.

All the crew today at A1 Making me again like family. Got the one shop in Burley liquidated but keeping the one for Hazzard County Choppers.

Okay then going like impulse speed, to doing all that, that makes up HazzardAyre/Highway Hooker Radio, but I’m only going to be taking on just one intern and work her into management and full time/part time, anybody else will be obtained through or within the club. Members, family siblings of members etc.

Over the last month and a half, nearly loosing LexiBelle, the mental strain and drain on my brain, no thank you. Sylver Star is all we need here right now.

The hip hop rapper, pee’d in his own nest. You don’t get on line in somebody’s Facebook, page and tell em off, not if you want to water the seeds of the seeds that’s being planted. Quite for sure, he just screwed the pooch. I think he wanted to get tight with Sylver which is okay, just don’t like our gig to be the catalyst.

Any mile, just wanted to pop in, all is well. All moved, eating, warming up, going to bed. See ya’ll on the radio.


pappys ayre sigawlvz logo

Quote of the Day:
If we find a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

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The people I waste my time on


Just another day in paradise. Well not really, see this Ceaser guy posts a thing on my Facebook about something he found disturbing.

In reality I don’t think he really wanted much to do with HazzardAyre or that anyway. So be it, we keep, on keeping on.

Have done for 40 plus years, and damn well plan on being in your ears another 40 plus years. Thing is, hey, he came to me. I did not call him in the first place, I drove to his house for a first meet, and even though not the usual flavor of music and style was willing to allow him and crew to be on our airwaves for at least 12 hours. Gain some knowledge and be kool. But hey to each their own, I’m tired of it. That $200K is getting much tastier.

Thing is, for all these people that I befriended on this last round of talent searches for the network, I have let my own business go. Yet they spit at me? Come on. Talk about ungrateful. But at least I can move on and we can continue to build on that, what makes us, us.

I’m just now getting over this flu, and all hope later today, I can get over to fetch LexiBelle. Thing is, again and I need to say, Ceaser was not clear on just what got him pee-owed? Was it that we as a club wanted to work with his crew to throw a fundraiser for the radio gig to defray some interim bills? Was it, that I really did forget to divvy up for my coffee today, however I will say this. In no way in hell will I invite anybody into my home studio outside of club members.

When things are together in Buhl in a month or two, then many will be there. I know all too many there and they all know me all to well . They know while I may be old, with some real world broadcast experience, while I may be sort of scrungy looking hey am what I am, and okay I haven’t went clothes shopping in a ton of months, shyt when have I had time? Fact is with me everything is real, above board and solid, so is the club not just 40 years ago, but right to today.

Granted many members are in service to their country, and that is also where myself and many who are stateside are as well, even though honorably discharged, we still serve. Not only the public, but we serve those who still are serving. But hey , like a associate of mine in Pocatello said once, you can’t please everybody. Plus you can’t save everybody.

Any flyte, 06:00 comes early.

L8R Aviators

HAZZARD AYRE WINGSpappys ayre sig

Quote of the Day:
For Sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
--William Shakespeare
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Which way?

pappys log

As I muddled through yet another show of HazzardAyre, I could not shake the feelings I had from earlier in the day.

The fact that outside people want to remold the very thing that has been the voice of Today’s Confederacy, seems to be a goal that I can’t sustain or support.

I had all kinds of thoughts on our meeting, but everybody is in so much of a hurry, that normal planning is pushed aside for mere gab and occasional show & tell sessions.

For nearly 30 plus years from behind this mic, I have produced, sweat, and tears, an award winning of several, HazzardAyre, WyldAyre, Southern Steele and Highway Hooker/Dixie Diesel Radio.

We have put off the wall comedy and anti establishment fight the system radio into more ears than just about if not no one else cared or dared to.

And now I might, might mind you loose a center of my life due to putting off my duties and personal responsibilities, I might loose LexiBelle. Will see and report in the afternoon.

In the end result, is I in the end  up still doing the radio gig alone, by myself and no thank you’s except for club membership.

And yet no one comes over and says, thanks for the opportunity, here’s some green to help this happen, its all take, take, take. How about some give to the old Wolf here? Makes that $200K offer even more appealing, don’t it?

To club officers, its oh well, you stubbed your toes again now what genius?

While I can’t force this, now. Outsider type applicants except for the two we already have now are going to have to pay an entrance fee just to become involved. This constant me giving my all, just to get kicked in the teeth thing is over.

Any flyte, busy day today with God’s blessing and all Lexi will be home Wednesday Night.

Keep it wings level,

HAZZARD AYRE WINGS pappys ayre sig

Quote of the Day:
You are not what you own.
--Fugazi, American rock band
Galatians 5:16“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Coffee meeting


So I went to the coffee meeting with the interim crew. Many questions asked, but many of the answers still vague.

Seems more people want more out of me than I’m able to give right now.

The idea of a fund raiser went over like a brick.

Its no big secret that by myself, I could never do what I do for and of HazzardAyre. The fact that I have past due bills , getting LexiBelle over here to Twin and still trying to maintain peace between club members and outside people who love to throw crap into the fan.

Money is tight, has been for many in America for the last 30 years. The current economic crisis in our nation dates back to President Ford and has trudged through the Carter administration all the way to today, with only 8 years of relief , when President Clinton was in power.

The club’s abilities in commerce, is derived from a collective fund that is the treasury of the club. That gains its money from events, dues and long tern endowments. However those funds are distributed by only one person that gets his instructions from club officers. Many of which do not live any more in our bassackwards area. So that being that anything that shakes the stability tree means money not as rapidly disbursed as it is when that tree is not shaken.

