Saturday, January 26, 2013

Can you believe it? 34 years ago, on Jan 29th 1979 The Dukes premiered on CBS

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Can you believe it, 34 years have passed since we first saw ye old General Lee, jump that dried up ditch. But it has.

I didn’t find Hazzard until December of 79, and wasn’t fully involved until 1981 but it has been one hulluva ride and a journey I’m glad I and the 50,000 member of the Knytes-of-Anarchy, took as well.

The memories, of both good and bad, the learning of my own confederate and southern Heritage, my reasons for doing radio, the shop, the reason I’m still sane today, all of it caused thankfully and happily by the Dukes-of-Hazzard.

A TV show cast that cared about its viewers, a show cast that traveled 2500 miles from Burbank CA, to Hagerman Idaho to attend the funeral of a fans mother(mine) and be there when the rest of the ungrateful town wasn’t there to comfort the son(me).

But again one helluva ride and one the club and I are glad we took.


Can you dig this shyt?

JJ Abrams and Disney are joining forces to reinvigorate the FORCE. Yes Star Wars will again be reborn, from Star Trek to Star Wars, may they both Live long and Prosper, now if we could just get a new good Dukes movie made. I got it, do the gig we been thinking about for years HazzardAyre, the movie. Only if we do it, lets not cast anyone from the Tragic Valley of Idaho, they are to damn stuck up and arrogant and self righteous, to be in our movie.

Best make it all in Utah, where many film projects are done. Funny, Idaho needs jobs and money yet has a spoon up its nose to the arts.

Try to cast something here, first you get called everything but a white man, then get the cops called on you for being some sort of wyld predator , then people can’t pull their heads out of their ass long enough to show up at a meeting of the club so the talent could meet em, even though the meeting is at the Wolf’s Lair.

None of that happened in metro SLC, I did the gigs there fast, sweet and painless. Which is why the economy is better in Utah. Sure the LDS thing is there in fact headquartered there, in SLC, but seems Utah LDS, are more open minded than Idaho LDS. At least Tragic Valley LDS. Which might be a reason, Utah's film commission is much more active, than Idaho’s Film Commission, that is all, but none existent. Makes one wonder why Mary Ann{Dawn Wells} of Gilligan’s Island fame resides and has a actors camp in Driggs Idaho, rather than say, somewhere Utah. But answers my question of a couple years ago of why there’s a Sundance Film festival in Park City Utah and no such thing in Sun Valley Idaho. Or even Idaho anywhere.

Some Hazzard words of wizzdum, passed on to ya’ll.

Keeping it all Hazzard ya’ll,


Quote of the Day:
Show me someone content with mediocrity and I'll show you someone destined for failure.
--Johnetta Cole
James 4:10“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

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