Sunday, January 6, 2013

If you think guys are competitive you don’t know shyt about women


If you think its just us guys who are competitive, then you don’t know shyt about women. Not only are women competitive but women are equally as territorial and possessive than any critter on the face of the planet.

First too, women are extremely analytical , women want all and I mean all the details, not just a few, before they say yes or know.

Women have that 6th sense as well. They know by instinct what is dogshyt, and what ain’t.

However there comes the point of understanding.


It doesn’t matter whether it’s a gal, we in the Knytes hire for in the studio, or a gal finds for his lady. Everyone male in the club, treats the gal like their sister. A good friend that just happens to smell better than the rest of us in the room, and can where a skirt better than some of the rest of us male corpuscles in the club.

Now there is a big difference and some of our new hires and such got this messed up to where it caused as much friction as an axe against a sharpening stone.

Being concerned and wanting to be helpful , can be considered as many here lately did, that , that concern and kindness is a method of some such of wanting to make MOVES on them. Excuse me, grow up ladies. The only and I repeat , and I have yet to see one do this, to get me interested in any gal beyond friendship, beyond her being a club sister, is for Gretchen Wilson to show up at my door, completely naked, with a roll of SKOAL, (Gretchen , Chews too), saying she’s mine. That’d do it. Shy of that I don’t want that family thing.

I love being able to get up when I want, go to bed when I want, go where and when I want, watch the TV shows and movies that I want, and not have to make my bed or some such or some such.

Now then, On Competitiveness . You get more than three gals competition for a job or career opening, which ours is. Working say for I-Hop, not bad, but that’s a job. Working for us, is a career, since what we teach ya’ll will not find elsewhere. But ya’ll get more than two going after the career opening, they will scream like somebody doing the wyld thing with them when they don’t want to. That competition gene in women goes to extremes. Many even though they will tell you up front and you say to them the same thing, friend but nothing else, have the guy interviewing two other women while she whoever it is, is in the room within ear range and the one lead gal, will do everything shy of gritting her teeth and growling letting the other gals thing the guy is hers. Sad party you don’t want this gal beyond a intern or new hire and a good gal pal, ya’ll even look at going out with her guy to the night bars or watching a NASCAR Race or Football game with. Then she gets these feeling of being insecure and wonders why ya’ll don’t want to go beyond that point of friendship. Its bewildering.

Sure I’ll hug a gal rather than shake her hand, while if it’s a guy I’ll shake his hand firmly rather than a hug. But that’s it.

One of my new so called Interns that bailed due to greed, gave all the signals she wanted more, but rejected those feelings when I applied them, yet here’s the thing. And if I could put it together it might be a Pulitzer Prize winner. Of a book that truly, defined the differences between men and women and what that new groom needs to know about his bride months if not weeks before he walks down the aisle . A sort of new wife Owners Manual. Like wise one for the gals, the Owners Manual of your guy, what does make him tick? Hand these out to each couple at weddings. Then he would know what he’s in store for and visssa verssa . Sure she might look super hot in those skorts golf skort ban hose and girdles , but when all that’s taken off she's, not only rank, but that goddess that you couldn't stop dreaming of suddenly becomes that gal you ask, “ Where’s my Princess” Your hottie became one of the evil step sisters.

You think you smell when you go shyt? Go in after she does. Oh and here is a warning , not just from Bill Engvall either. Do not try going in that bathroom while she is in there going poopoo. That is a barrier that must never be crossed because its equal to the insults you’ll get when she’s delivering a kid.

There are tons, and tons of things here.

Knowing when you special gal is going through Mother Natures monthly visit is prime. This way you can plan that just got to go on a bike ride, or your Marine friend in where ever is ill and needs you. Get out of the house if you can. The level of aggression at this time, is one of Defcon 4. Not quite explosive but close enough to it.

While in the business arena , we as employers can’t ask that specific question of when our female workers are going into heat, It’d sure be nice if you could. Then you could schedule their on duty hours  within that framework. In other words, have the gals that are having their monthly off duty and replacing them with the ones that aren’t and vice versa. Then everybody would be happy and in good spirits.

So why have gals in the mix anyway if this is the problem? Hey it goes back to that saying I saw once in a Rest Area in Wyoming that read , “ This is Wyoming, where the men are men, women are women and the sheep are worried”

In our case , both the Women and Sheep are worried, but after all we are WOLVEZ, and in words, of, Bruce Almighty, “ That’s the way the cookie crumbles”

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
--Earl Wilson
1 Peter 1:13“[Be Holy] Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.”

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