Tuesday, March 17, 2015

KnyteLyne PhooteNotes We are family and care for each other

BIG HAG HEDDER KnyteLyne Phootenotes

I got a call earlier during the news, wondering am I pineing for our new hire prospect, since I’ve been somewhat mushy on Facebook and so on.

My response is simply No I have NO ROMANTIC interest there. There is way too much of an age, and culture gap, for that to even be in the picture or plan. Sure I’d kiss her toe for a TV ad, but I’d never allow anything beyond that.

As far as being kind, complimentary, supportive and offering counseling. You bet I will, as I would any member of the Knytes or AyreWolvez.

Both the Knytes and especially the Wolf-Pack of the AyreWolvez, are a big family, either through direct membership, or as an adopted part of the family, through employment. This is a mandatory condition of being involved with us, no one is allowed to work for or perform duty to either club, without being part of the family, through direct membership or indirectly as an adopted or prospective member. As such no matter the personal problems or concerns that person has, I’m never too busy to sit down and just talk, and be a soundboard for any member or prospect that needs someone to talk to. Heck I may some time have a problem that Britt could help me with, beyond standard employment which there is nothing standard about being employed by the Wolf-Pack or the Knytes.

I just simply like the young lady, who has went through some bad shit, who needs an adult or at least an older friend. That is me, and hopefully, if I need her, she’ll be there should I need a soundboard or listening shoulder.

Just wanted to clear that up.

So who would be the right lady to be my personal SheWolf? Simple;, Gretchen Wilson, with April Scott’ legs, and be a true southern belle. All confederate, a full rebel.


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kNYTElYNE Teen girls need to display an ID


So I’m here in the RodeHouse watching Walker Texas Ranger, and the episode was about these teen girls who would lure unsuspecting older males into their house, do the wyld thyng and then holler rape. How easy it is for most guys that are lonely to fall into that trap. Fortunately I am able although with much stress that temptation.

However I have a neighbor friend Adam, who is always playing with teen girls, and although he’s keeping his zipper closed all it takes is one of those gals to yell rape or him get caught with them in his apartment and it statutory rape time. Even innocent it’d take a big dollar attorney to fix that, and keep him off the sex registry list.

His Mom is a good friend of mine, that’s doing a heavy duty job buffering between me and the owners of this joint, although now gotta park the Gen JaXson over by the office, since he’s peeing antifreeze. But even so Janet fought for me to get in here and saved my six from being in the cold, so I’m trying to help her naive son from stepping in a big bear vice.

So I pitched the idea of having our new hire prospect and a friend of hers, to show up, looking hot, and maybe do a night out, to show Adam, that he does not need to fish in the teen pool, for attractive lady pals.

But its not just Adam, I hear all the time about both men and women dipping in the teen pool, for a lustful connection.

Right now there’s a teacher in jail going to trial, on having sex with one of her teen students. In my opinion she shouldn’t even be being prosecuted for this. After all the two teen boys knew what the hell was going on, more over if I had , had’ve had a teacher that looked like her, I’d have been the student making a pitch.

Part of that is why I’m so attracted to women in nylons. I had a social studies teacher in 6th grade who used to wear super mini skirts. She wore seamed nylons, and one afternoon, after school her teaching me for some homework, she somehow started seeing that I was rising to the occasion, so she gave me a hand job with her nyloned feet. I told Mom and Dad, my Dad said so what? Boy just got his rocks off, sowed wyld oats. Mom thought pretty much the same thing. In both cases nothing was done, no harm no foul. But today Miss Jensen would have been hauled off and tarred and feathered. She and the gal being tried for something similar were just doing their jobs, teaching.

However young teen girls often lure guys into their web, grease em up, mount em, and then squeal rape. When it was the teen girls doing the tempting.

My opinion Teen and even after Teen girls need to wear an age ID tag, so that guys do not look at em and forget their minds for a sweet behind.

More L8R tonyte, on KnyteLyne PhooteNotes.

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The In and Out movement good with a lady, not good for business

BIG HAG HEDDER Afternoon Delyte

The in and out movement of just stroking the shaft is great when your with a woman, but not worth a spit in a windstorm for doing business, but the noise motor gets the oil.

We have been approved for The Reaper and are moving ahead on that. Plus the club  has the radio net in sight so all is going better.

Sometimes you have to remember the old saying if you love something set it free, if it returns to you, its yours, if it doesn’t it never was. Likewise if you want something plant the seed, and be patient enough to let it germinate.

I’m just worried are we going to be able to assemble a staff large enough, of people outside club membership, to make it all work.

Talked to Mr.. Little today. he’s given the green light to the Reaper, Talked to a former colleague who says they are still interested. Trouble is when the colleague bad mouths you or the club, behind your back, makes one not want to get warm again.

Pitched the he & she thing very covertly to Britt, I didn’t get a yes, but didn’t get a no hell no either.

It would be so easy for me to fall for her that its not funny. She’s sweet, pretty, energetic, and ambitious. If we get it together fine, if not she is a Lady of the Knytes and a club sister. So she gets respect.

Well that’s my day, and news of the club.

