Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why all the phony and fake TV commercials?


Okay so you’re sitting there, all your snacks, coffee and soda watching latenight TV. When all of a sudden a TV ad comes on about some diet product like Lipozine or something. Or the Tread Climber. The people all say how this or that changed their lives. The question is always how low does somebody have to ruin their reputation for a few dollars to endorse a TV ad for a near worthless product that just makes you go to the latrine more. Everybody knows that you loose some weight just by going to the latrine and having regular bowel movements. But it’s not just diet products. The same thing comes from such so called reputable companies as DirecTV that in case you haven’t seen lately replaced Rob Lowe with a female model and a white Talking horse. They claim you get this or that for one price for a year maybe 6 months. Really? They jack your rates nearly triple after the trial period, and try to get out of that contract. DirecTV even tells you, taking your service with you is painless. If you move, sure you can take your box and all, that’s free, but you’ll have to cough up nearly $400.00 to have some just above poverty college boy to come out , climb on your roof and reinstall the damn dish. Why not tell the whole truth so YOU can make an intelligent decision. CenturyLink is nearly as bad, they advertise that they can deliver you 1gig internet. What they don’t say, (you have to read this in the very small fine print) Only good in some areas. If you do look at 1gig Service in say rural Wyoming, look at raking out nearly $2,000.00 . Why not just tell you the truth, and who is at the helm of the Federal Trade Commission as well as the Federal Communications Commission? There needs to be full disclosure and truth laws past. If not to protect your wallet, but protect your health. Many of these ads for diet pills will kill if not seriously make you sick, but they don’t say that. What’s more disturbing, is that one can approach a TV network, and or station to advertise a military aviation organization such as ours, and be turned down simply because you want to show a good looking lady in a form fitting flight suit, but will allow fraudulent or near fraudulent TV ads on. If you think its just nation or big dollar firms, think again. There’s a cash advance company out of Utah, called Mountain West Loan Centers. Their ad features two near twin girls, saying they don’t check credit, bad or no credit okay. Don’t believe it. I applied there once and because my income was military pension and SSI, I couldn’t even borrow $600.00 . Okay some bad credit items popped up, but their ad said that was okay. There’s a zillion horror stories about the firm, yet KTVX will air those ads, but turned down ads to plug HazzardAyre Radio. I read not too long ago, that an LPFM was being fined nearly $20,000 for allowing some program support announcements to give a web addy, as well as a phone number. Yet I see PBS programs running very close announcements, that are disguised ads. Yet no one is knocking down PBS or CPB, for this. Kill the small broadcaster, but let University TV stations get away with it. Bullsbreath. There’s all too many examples, my question is, why? There’s a bill coming up in Congress to address this, and I for one say its about time. Although there will be many of these fraud companies out there lobbying against such a bill that would allow them to keep defrauding the American public, but hey, advertising is the grease that keeps broadcasters on the air. Good, honest ads for real products even spiced up with a hot looking pitch girl, is good. Telling people they can loose a bunch of weight if they take a pill that could kill them isn’t. We watch and explain this because America needs to heal, and this junk ain’t no way to do it.

My opinion I could Be Wrong!!

L8R Aviators

CLUB M,Erodeknytes wyngz

Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Job 19:25“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ever wonder why?

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Ever looked at a condition situation and just Wondered Why? Like early Tuesday(today) morning whilest I was watching Highway Through Hell, on the Weather Channel, the thing kept freezing and loosing signal. The wonder here, is the dang thing operates great whilest its snow and cold, but here it is warm, sun out and Now Allwest is having problems. Okay so I’m a bit late with the blooming bill, but I can’t help they send the bill mid month around the 20th, instead of on the 1st or at least the first week of the month when I have money to pay it. But still I called em about it, everything is cool, they say, so what gives? Allwest is a very small rural cable/internet/VOIP phone company that needs lots of improvements, yet is having trouble finding money for those improvements. They are 90% of the time up, but it does get frustrating at times. I have a ton of suggestions and could improve the system, but my comments get ignored. Oh well work with what you got right?

