Thursday, September 19, 2013

If you ignore you’ll soon be shown the door

hazzardayre phootenotesaHazzardAyre Short hedder

So got through the show this morning only after two network disruptions. I know even Cable-One has troubles. Thing is in cable-One’s case they think the same conditions in both Texas and Arizona are what is here in Idaho. Fact is Texas and Arizona don’t have mountain ranges, mountain top repeaters and so on that can get a hiccup. Bottom line if my show is interrupted even for a few seconds or minutes that it takes me to reboot, that’s that many potential people buying the products that folks pay the club to advertise on the station. Making this an even more bottom line, it does skips a beat again like it did on the first night, the damn thing will be cut off and I’ll go back to SpeedConnect. Dig this, I did a speed test on Cable One’s mps , it came in at just under 15mps, and an upload of 4mps. Now there’s something wrong here. If I’m going to have equal service, I’ll be damn if I’m going to pay $212.00 a month, when I only pay $50.00 a month from SpeedConnect. Conclusion, I’ll keep running Cable-One for awhile, but if it screws the pooch again like it did this morning, its off I go back to SpeedConnect and I’ll just keep Cable-One for cable TV. Nuff said on that.

Then I sent an email to both Joni and Katt to name a few. I know there are some that will not or that I don’t expect to respond or reply. But the ones that are being welcomed in as new hires even on an extended basis, like Paige, or in the interior like Joni, when I send something out its not to just have hammer something out, I demand a response. Even if it is, I’m okay and yes I got the message. I allow for some understanding for a short term for new hires. But there are three that have been biting my heels wanting to be on the radio gig. They send something out, but never respond or drop on by. Simple fact, ignore me once I forgive, ignore me twice, I might let it go by, ignore me three times, I show you the door, and its adios.

It’s why there is the probationary prospect period of two and a half weeks. Its you prove to the club and me, that you have the right stuff or its see ya.

The wait and see thing is not something I go for, this is not Burger King, you get it our way, or you don’t get the damn thing after all.

More L8R Ya’ll I’m headed for bed.

See ya’ll on the radio.


Quote of the Day:
Commonsense and good nature will do a lot to make the pilgrimage of life not too difficult.
--William Somerset Maugham
Ephesians 4:29“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

knyte scar KNYTESTAIL

a cooter adREAPER CLUB SIGN 2


Eddie Blows The Tank [ Stealth part - 1 ]

WyldAyre Radio (playlist)

Hotter than a Saturday night Special


So here I was thinking Joni was going to be just another no show, when on the door came a knock. It was her. Okay this shows at least a bit of spirit and guts, I thought lets see where this goes. We got to talking, So there’s chemistry there, albeit somewhat subdued but chemistry all the same. Not only can she manage and run the Reaper>REAPER CLUB SIGN 2Club but I think could after some training, take a few monkeys off my back and become an administrative director so I can get back to running the MC’s shop and my toew service and aviation company. What a gas that’d be huh?

The first thing that seemed unusual was she took me for lunch, bought lunch , don’t think that will not be reversed, but over in traffic we walked, YES WALKED, over to Mickey shits and a couple of Cheese Burgers later, we were dining Hazzard style or what might pass as a extravancy Hazzard style.

So then hoofed it home, the idiot that dropped her off went over to some queers house, and fell asleep. For me that’s the last place I’m taking a nap, if the duds queer, never know the surprise that might be exposed. No way. I’m not scared, but I’m a 100% CSADA (Confederate,States,Department,of,Agriculture) certified American male, I like women, I like how they smell, I love how they feel, and I really get hungry for how they taste. Take that away or the dude shows his tallywhaker, and out comes a blade and I make the dude sing like Michael Jackson. I don’t care what he does at home but keep that shit away from me.

So she waits and waits, no response through texts she’s getting tweaked. Not that it is any of my business, but what ever was said in that car of hers on the way home I bet was not nice. Especially after A Mikes Lemonade. I bet that dudes day was really messed up. Tell ya’ll this, if Joni was my SheWolf, Guarantee I’d never just let her be hanging loose dangling, no way but hey that’s this old Wolf.