More tonyte on Knytelyne .


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gOOD Morning, this is my Kriptonite

BIG HAG HEDDER good morning

HAZZARD COUNTY WELCOME MAT_thumb Without getting into much detail this morning as my mind needs some sleep after trying to find a malware spyware bandit on my computer, most of the previous night, I was asked in a chat, just what melts my feelings to get me soft and attracts me to a hot looking or even a modestly good looking woman? To which I thought I’d share this with you in breef now and get into it deeper later. My Kriptonite, is simple and to the point;

MY KRIPTONITE Yes it’s really that simple. A gal wanting my attention or affection, only needs to dangle these images (1) on these >nylons_thumb3 in front of me and my entire mind is at her command.

Because I just>i_love_stockings_postcards_package_of_8 .


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Monday, March 16, 2015

Should have but didn’t


Earlier this evening I got a call from a person that used to be at least as far as I was concerned, a good friend. The call came from a once member of the Knytes, who was ousted due to failure to perform duty. JAG jargon calls it a Article 82 offense, we just call it lack of loyalty.

The Knytes is above all, a performance minded organization. If your not going to do your duty to the club when asked, makes no matter as to if you paid dues or not, but your out.

So Joe, called and was interested in being reinstated. I said I couldn’t do that on my own that it was up to the club officers. The bottom line is, nothing personal Joe, but you had a chance, you were a prospect, but you never did what you said you were going to do. Maybe someday that fence can be mended , but not today.

Another message I got was from one of our members in Boise, while he understands the structure, he said aren’t you leaning a bit on getting these new hires, to let you put lips to toes in nylon hose? My response is simple. I’d rather make a mistake on a TV ad for Highway Hooker Toewing, than I would on an ad or promo for the club. More over there’s a shoot on deck for the 30th of March. Our photohog Anita is coming down from Nebraska to shoot some promo pics for the website and TV ad. If I’m to be kissing some gals toes to make this>erin n me into this>156620_162274433815329_2784886_n I’d like to be able to rehearse the pose or whatever, or if she feels funny doing that come up with something she’s comfortable with that’s similar. Not wait until a couple of days to the shoot or the shoot itself.

That’s why I’m pushing on that, yet Britt and or her friend has yet came to the Wolf’s Den here, wearing socks or something that would allow a quick rehearsal. It’s the same thing I tell most. If you can’t take the gig seriously, and at least try something, then don’t hold us up, and look elsewhere. Its time to crap or get off the toilet. It’s the same situation I’m going through with the bastards who own this bar and grill in Evanston called Lotty’s that we are looking to put the Reaper in. For the amounts they want for it, you’d think they’d get off the John to get things rolling. Given the condition, few if anyone at the rental and restoration costs are going to go in there with the economy of Evanston being what it is, would buy into it.

On the flip side here we are, and its like getting felt up by a Pentecostal virgin waiting for some serious action but being kept in a holding pattern. The search for a new location starts next Monday.

Any mile , Britt and her friend was to come over at 10:00PM , but I don’t think they’re going to make it, so I’m going to get ready to get to bed as I have a busy day Tuesday.


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WE LUV TOEWZ HAVE A GREAT NIGHT today was a> 19152_311213912621_1145142_n



new rules at Facebook, might prevent you from sharing or posting to YOUR page

BIG HAG HEDDER Afternoon Delyte

Scanned this article from DigiTrends Online, about the new rules of Facebook TOS and what can be posted and what will be removed. Guess the idea of free speech and rights to post what YOU want as opposed to the wants of the great majority are not the same thing. Two thoughts come up there, one if you don’t post anything except what YOU feel is appropriate on YOUR page, it is after all YOUR page or your Timeline. It is after all that of which you have invited your friends to view, so it should be up to you, not Facebook. Your so called Facebook have two choices, read and enjoy, or defriend you and ignore. It’s up to them. After all your not posting to a community bulletin board, your posting to Your friends on YOUR Timeline on your newsfeed on your Page.

The new restrictions are no bare butts, jugs, or infinite discussions of serious sexual encounters. Really? That means you can put up a photo like this>41194a10838f3014fbdc10fb683deabd however you can’t post something like this>up and over even though her butt is in nylons.

You can post this>black cat or this>blak sox however not this>no shorts or this>needs work Freedom of expression is no longer welcome at Facebook.

Gotta say our Britt, her attire today was inviting and just about enough to where if she would have just whispered , she’d have had me. However as friendly as I may be, there’s albeit thin, but a line where I’m boss her, employee. I just wish just once , without me even asking , that she offer me her toes so she can do this>erin n me to make this>156620_162274433815329_2784886_n There must be some goofy reason, women of all ages either don’t want to show their toes, or allow someone to play around them. I wish someday somebody would explain to me one time why.

One thing of operations that came up when I suggested, that Britt start to write articles etc for the printed version of HazzardAyre, that she didn’t write well. If one can’t write a blog post, or gather information to write articles, how is she going to gather information and write program radio copy for air delivery? How is she going to be a journalist? As well as a broadcaster.

In closing no toe smooch, but still working on it.


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