Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pride in our Industry and profession

HAZZARD AYRE WINGShh toew tymez hedder

You can always tell those that have been in toewing a long time and those that haven’t. You can also tell those who have pride and affection for this thing we do.

Case-n-Point, saw a thing on I Love Tow trucks on Facebook. A Tow truck Drivers Prayer, sounded good and all except when I saw on multiple lines the W {Wrecker} word, in there. One describing the person doing the job, and one describing the truck doing the job.

About the late 1980’s, a beloved friend of mine who published what became the bible of this industry , publication called Tow Times. His name John Hawkins the 3rd. He started a campaign to rid the industry of describing us and our trucks with the W word. Many of us have since disbanded and disregard the W word. Even teaching law enforcement to not call us or our rigs the W word.

So when I see the term , I immediately jump in and will defend the image upgrade and stop or try to get people not to use the W word.

Call us Hookers, toew truck driver, Road service technician, and our trucks anything besides the W word. Wreck is what we fix or remove from the road way. Wreck is also a term for those in the junk car or vehicle recycling business. Not us. Most of us have paid thousands of dollars in training, upgrading our trucks and cleaning up the evil image of towing. We do not need anybody allowing the degradation of our profession and industry by slyding back into the use of the W word.

The Rode Knytes Association and myself have and still run Public Service Announcements on TV on three area stations, paid for by US. We established a radio station KTOW here in Idaho for us who tow, plus we are just months from finalizing an agreement with XM/Sirius to launch the first XM/Sirius Radio channel for the towing industry especially us independent toewers.

We don’t need anything to hurt the effort.

Our industry has came a long, long way, from being seen as the fat greasy guy with a tattoo, on his arm with a cigar sitting on an overpass over the highway waiting for a little old lady in an old Ford Falcon to break down then swooping in like an owl on a mouse. Or scalping people, we helped establish a towing industry code of ethics. We tow drunk drivers home free on weekends and holidays year round so they don’t drink and drive. These efforts are doing good improving our image. We’re getting respect from both the law and public, so yes I’ll bark anytime I see anything or anyone degrading our industry, including writing in anything like a Tow Truck Drivers Prayer using the W word.

Until the afternoon on KTOW ,

hh toew tymez heddermy sig{3}

Quote of the Day:
Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
--St. Augustine
1 Corinthians 10:13“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

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