Okay the frost is off the pumpkin of my birthday, still in my recovery mode from a bit too much celebration, but navigating okay. As I sat in thought earlier, the idea of, okay I said to myself, you have made 56 years old. You’ve seen everything, done just about everything, experienced more than most, but look at you. You hold on with SSI for now, military pension at 60 you should be towing, not just waiting for Evanston and immediate area finding its way to the 21st Century, yet stays mired in the 19th Century. Is there a cure, for that mindset? Sure, but that’d take more than myself or the Knytes are willing to invest. But one must ask as I did, where did the core for all you do, club, radio station all of it go? The reason that this club , the radio station all of that was created and enhanced by my company for, was to reinforce and uplift the company. Yet while the company drags on the club prospers, the radio station however drags, and is at a stop, all due to moving to this frigid piece of real estate called Evanston Wyoming. A condition that is looking to be cured in two months or less. Just like many other people, you go where the work and money is, not where you keep getting sucked under like being stuck in quick sand.

So I ask, Allwest and Phil again, how come the signal to my cable TV kept getting froze and kept going out this early Tuesday morning?


CLUB M,Erodeknytes wyngz

Quote of the Day:
Their’s not to reason why, Their’s but to do and die...
--Alfred, Lord TENNYSON
Philippians 2:5-8“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”

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imagesCAUZLO4Z new tail

Monday, April 27, 2015

I hate Carpetbaggers


An example of simple Yankee carpetbagging. Saw an ad on Evanston Auto Classifieds of a Subaru the same year as mine. Price was good, I call, the lady says good, but now is backing out. Watch the price go up, as several others want it. I being in business as I am I fully understand supply and demand, but if you make a deal, even verbally should you not uphold that deal? It’s just another example of Yankee Carpetbagging and a Evanston switchback. Oh well at least I had a good birthday and birthday bash. I’m just feeling a buzz, and looking for my bed after the bathroom. Hope I can fetch a mop in the morning, since the floor is a bit messy.

As far as Evanston, I add it to the few but significant towns and areas that I’ll never reside in again, nor do business in again. You can’t trust these people. Guess the teachings at Church, of honoring agreements are not practiced. Don’t get me wrong I love the gospel, of our church, and all, but there are all too many that don’t apply the lessons of the teachings, beyond the meeting house.

Evanston will be one of a few that I’ll love seeing in my rearview mirror, not my windshield. I might have said that about Tweaker Flatts, but at least Tweaker Flatts has something to return to, Maybe I just forget about the Subaru, deal with it Tuesday. Don’t want to spoil my good birthday any more than its already been.


CLUB M,Erodeknytes wyngz

Quote of the Day:
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
--Wilson Mizner
Philippians 2:5-8“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!”

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imagesCAUZLO4Z new tail

A great day but got my pants soiled a bit.

blog coverRCJ HEDDER

hbYep today was my birthday, groovy, Nate took me to eat, the Bar B Que stack was really good. The Buffalo chips even better, all was okay then Kara walked in. Guess poverty or near so, and waiting for the Reaper to open took too long so, she against her principles went back to work there. I myself wouldn’t have done that since she told me of employer abuse and all, I even if I was having to get an EBT card would never go back to such a place, you get stung once don’t go back there. But some people will do the unthinkable for money. Guess she wasn’t the Dixie rebel type after all.

Quite a few after they thought about it, said Happy Birthday, but did it take a reminder? Birthday’s are the same, every year for most, some are totally ignored. For this wynged two wheeler, I miss home. At least there, even if it was one that had to be paid for, Charlie and/or Ricky would have arranged some female company for me this evening. So I get to stay home alone, but that condition is going to be solved this next month.

End of June this wynged two wheeled cowboy is going home to Idaho, and forget Evanston exists.

Saw this thing in my Email from Digital Trends of and about the best streaming service. Seems as both on demand media is sweeping the nation. Not only good for HazzardAyre, but also for many online radio and TV stations. Bad though for cable TV services. Pretty soon, cable companies will just be a way to hook up to the Internet. OTA TV is near its end of life, cycle.

My vote of the best streaming service? HULU, and HULU Plus. One is free, the other only $8.00 per month. The reason I like Hulu is they were the first at the batting plate, long before Netflix decided to stream rather than rent. Second, for the casual viewer Hulu still offers much of its content for free. I love FREE. Things or shows even if not popular in the states here, are available on Hulu, such as Fresh Meat.

