Friday, June 3, 2011



The Tornado’s in the Midwest as well as our deep southern lands are reeking havoc on more than homes and our loved ones. Many of the Servers and connection points that govern or gain us access to our blogs, and  Internet are also catching hell. That is , if you can connect at all.

With that and other disasters on our doorsteps if not our front porches, its easy for many that are not directly connected to those problems or have never faced both hunger, to starvation to being homeless to just brush it aside and say, “ God Bless it wasn’t me” and go on our way.

What if it was you?  Your home, car, bike, right to your bed? Could you just turn your head? Can you just sit back and say I hope that they are okay? Without taking from your blessed bounty, and not help those in need?

SAMCRO MCC Idaho , along with the entire  club , has created a fund, for you to contribute to the SAMCRO Relief Fund. The money will be sent to those charters to be distributed to those in need for food, shelter and transportation. Email me

at to find out how you can help.

In our area, you will find jars for donations at the Texaco Mini Mart ,in Buhl, the Wayside Cafe in Heyburn, and all Magic Valley McDonalds.

Help us to help them.


AyreWolf Signature1 MCC1