So I went to the coffee meeting with the interim crew. Many questions asked, but many of the answers still vague.
Seems more people want more out of me than I’m able to give right now.
The idea of a fund raiser went over like a brick.
Its no big secret that by myself, I could never do what I do for and of HazzardAyre. The fact that I have past due bills , getting LexiBelle over here to Twin and still trying to maintain peace between club members and outside people who love to throw crap into the fan.
Money is tight, has been for many in America for the last 30 years. The current economic crisis in our nation dates back to President Ford and has trudged through the Carter administration all the way to today, with only 8 years of relief , when President Clinton was in power.
The club’s abilities in commerce, is derived from a collective fund that is the treasury of the club. That gains its money from events, dues and long tern endowments. However those funds are distributed by only one person that gets his instructions from club officers. Many of which do not live any more in our bassackwards area. So that being that anything that shakes the stability tree means money not as rapidly disbursed as it is when that tree is not shaken.
I will admit, that I goofed in three ways, one firing the bean counter in Blackfoot and getting a new one that is still getting up to speed. Plus getting Big C involved in my own SSA fund distribution, means things are behind. But I also goofed when I moved out of Burley in search of bright lights and a slightly bigger city. The big goof? Putting up an ad for in studio help here at HazzardAyre on CraigsList , to allow us and me the ability to even consider once again expanding to a more robust operation.
Out of 8 people we found two, that we are mentoring now and bringing into the internship realm, but the rest were not even in the ball park, and one that had to keep shaking the wrong tree. Big C’s operation has nothing to do with the club, but I suppose that appearances might make some think otherwise. Then two wanted money for something they hadn’t done anything to be paid for.
If the club seems shaky about bringing HazzardAyre up to boil, your right. Former sour episodes of some operations and dealings is part of it, the rest is the club and me are in a mode of thinking, is all this pain worth what we’ll gain out of. If the club did everything for our own self serving satisfaction, that’d be one thing, but that’s not the case. The Knytes-of-Anarchy and brother organization AyreWolvez was created in part as a Dukes-of-Hazzard fan club combination hot rod trucker group. However the deeper side of the club is that we are a service club to every , man, woman and the families of those who put on a Navy or Marine uniform and gained golden wings as a Navy/Marine aviator. We work with those being discharged as well as those going out to duty. We help their families, and we are there when times are tough. Thing is our funds do much more than build radio stations, broadcast media and host rallies. Our funds are being spent to keep our fellow winged warriors alive, and a roof over their heads and their families heads. Anything that interferes with that, is rapidly as possible dealt with and terminated.
HazzardAyre is our public outreach and information source, both on this blog, as well as the printed version and as well as our radio and upcoming TV network.
Thing is, those that are not willing to put their name or effort on the line, and all do not need to be here. We’ve managed since 1974 and we’ll manage another 30 years on our own.
So we went out to the studio that one of our new associates has. Not bad, as far as going for a ride. But I wanted a bit more one on one time with each. Not that there’s anything to hide, but each is going to be doing something else. Thus different training will be needed.
There needs to be a better bigger pow wow, Guess there’s something shaking at Ceaser’s place , I’m getting confused.
The main thing is, and I have to I suppose be more assertive, and not so passive. In essence be the boss, and take charge. I don’t like having to be aggressive but suppose I need to.
Friday I have a meeting with a media broker, on the license sale. I’m near 40% in favor and 60% not so much, but the idea of getting $200K into the clubs cash stash, me moving to parts elsewhere and going at this ain’t such a bad plan. But I started something I’d like to finish it, but any more screw ups or getting chewed because others feel the need to do and end run around me and getting in the face of people who have nothing to do with this, means I get money taken away from me and makes getting money from the one who writes the checks even harder.
Any way, taking some leisure time this evening, need to make out some action plans for HazzardAyre since the new associates need to see not just hear, so will not be on air tonight, but there will be a pre recorded version on none the less.
Next ? HazzardAyre goes cosmic , we get our own XM/Sirius channel.
Stay Tuned,
Quote of the Day:
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy.
--Franz Kafka
John 8:31-32“[Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are] To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |