Thursday, November 6, 2014

Back in the saddle again and home to Idaho after the holidays


Think I found a solution to my living quarters problem, but the $602.00 cost of admission is a bit steep. Considering office rent and old Lil Wolf breaking down. Fortunately I had enough to do a band aide repair, but needs more to get-r-done complete.

Called big C(Charlie) in Twin Falls, looks as if the place I had there is going to be available come February of 2015. Which means just after the holidays I can if all goes well move back home, get my old job back at A1 and get to establishing some roots.

Thing is pending and I’m excited about that.

Where I lease office space here in Woods Cross, says no can do a extended stay as far as here being quarters, except for overnight radio gigs, so the place in Ogden at Park Avenue Apartments makes the best sense for all needs concerned.

So I turned to my friend and Bishop, for help. Hope he will do a one last thing here. Having a place with all things except cable TV surly is a God send blessing. Allowing me to get things ready for a late January early February departure.

On the subject of the radio show / station, it’ll stay where its at, a monthly run down here in ye ole General Jackson, do all the voice overs and all, then being to exit, and go back to Twin to do tow duties, also facilitates a bunch of things.

Hope this gets posted, the wifi connection I have here now is slow, but dig this come Thursday, we get CenturyLink, and I can tell Comcast goodbye.

Comcast is good for TV , not internet nor phone and certainly not for business.

TTYLY Until Thursday.

L8R Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.
--Albert Einstein
Romans 13:1“[Submission to Governing Authorities] Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”

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Things the elections can’t or will not fix, I voted Confederate States Party

HAG HEDDER MAXIColonels Journal Hedder

The best alternative title for this entry is; can I have a refund with that?

As many of you now should know, in the process of heading back to Twin Falls and A1 and the whole thing there.

What you may not know is why.

It’s not the entire state, nor is it that everybody here is ignorant nor all being arrogant. The thing is there are too many who hunger for greed.

While it is important to make a fair wage for a days or in my case nights work, still there is a point that goes over the basic comfort line to the let’s see how much we can get, lets see how we can scratch out of even the lessor of the population.

Let’s go over the thing here.

The office of Weber County Mental Health, and the Midtown Medical clinic is one of the poorest, inefficiently ran organizations and operation that I have ever seen.

Out of 10 times going in there its only 3 times, that ANYBODY there knew who was on first, and who was on third base. The rest of the time its too many having no idea and those that do, not taking responsibility or avoiding responsibility. Then there’s this outfit, called PAAG, for discount housing. Guess what I take time away from my duties in this period of crisis, and find out without a bunch of money in my pocket still can’t get in.

How about telling someone that they need to have first month, last month, and a deposit, to get in the door? It’s called honesty.

Now Charlie at A1, is pushing to get me into my old place there in Twin Falls, trouble is I’m loosing money waiting, but the wait will be worth it so as I had predicted I’m stuck here at the HQ of HazzardAyre Radio for a few weeks, but at least there’s a roof over thine head and being warm, and all, just no shower. Which after nearly two months, without one since Questar stubbed the pooch and sent my dead cousin, the gas bill , and let that go on for 5 months. The excuse from them, was you kept using the resource. Trouble is I thought the damn Landlord was paying that since he took out of my monthly stipend from SSI money to pay the gas bill. Where did the money go? In his pocket.

Then there is the predatory loan companies. Called Check advance and such places. Here’s the gig, in their ad's it says, hey come on in we don’t do credit checks or credit worthiness checks, Bullshit. They say that your pre approved for a minimum amount. Sure you are. They consult with their underwriters who does a scratch and sniff at your FICA score, anything less than 600 your told sorry. But they didn’t say that in their ads. The reason they got away with that even though there were and are many complaints filed with the Utah Department of Consumer Protection, is that good old former AG, Mark Shurtlifft and his cronies got election kick backs.

Awhile ago I saw this thing on KSL News, about Utah being rated as one of if not the best place in the Union, to live etc. The secondary to say Disneyland. Oh its DisneyLand alright. But not in a good way. The plentiful jobs, low cost of living etc they say is here is just a bunch of blowhards. Rent is twice as much as any state around Utah, including Idaho and Wyoming. Fuel is more expensive, taxation is 4 times that of any surrounding state, even things as Simple as Skoal, or Copenhagen is higher here twice as much as any surrounding state, it’s the hidden LDS sin Tax, that few are told about. Anything that kicks against part 89 of the LDS, D&C, will cost you more here. Forget about real beer here. Brewskies here are at 3.2 octane, but surrounding states 6.9 octane. The list goes on but I say let’s hear the truth for once about things and places. Even TV stations that say yes but in reality should just be honest at the get go, and say no.