Well enough for now, going to watch the news, take a long bath, and relax. Just wish somebody would have bought me cocktail, and maybe paid for a wife for the night.



Quote of the Day:
Critics are like eunuchs in a harem. They're there every night, they see it done every night, they see how it should be done every night, but they can't do it themselves
--Brendan Behan--Quoted by Gyles Brandreth in *Theatrical Disasters*
Luke 19:10“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””

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my lulliby BLUE BYE

Uncensored my butt

blog covercolonels journal

Next time you see a Facebook group or page that says they’re uncensored

Don’t buy it. Example, Saw this section posted about some page called Evanston Uncensored. So I bit, went on it, and thought I could unload, since too many others were doing the same. So I get up after checking my blood for the 5th time, and saw in my email, asking what my post was all about? I answered this Neil Cook . Says my post was removed. So I removed me from that page and group and as well as Evanston classifieds. Piss on em if they can’t take a bit of jousting. Damn lying Yankees anyway. They ain’t never said the truth and as its all too well turning out , never will.

Then Sunday morning got some call from somebody at 05:00 hours. At that hour the only words coming out of my phone better be; this is Sheriff’s Dispatch, have a tow on some highway . Past that, I treasure my sleep and rest periods.

Now that I’m done bitching, lets get into what is right here in Evanston, and trust me there ain’t much, remember this is Yankee country.

I am in one of if not the best church(LDS) Ward I have ever been in. My Bishop and Bishopric are some of the coolest crew and people I have ever met willing to help and truly doing what’s being preached and taught. They bailed HazzardAyre’s radio gear out from Woods Cross, and now are aiding me in getting LexiBelle down here. I have a family that has adopted me kind of in meetings although they never come to the Eagles Nest, but hey, one can at least hope the feelings in Church goes outside of the meeting house. But I have been blessed. I have made a few friends, here and have kept most of the ones I knew before here. Hope Nate remembers today is my Birthday.>hb So there is grounds for remaining on station for the next 4 or so months, but I’m still leaning on the idea of going home to Idaho.



Quote of the Day:
Sincerity is the highest compliment you can pay.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Luke 19:10“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””

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AVI CLUB LOGO wynged tail

Don’t just teach a class apply what you teach

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It’s now official, as of 01:05 this old kountry canine was born, in Idaho. But has migrated to all parts of the Mountain West.

There was Sunday, maybe I’m barking too early here, and yes I know there are members of the ward that don’t know me, but outside of the Bishop and a few , dang few others who has tried to know me, outside of church? Like I said , dang few.

Yesterday I had mixed emotions, about going to church. There are only two reasons I did, one is obvious to renew my covenants with Jesus, the second to meet with the Bishop. By the time the congregation met for Priesthood, and we got into the lesson, the way I was ignored and treated, several times I felt like getting up and walking out of Priesthood class. The lesson was based on Elder Oaks’ talk a year ago , about respecting those who don’t always practice or see the world as we do, something on the idea, that is constantly taught in both the old and new testament of loving each other as we love ourselves and that includes forgiveness. One High Priest member brought up the idea of some family member they brought into their home that was bound and determined to live life on his own terms, but was seeking refuge in his home. The story went on about the thing of this is their home, respect it for that or split. I brought up the question or tried to anyway, about what was this old guy doing to make the younger man want to remain combative and against trying to absorb the church’s gospel and teachings. Was there a lack of compassion and understanding of that , the older man didn’t know. Maybe there was an underlying cause. Rather than let me bring something up, I was ignored and passed over for discussion, that was right on target for the lesson being taught. Prior to that, during Gospel Principles, I was encouraged to ask questions. Isn’t that what a class of teaching and learning is for? I think there are too many in our Ward that feel like an assignment whatever it is, is a Burdon, rather than a chance to please Heavenly Father and teach his word and lessons. I hear much the same thing from those asked to give a talk. Yesterday one young lady gave a talk that had me glued in my seat, it was really that good. Granted it was read from script, she wrote, but I was getting something out of it. Yet, another guy gave a talk, and although I tried, I never could get aboard his train of thought.