I will admit, that I goofed in three ways, one firing the bean counter in Blackfoot and getting a new one that is still getting up to speed. Plus getting Big C involved in my own SSA fund distribution, means things are behind. But I also goofed when I moved out of Burley in search of bright lights and a slightly bigger city. The big goof? Putting up an ad for in studio help here at HazzardAyre on CraigsList , to allow us and me the ability to even consider once again expanding to a more robust operation.

Out of 8 people we found two, that we are mentoring now and bringing into the internship realm, but the rest were not even in the ball park, and one that had to keep shaking the wrong tree. Big C’s operation has nothing to do with the club, but I suppose that appearances might make some think otherwise. Then two wanted money for something they hadn’t done anything to be paid for.

If the club seems shaky about bringing HazzardAyre up to boil, your right. Former sour episodes of some operations and dealings is part of it, the rest is the club and me are in a mode of thinking, is all this pain worth what we’ll gain out of. If the club did everything for our own self serving satisfaction, that’d be one thing, but that’s not the case. The Knytes-of-Anarchy and brother organization AyreWolvez was created in part as a Dukes-of-Hazzard fan club combination hot rod trucker group. However the deeper side of the club is that we are a service club to every , man, woman and the families of those who put on a Navy or Marine uniform and gained golden wings as a Navy/Marine aviator. We work with those being discharged as well as those going out to duty. We help their families, and we are there when times are tough. Thing is our funds do much more than build radio stations, broadcast media and host rallies. Our funds are being spent to keep our fellow winged warriors alive, and a roof over their heads and their families heads. Anything that interferes with that, is rapidly as possible dealt with and terminated.

HazzardAyre is our public outreach and information source, both on this blog, as well as the printed version and as well as our radio and upcoming TV network.

Thing is, those that are not willing to put their name or effort on the line, and all do not need to be here. We’ve managed since 1974 and we’ll manage another 30 years on our own.

So we went out to the studio that one of our new associates has. Not bad, as far as going for a ride. But I wanted a bit more one on one time with each. Not that there’s anything to hide, but each is going to be doing something else. Thus different training will be needed.

There needs to be a better bigger pow wow, Guess there’s something shaking at Ceaser’s place , I’m getting confused.

The main thing is, and I have to I suppose be more assertive, and not so passive. In essence be the boss, and take charge. I don’t like having to be aggressive but suppose I need to.

Friday I have a meeting with a media broker, on the license sale. I’m near 40% in favor and 60% not so much, but the idea of getting $200K into the clubs cash stash, me moving to parts elsewhere and going at this ain’t such a bad plan. But I started something I’d like to finish it, but any more screw ups or getting chewed because others feel the need to do and end run around me and getting in the face of people who have nothing to do with this, means I get money taken away from me and makes getting money from the one who writes the checks even harder.

Any way, taking some leisure time this evening, need to make out some action plans for HazzardAyre since the new associates need to see not just hear, so will not be on air tonight, but there will be a pre recorded version on none the less.

Next ? HazzardAyre goes cosmic , we get our own XM/Sirius channel.

Stay Tuned,

HAZZARD AYRE WINGSpappys ayre sig

Quote of the Day:
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
--Franz Kafka
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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Big offer, unsettled mind

HAZZARDAYRE PHOOTENOTES after the show hedder

Last night just before I went on air here, I got a helluva offer.

One of the other radio media groups in this area, wont say who, but one offered me and the club, the sum of $200K for the station license and area operational rights. Twice the amount if we sold the AM with it.

After the events on Monday, I would be lying if I said the idea is not churning in my innerds something fierce.

With $200k, I could easily clear out of this end of Idaho, if not completely out of no go Idaho, move my butt to either Wyoming or Utah, take some of the $200K rebuild one of our broadcast properties in either American Falls or near Evanston Wyoming. And not really think twice.

I have a meeting with some of my local crew as well as a media broker on Thursday to see if the offer is worth it, but its not because I have any loyalty to this end or any Idaho anything, that I’d stay. My Hazzard County tenacity and Confederate pride says stay put and at least do what I set out to do here in late 2005, but I’ll tell ya’ll one more thing that happens like today did, and I’m signing papers. Course have to run this through club HQ , but most I think of the club, are in agreement of just absorbing the Idaho charter into Utah’s and let someone else have these headaches. I’m all for heading east to Wyoming, and breathing in new air. Yes Wyoming is colder temp wise, but I’ll tell ya’ll this, when I resided there, I had bar money, I went to sing Karaoke every Thursday, I had friends and I was able to laugh on a regular basis. Plus LexiBelle wasn’t in competition all the time with damn near show trucks. The Three Sisters Pass east of Evanston on I-80 there doesn’t care if it’s a new truck or old, people trapped up there on snowy nights only care to get out of there. In essence I made money. Sure there weren’t any more female radio people in town there, but an hour out and 80 miles west and south is Salt Lake City, and I had voices and visuals all I needed.

Just thought ya’ll should know, one more hiccup, and this long haul kaynyne is outta here.

I’m in bed with a migraine so see ya’ll after 15:00 hours Tuesday.


pappys ayre sigHAZZARD AYRE WINGS

Quote of the Day:
No mind is thoroughly well-organized that is deficient in a sense of humor.
--Samuel Taylor Coleridge
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.””

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