At least two good things that came out of the 9 month adventure. ! got my money coming directly at me, in my pocket every month. Second have an office and HQ for HazzardAyre.

About us and SOA? That in my next entry.

HAG MINInew ayre sig

Quote of the Day:
So long as you rob Peter to pay Paul, you'll have Paul's support.
CLUB BYE 10710627_955983637760420_8331021862819600807_n

So wound up can’t even piss

HAG HEDDER MAXIColonels Journal Hedder

Yesterday was a day I’d just asoon forget, yet it wasn’t until near 20:00PM that I finally made it to the joint in Ogden.

Had mini Wolf all loaded up but wouldn’t ya’ll know it? Just as I hit hit mid way on 89, left front tire puked.

So tried to fix it, but found that the spare I had, wasn’t even on the right wheel. GM car, but bolt pattern slightly askew.

Finally had to call my friends at Intermountain Tow for a lift to Brian’s. Got there, the dang kind nearly had it but broke the wheel

stud, so this caused a delay in my relocation from the joint to the office where I’ll bed down for the next three weeks.

Now just waiting for CenturyLink.

Moving onto the abyss here.

There are things that occur that are only temporary and yet can frustrate the heck out you.

Like the tire deal yesterday, sure it all took longer than expected, sure it was a pain in the six and of course digs into my limited wallet deeper. That said we are getting there.

HazzardAyre from its origin to now has went through near obscure to the sublime back to getting kicked in the groin, and back again. Vendors like Comcast claim a bunch of things but fails to deliver. Whilest and not a complete fan, but CenturyLink, does get there albeit limited fashion but it gets there. The people on the other end were able to get me the phone numbers I wanted for the HQ here, plus able to host and help to construct our needed website to be a companion to our radio stream, on LiveStream. Even so, is there a slightly slower up load than download? Of course, ever know a upload to be faster than download? We’re going to test the stream later tonight.

Why the switch? When Comcast can’t get their crap together, long enough to keep their records and conversations with customers especially a radio station customer straight and their billing department says the bills were sent the paper ones, yet weren’t The amount due creeps up. Is that our fault? No, its  the fault of corporate America, and the biggest pain of them all, Comcast.

Anymile we’re up again, let ya’ll know how well it all works in the weeks to come.


HAG MINI new ayre sig

Quote of the Day:
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.
--Dr. Laurence J. Peter
Ephesians 1:9-10“he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.”

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

After it all, couldn’t we have done this in Twin Falls?


The questions have been coming in faster than a stallion peeing. There is a long, hard road taking the vast majority of what was re-created in 2008 as the Knytes-of-Anarchy, back into the Rode Knytes Association.

The questions though were based on the situation of being online. The fact is no we couldn’t have done in Twin Falls what we have been albeit by clawing and scratching, but what we have achieved here in Metro-Utah.

Yes the initial hurry was to meet the requirements to get connected to Comcast. Something, now looking back, we should not have done. I do not fault Laura of the Colorado Springs Colorado office of Comcast. She did a grand job, But she is but one person who exceeds the needs of her clients. She no more could prevent the disconnect we are going through from Comcast than I do. The chain of process goes to accounts receivable and collections to a bunch of people that do not see the bigger picture, is the problem.

The fact of moving from Twin Falls was not a complete blow out, we now have an office/studio that while not cheap, is manageable. The fact that I was to finally get the personal funds I get from DoD unclutched from trustees , I couldn’t have done without coming to Utah. That’s important, since the funds of the Knytes gets deposited in my account each month so I CAN pay the monthly bills. The shove off from Comcast is simply a full breech of contracted services by Comcast itself. If their clerical staff, would have some how sent paper rather than a email bill, which even that I never got, and how often did I tell Comcast what the email was and where to send it.

But they never did. As a result the account went delinquent and they expect us to cough up $1,200.00 bullshit

So Could we have done this in Twin Falls? Yes on one part, no on the other.