Then get home one gal by the nick name of Katt, wants to join the HazzardAyre/KDXB crew. Told her where we are at, what to do, so we see what shakes. Thing is overnight is when I’m running this radio show full tilt. If someone wants to see things in action, that’s the time. Wander over sit in the guest seat, shut up and watch, then either show up for a job gig or not. Don’t just prejudge. Joni will tell anybody there is nothing going to happen here inside the Wolf’s Lair that they do not want to happen. I’m not into them any lady applicant for personal gratification, I’m into lady applicants because ladies on the air sell radio air time or make potential advertisers want to buy air time. Just like Joni or any other employee, when they leave, that’s it. I don’t care what they do on their own time after work. As long as they don’t bring up or embarrass the club, they can go make babies or Twinkies, I do not care. Just because the studio is still in the house, which is going to be changed here soon, but yes HazzardAyre’s studio is at the Wolf’s Lair. And for those trying to figure that one out, use your computer if it streams well, go to find the old TV show Airwolf, and you’ll figure out on your own what the Wolf’s Lair is. The other reason, this place is called the Wolf’s Lair, is, remember the AyreWolvez meet, sleep here. The Knytes meet at the shop, daily and twice monthly at Snake River Grill in Hazzard. An applicant comes in, trains here, goes through club probation here, if they make it that far they get directed to the bigger place in Buhl, where they will work.

That simple.

All I can say I get pissed at people that want in , but never take the leap to go through. But we now have two gals on the AyreWolvez/Knytes payroll, Joni, for bar and my administrative assistant, and Paige my model and talent recruiter, who now will be working close with Joni.

Outside of that we keep looking. My only thing is, if your going to rattle the Wolf’s door by answering one of our ads, then follow through or don’t rattle the door.

Until L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Happiness is not a reward — it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment — it is a result.
--Robert Green Ingersoll
Ephesians 4:29“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


take time to pray



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Order of Attack


In the words of Jim Reeves, Welcome to my world, wont ya’ll come in.

As Roscoe would say, Good news Good News, we have a new hire, could be my second seat. Only time will tell, all looks good.

So then, get home from going to McDonalds, for lunch, or at least such as it was, found a I think, web developer, but again we see, then got home to a call from IHA, saying they got to get a reply from Davis HA, which is going to come back screwed so best thought here, VA IHA not going to happen, but nearing that point to where I can tell all these public helping programs to kiss my grits. Thing is one busts his ass for this nation, earns the rank of Colonel, in 30 years something few can do or has done, and yet because of one no make that two idiots one in Utah, yes even Utah has assholes and this IHA outfit in Idaho here and it’s a wait and watch thing? Bullshit.

So the attack order is, radio station as always number one, Reaper Club number two, and HCC Shop number 3.

Oh and by the way, do you realize that as popular as SOA is, I found today that there are people who don’t even know who, John Thomas Teller is. Watch the show. You’ll figure it out.

L8R Friends

aHazzardAyre Short heddersign off

Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
Philippians 2:3-4“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
knyte scar  SWEET TAIL 2

Its ASOA, that is After Son’s of Anarchy. Dynamic


It’s ASOA, that is After Son’s of Anarchy. Its going to be one dynamic explosive season. Not as big a bang as last week’s premier , but close enough.

SOA brings me to the foundation of the bar or at least one side of it. The idea of a bar beer tap for the club goes all the way back to the birth of the club. Our private lounge was something to be had, lots of brew and pecker tracks in that place. Sadly, Cliff Jensen Doyle Pugmire, and the original Trustee of what was called the Montgomery Foundation, decided that me living in Hazzard was a bad thing to continue, and in part they weren’t wrong, but selling the house for way below market value, Doyle as then Gooding County Assessor dropping property taxes on the place just to make a quick sale, then jacking up those same Property taxes was a total rip off to me by them. But what do you do?

Can’t sue today, statute of limitations, couldn’t sue then few would take on a young 20 something,so I moved. Course it only took 6 months in Ada County to do what I had been trying to do in this Tragic Valley for near 10 years. Was moving away good for me, bet your butt on it, was moving back here in the beginning good? No but then the lady I was with then’s Aunt ran Trouts, thought in time changing Trouts to The Boars Nest, and so it went. The main reason I came back here was two fold, one reignite the radio station in Buhl, get it on the air firing on all cylinders, recruit, train , install a decent manager, Then go back down Utah way. The other reason was to recruit talent from a now defunct media training course at Boise State. I had no big intentions of going back into wrenching on scoots, ayrecraft or going toewing here. But hey the club foots the bill for three things, can’t ask much if anything of a pay check, from the club, pay checks are for in studio anchor announcers on the radio station, and bar employees etc. Not for club members keeping the fire hot.