Of all the things I do, my most enjoyable of all is when I’m teaching God’s word, and really getting the idea across. Maybe it’s the fact that I don’t just believe in what’s in the scriptures, but that I know what’s in there is exact right to the quick. Maybe few have not been not only once but 3 times at Heaven’s doorway, guarded sternly by two US Marines, but that I have shook the hands of angels and been talked to by Heavenly Father and Jesus. I also remember I was one of those whom like the founding Prophet Joseph Smith, who asked which church, which religion is true. The situation was that it 1964, I was a mere 40 pounds, skin and bone, catching every kind of cold, flu there was. At the time from age 3 to age 6 my white corpuscles were outnumbered by the red ones. My internal thermostat was broke. I ran fevers quite often of 104 to 107, so I just prayed, and asked Heavenly Father to come to me, tell me I was to get better and is the Church I was going to the right one? It was like what I felt was several hours although it might have only been a few minutes, but there in the bedroom, was three images. Heavenly Father, Jesus, and an angel, telling me I would get better, that the church I was going to was the true one. There were other things, but I’ll not go into that now. On all occasions, it was by blessings and laying on of hands, and a miracle medicine called Gamma Goblin, that saved my life. Shortly after I started to eat, mostly Oreos, Milk, and peaches. Moms theory was , the milk and Oreos would put on weight, the peaches give me nutrition. To date, I can’t sleep without the three, which accounts for the pot belly.

Then there was the thing a few weeks ago, of me just wanting a little tyke behind me to be quiet for sacrament. Times have changed, back in the day, if me or my step brother Stephen Michael, would have fussed like that in Church or and especially sacrament, we would get this dirty smelly sock in our mouths and a paddling after we got home. Neither was to our liking so we shut up. Today can’t do that, child abuse, they call it, but in my day it was called discipline. I’m not trying to find fault here, but to me going to church, worshiping our Heavenly Father, is a privilege and pleasure, not a boring or something task. Granted some of the meetings these days are a bit longer. Before the church’s population membership number explosion, Church lasted all day. You got up a 07:30 went to Priesthood, then Sunday School, there was an hour or so break, to go eat dinner, then Sacrament meeting, the Bishop or Bishopric interviews then went home. Today Sunday school is limited to a 45 minute class, so is Priesthood, the big meeting is Sacrament meeting, Basicly a half day. Not bad, but young children need a break, they are so full of energy that sitting for an hour and a half, they are just going to fuss. But I’m getting off target, here. Church in all respects is for learning, you should be able to ask questions and seek answers. Those assigned to teach class’ should not just go over a lesson, but should absorb and apply it, if not in their homes, in th class they teach. Next time the things I’m thankful of from Church.



Quote of the Day:
Sincerity is the highest compliment you can pay.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Luke 19:10“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.””

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club save

CLUB BYEknyte tail.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Restrictions are for squares and JAFO’S


There are way too many people that wear their churchiness on their arm or sleeve, or at least afraid to venture past what is safe, even if venturing past their own taboos. Consider this as an example; I put this ad on Evanston Classifieds a free classified page on Facebook, supported by some photography lady, which is good. Now if one puts up an ad for something really kinky, I can see ignoring or removing the ad. However guess what mine was neither. All I asked for was if some older but rather fashionable gal out there if they had maybe a bubble top from the 1960’s era, described in one of my last posts here. Next I asked if anybody had a old pair of white go-go boots. Guess what the ad was removed. Anything sound goofy or off camber here? No I have no intention to wear either one, but I wanted some to get our costume designers a sample of the wardrobe for the club’ bio movie. Hey a movie worked for Stern, a movie can work for HazzardAyre and the Knytes.

So I immediately put up a page for those that want to put things up that is a bit hinky, but worth selling. Or for that matter wearing. This is and the basic core of the Knytes, fight the system anywhere you find it, and not be limited by what your neighbors think. Let your spirit fly.

The term being square might be outdated, and if you need definitions to both the term JAFO, or WTF your either off on some desert hill side somewhere, or a very limited in your thinking. The slang term JAFO is defined in the movie Blue Thunder, WTF well I’ll let you all figure that out.

In Star Trek canon, The Federation’s simple but basic core foundation is based on what is called the Prime Directive. Seems as though that Prime Directive applies here where I reside.

I’m kicking back watching the Radio Disney Music Awards then hitting the rack.

But cruise by on the cyber highway on Facebook and find the page, Evanston Want Ads the want ad page that are not restricted.



Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Hebrews 7:25“Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.”

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