Good Numbers To Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
Proverbs 15:23“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

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promo shot pleasent view tail

Comcast messed up and lost an account

HazzardAyre PhooteNotesAT THE END OF THE DAY

We not only got our old number , but saving REAL money.

First it was a nail biter coming to the office this afternoon. With low fuel and all I barely got into the office, only to find the cord between us and the Internet via Comcast was cut, yep they did a soft disconnect. So I did some fast talking, got us up , but decided that $800.00 bill was just too much. So called up CenturyLink, got us set up there for October 30th between 13:00 Hours and 17:00 hours.

Dig this, CenturyLink was able to get us our original phone number back yess 801-292-9653 or 1-801-292-WOLF will work again. CenturyLink can guarantee us 60 Megs down , 20 up on our own digital line. And should we add new offices in Idaho and Wyoming, CenturyLink can connect us there as well.

CenturyLink came through, when Comcast couldn’t. Comcast has promised at minimum of 30 megs up but we rarely get 20. As far as a download bandwidth, if we’re lucky if we get 80, even though we have been paying for 100mbps plus. The fact that we never got a paper bill from Comcast even though Comcast says they sent them, I know damn sure that John over in I4 Solutions always puts our mail if we get it, under my door. So for just over 3 months, no paper bill, no phone call, and they wanted me to cough up $1,200.00 of which $800.00 is due now, because of their mess up, when it should be $300.00? Really, so I ditched Comcast.

At home I’ll keep em for TV, but I’ll be damned if I’ll ever use Comcast for anything else. Including HazzardAyre, or the AyreWolvez. Will not happen.

Didn’t get in to see the crew for KSL this morning , I truly wanted to, but the Club’s High Council met last night as we do every Tuesday right after Sons-of-Anarchy, in Ogden.

Various things were discussed, and a overhaul on the club is coming, I’ll share more on that next week. The Knytes-of-Anarchy moniker however will change to The RODE KNYTES Association, The AyreWolvez will remain as we are. Second a rework to more being a trucker/towing organization rather than an MC , third get the knowledge out about who we are, what we do, and get some real club awareness out there.

One of people at CH4 said that just the Knytes-of-Anarchy sounded racist, and had white supremacy tones to it so that was their excuse to not take us on as clients to advertise on METV, really? After 5 months reading the blog and all they couldn’t get that just because we are here preserving Southern heritage and fly our rebel flag, that we welcome everybody including ethnic groups. We have even asked many times through talent agencies to send us cute and pretty Hispanic and African talent. Yet nobody ever does. If you think a Hispanic can’t be hot, think Selena Gomez. But its that and other facades that prevent us from advancing, so some reworking of the club is required.

The final here with the club overhaul, the club nationally and through our parent organization, has pledged just under $3,million dollars for this next year to be deposited in our charters bank account, for the project of the overhaul and education project. That includes hiring more model talent, acting talent, and the rest, so looks like I’m going to remain on station for the next 8 months, so gotta scramble to find quarters, to house my butt for the next half of the year.

There’s more, but LexiBelle is secure, Communications restored, and a big humungous overhaul to the club is going to be on the organizations HUD for the year of 2015.

Did I say, a full on ToewBabes Calendar, video and promotion project is in the works as well.

TTYLY On October 30th 2014.


Quote of the Day:
Confidence and enthusiasm are the greatest sales producers in any kind of economy.
--O. B. Smith
Proverbs 15:23“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Harder to get out than to get in

HazzardAyre PhooteNotes

From the very second I entered this dimension of existence, I was of the LDS faith. I truly think Mom had more to do with that than Dad did. Dad would have had me be Southern Methodist or of that area. Any way I was Mormon.

I walked the steps, from Primary to a so called High Priest, in the Melkezdick Priesthood. Only symbolic, however never ordained. Oh yes I did my missionary duty and all, but even through that my mission partner, was caught doing the feel it up to one of the Jap families we were teaching. The church just swept it under the rug and nothing further mentioned.

My mission was cut short, as my number to the UCSMC came up so I went to military duty.

I remember several times I questioned the denomination. Its more a self appointed dominion over the west. Including the church reaching over the border of Idaho, and making those not of the denomination fear those in some measure of power that are of the LDS denomination.