Had a gal call finally from Hazzard, where else, only decent people live there, the assholes moved to Twin Falls. But this Joni gal calls says she’s going to be here at the club house(Wolf’s Lair) at 13:00, called at 12:45 tire blew, then calls about the lug wrench taking a dump, so supposedly she’s going to be here Wednesday at 13:00. Wouldn’t it be keen, if she showed up in a super short mini, heels, stockings and all that will be part of the main look at the Reaper? Supposedly she’s got a Doctor or friend coming both dressed that way would be a plus, but that’s just exploring and old Wolf’s fantasy, But a Daisy Duke/Southern Belle, look is the look of the Reaper. Think Sheena E, (Miami Vice mid 80’s) . The Business model of the Reaper is BJ’s Bayou in Roberts Idaho, Shorty’s Saloon Boise, OutLaws And Angels (sort of) Bliss, and of course the pretend bar on TV’s SOA. Going a bit further the targeted clientele, is Marine aviators number one, Confederate rebels two, and bikers 3. Everything else is blow by exhaust. Of course the new hire process is not all that simple. After all the Reaper is not going to be just another bar. First I interview here at the Wolf’s Lair, then they get interviewed at HCC(the shop) by the rest of the club, Rick, Toby etc. Then if the applicant passes that, she’s trained and schooled in KOA(Knytes-of-Anarchy) protocol, then she’s given a a two week low pay trial, if that all works then she joins the club as an employee and associate KOA member as no one can work for the club without membership.

Okay on the Pin Up Girl project. Due to weather and circumstances beyond our control we have put that on hold until March 2014. By then as weather warms we’ll be putting gals on film for a 2015 AyreWolvez/KOA Calendar. That does not mean pulling the want ads, just means we’ll be recruiting through until late February. Course the recruiting process will be made easier by then, as the radio station will be in the publics ear, and of course our TV ads on the TV, more over the bar will help to facilitate, the Pin Up girl model recruitment effort better.

But as I close I need to say this. I hear on the news, read on my news boards etc about people looking for jobs. I hear from college students needing extra cash for school, and yet out of so many inquiries only two have taken it all seriously enough to get together with me so I could do a meet and greet. One for the Pin Up from the Boise area she drove all the way down, from up there and will be the cover girl we’ll shoot for the cover page for the clubs website. But she came down here on a big maybe on her own. 120 miles one way. Wednesday, a gal is coming over from Hazzard 40 miles away one way, to do a meet and greet interview. 2 out of 150 so far inquiries over the period of one year. And people wonder why myself and the club are gun shy on a whole mess of things. $700k for the bar, $800.00 a month on the shop, up to this point $750,000.00 on the radio station, and only two potential employees and not one for the radio station itself? I will be honest, if the trucks were in much healthier condition right now, a new treasurer in Utah or eastern Idaho found, and a place to go to, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t just say to hell with it, sell the radio station license and tower site, and just get the Wolf-Pack at least out of here, including myself. But I’m stuck for two years here. if thinks get smoothed out, I get people in the bar, radio studio, shop does good, and I find a place for AyreWolf Aviation then fine. If not, trucks are loaded, and I’m gone and I will never come back.

Any mile it was a long day yesterday, my body is spent, did not get my nap yesterday, so I’m headed for bed. See ya’ll on the radio Wednesday into Thursday on the radio.

L8R Ya’ll

aHazzardAyre Short hedder  sign off

Quote of the Day:
Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure.
--Thomas Edison
Philippians 2:3-4“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Each has its own crap


Every telecomm or internet service has its own crap. No matter how much you’d wish it to be an easy swap, it isn’t. But now we have Cable-One, but I’m not yet ditching SpeedConnect. Here’s why, besides the high cost of Cable-One, the radio station needs the faster more consistent upload speed, not so much download. However for simplicity, to do basic blogging, etc, I trust SpeedConnect. While SpeedConnect at certain hours is slower than syrup in December in Tennessee it does get there. When I signed up with SpeedConnect, I came home, plugged in the modem, and was online in 10 minutes, no phone calls for tech support which I did 3 times with Cable-One, but when you have a real snafu you can go grab somebody by the shirt collar at SpeedConnect. Oh Cable-One has its office here, but the techs are not really where you can give em an adintudinal adjustment.

But I think all is well now, going in to finally watch decent TV and take my nap. Being awakened before noon, especially at 08:30 hours, makes this southern wolf grumpy.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Adversity attracts the man of character. He seeks out the bitter joy of responsibility.
--Charles de Gaulle
Ephesians 5:1“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


hazzardayre tail 2