I can remember this at the time I thought anyway, one gal of one of the well to do families in Hazzard, of the Hazzard Ward, there was only one, one evening at Mutual going out back of the church for a smoke, yet earlier that evening, me being chastised by the mother of the same girl, for having a pinch between cheek and gum.

There is a list a mile long and 4 miles wide, of my grievances with the LDS Church, not too mention, the dishonesty of it. But the fact is, I Googled how to get excommunicated from the Church, yet its all about how Bishops and all can excommunicate you, but how does one resign by choice, remove all records of ever being a member of said church and completely step out of it? There is none, yet that’s exactly what I’m doing and working towards as the last of the things on my bucket list of being in Utah.

Reason? When I get a heated response like I got from the so called loving and holier than though Bishop, just because I asked for a tank of fuel, albeit yes they did help on the rent and such one more time, but damn, I’ve had it.

Just like Utah itself, its harder to get out of than to get in. Any suggestions?


wynged sigAYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 51:12“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

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Urban invasion

hazzardayre poster boardAW Lawg

As it was in 2005, I see , as I drive down the big highway from Centerville Utah to just near Kaysville Utah more houses, more asphalt and less farm ground.

Out against the great Salt Lake one sees not lush farm ground or a farmer tilling the soil, but another Wal-Mart or Smith Food Center being built. Oh they soon will need those food stores since Utahn’s like other areas will have to import their food.

I caught this commentary last weekend on This Week In Agribusiness on RFDTV, about the lack of qualified or even willing teachers willing to teach agriculture to young students.

Today as I was chatting with my second seat here at the studio, the lack of FFA, 4-H and other similar classes were being offered. Did America or at least Utah give up on production farming? Or even farming to begin with? Few realize or remember that the organization that created HazzardAyre Radio started as a 4-H Truck Transportation Club. That’s right a 4-H Club. Simply called the TeenAge Truckers Association.

Teaching youth driving farm trucks and equipment how to do just that drive properly the rigs moving agriculture. As for me after I got along going towing, during summer months, few tows, but lots of farm ground to be fertilized, and enhanced through nutrients, so Dad being the business guy he was, brought myself and cousin Gordon, in and created Eagle Starr Flying Service. With two helicopters two air tractors. Over the years Eagle Star Flying Service became AyreWolf Aviation in 2006, be that as it may, farming and agriculture has always been a foundation for my life and I know how important it is to everyone, since everyone needs to do this one thing every day or you die, its called EAT. And its sad to see the land giving way to homes, interstates, roads, and shopping centers.

I want to see more farms, more kids out working the land. The complaint by many is the rush over the borders of Mexican workers. True it has became a problem, but dig this, how many kids or even Anglo men are out in those fields in a hot sun, hoeing sugar beets, or even driving a potato truck? How many teens, not of a farm family are in a barn helping to milk cows? How many are out on a July day moving hand lines Sprinkler pipes? Get the kids, teens , etc out from in front of a computer screen, away from that cell phone and away from the cable TV and put em in the fields. That’s how you reduce the need of farmers having to bring in Mexican farm labor.

There’s a thrill, of satisfaction of coming in from a long day in the fields working on a farm, bringing in a crop of hay, sitting down to a REAL home made meal, with cold buttermilk, mashed taters, thick gravy and a side of pork, then going in reading the Bible and getting a nights sleep. Taking a line from the Jim Carrey movie , Bruce Almighty, when God was telling Bruce, “ Some of the happiest people in the world come in at night smelling like high Heaven” I believe that.

Get our youth back on the farm, lets educate our youth in agriculture, lets encourage new teachers, to specialize in agricultural education.

Beth Ann from CSC Talk Radio , now on at 08:00 AM Monday through Friday, on HazzardAyre, asked this evening, if you could ask a few questions to President Obama, and  Romney in this election season, what would they be?

I’d ask, Mr. President, what are you doing to encourage farm agricultural education in our schools?

Of course both Ray, of Dixie Broadcasting and I agree on this, and I wish Beth Ann would expand on this, but few know that there is a third political party out there, carrying the God fearing attitudes and messages of the old South, that ought to be applied now, that political party is called , “ The Confederate National Part” and is valid in all 50 states. Yet you hear little buzz on the mainstream media beit TV or Radio, except on HazzardAyre or Dixie Broadcasting. 



Quote of the Day:
Men achieve a certain greatness unawares, when working to another aim.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Psalm 51:12“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.”

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