Sunday, April 5, 2015

Support of the Knytes of Anarchy is not just about donating money

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I have heard and seen many things this day. Some coming from LDS conference, as well as reading all too many comments online about the cause of uniting and uplifting of the Dixie Nation. Not just remembering the history of our southern ancestry and lives, but to purify and edify, as well as healing a nation from one coast to the other, within the boundaries of what was a United States, that have become so less UNITED, but so defragged that no computer program could compress.

I read from a patriot of Dixie, that we should only buy products and such from those of like mine. To faithfully fly our flag of Dixie, and so on. But I’m afraid that as it is of all too many that if the Knytes asked those same Dixie patriots to dig into their wallet to contribute to the cause of the Dixie Nation, that the same noise I hear from all too many saying they are of the cause, saying , I’m broke I can’t.

It’s like going to Church every week, asking for gifts and aid from a church , but never putting even a few dollars into the offering plate, or paying tithing. Or making a Fast offering. The amount though should not be determined by a person of the earth, but that from what a person can do from their hearts. But its not just about money.

Donations can come from doing favors, or helping a fellow member of the Knytes and/or Dixie Nation complete a task. It might be as simple as giving a ride to a fellow member in retrieving equipment or in a relocation project. It might be in making food for a club dinner or event.

Since the year of 1982 when the Knytes were unified, and organized, I have been proud to wear the colors, and vest of the club everywhere I go. I have been proud to perform duties, sometimes at the worst of times for me financially, but still proud I did what I could.

The things I have seen done by our organization in all parts of this nation, and overseas is way beyond anything I or the 15 of us that met in 1981 to bring about this great organization at the Snake River Inn in Hagerman aka Hazzard Idaho. Back then it was a group of rural gearheads to support the original off TV real Hazzard County Garage, more over the first official Dukes of Hazzard fan club. Together we came together under the direction of the United American Independent Truckers Association, as just a enthusiasts group. Over the years the Knytes have become the guiding and founding force of what a truly dedicated and loyal custom club should be. But we have grown far beyond that. At the time of the reorganization of the club from The Hazzard Knytes to the Knytes-of-Anarchy in Boise Idaho, in 2008 the Knytes organized the first ever Confederate National Party a political party that could elect and run on the CNP as a candidate. The projects and things that we as a club have done since we organized goes way beyond, what we organized under and way beyond what I could list in a simple blog posting.

The friendships that I have of all brethren of the club, and sisters of the club are so precious that as they would me, lay down their lives for each other.

The organization with its 50,000 members and extended resources, exceed that of most organizations of its kind. The fact that we have stuck together since 1982 through so many things that would have crushed other organizations, has been so uplifting to me that it makes tears in my eyes.

I’m proud on two occasions even here recently that when I needed help, I got it. Yes its true that I had to reach out to the local church’s coffers for some support, but when LexiBelle needed healing , a club member came to the rescue only charging parts. And at half price at that. When WolfPup got frozen out last January, it was a club member that stepped forward. The list goes on , but I can remember many other times when the club stepped forward when all too many decided that they wouldn’t or couldn’t help.

Just about every style of motorized ride there is , is involved in the Knytes, under different titles, but all are Knytes.

Old iron farm equipment fans and enthusiasts especially those who love the color green, are members of the Deere Dazzlerz Association. Organized in 1994 the group restores and enjoys old John Deere farm equipment, and still maintains a shop near Hazzard Idaho, called the Farm Shop. It might be of interest to note that Jerry Sloan former head coach of the Utah Jazz was an organizing member of the Deere Dazzlerz.

In 1999 with the two wheeled movement heating up, Member Lester Culbertson Junior organized a group called the same as the shop is owns and operated, Hazzard County Choppers. In 2001 with a bunch of us who flew with the VMA214 BlackSheep, organized what is now known world wide as the AyreWolvez. Finally in 2006 the aged old idea of where the club was born under, the organization formed the Rode Knytes, Association, a group of over the road truckers and towing operators who are dedicated to preservation of old skool trucking and the old skool ways of trucking’s yesteryear, as well as restoring of the old trucks, and truck stops of then for those today.

All these efforts takes BIG money, and while the organization does receive good support and sponsorships, still maintaining of these facilities and subsidiary organizations can make our finances run as slow as my Internet connection here in Evanston Wyoming.

So when I put up something on say FB, or some other that we need donations, if your a person that truly believes in the cause of restoring and edifying the Dixie Nation, don’t just say, nah a I can’t afford it. Take that little bit of money you’d spend on a roll of SKOAL, or a night out with the family, or trashing out a bar, and send it to us. Help us to be the hand of our Heavenly Father, through the path of the restoration of the Dixie Nation, and his hands and tools are us as the Knytes-of-Anarchy.




Saturday, April 4, 2015

They laugh at us, but already are buying what we started and offer

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The doubters and the detractors, are everywhere. Fear comes from people not in the know, the sad part is they are already buying what we’re selling. They just don’t realize it.

Our local cable system here also are completely ignorant of what’s on the HUD, here. The lady at their Evanston Wyoming office after I inquired about some features I’d like to see offered, said its a get what you get thing. I think in many ways AllWest is having money troubles and is not willing to admit it. The answer of, would AllWest sell the Evanston system here was, “The guy who owns AllWest is in California somewhere, and can’t be reached.” I say the real deal there is she fears, what would happen if someone really started nosing around and did buy the system here. She said it couldn’t be bought. I say most everything can be bought for the right price. But I’m digressing here and getting off course.

Back in 2003, when I discovered webcasting, people in these parts laughed at the Knytes and myself, when I suggested doing up a live 24/7 radio station that was delivered over the web, rather than traditional terrestrial radio. I said TV was also possible, put a streaming Internet Protocol Television station, that aired retro TV programs and home grown indy films. Indy stands for Independent Produced films.

Today such services, as IHeart, Panda, and others are delivering web radio. As are we through Livestream. Additionally TV is being streamed over the web, through such services as NETFLIX, HULU, and others. All major Cable networks are delivering their good shows over the web, broadcast TV stations stream their local news over the web, the list is long, but remember these are the same people, who laughed at us when we suggested streaming broadcasting.

So why choose Evanston Wyoming? Evanston is Utah at least Metro Utah without having to live and be taxed out the six, as would be in Utah. Evanston is hungry for a change in its music and information. Plus any more one doesn’t need to be tied to their computer any more to tune in. From Ipads to SmartPhones can tune in and be just as portable as those tiny transistor radios we used to walk around with.

Technology has brought a new way to broadcast, and HazzardAyre was there at the beginning and will be there even better here in about 3 months.

It’s just that some people are scared of change. More on that in my next entry here in HazzardAyre Gazzette.


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Saturday Daily Breef

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A day of reflection solemn inventory, and thought. With today being the first Day of General Conference of the LDS Church, I listened to the talks. Boyd K Packer seemed like he was with one foot already in the casket and while difficult to understand he and others reflected on the need to strengthen families. Family is great for families, or people with one. But how about more on the needs of the singles out here especially those in the September of their years that are alone. How about how to strengthen of the individual, and how about giving some attention, not just lip service, but real acts of and about how to find, meet and sustain a relationship, to us all alone? Establishing more singles wards in the Church, and more advanced adult social activities? These would go a long way to helping those of us to keep centered on the gospel and not veering off to activities that tend to the needs and desires of those alone.

President Monson of the Church looked a bit feeble as well. Seems as all the stress being a seer and revelator of the Church and our Heavenly Father ages one severely.

For many the messages were clear, and faith was foremost articulated. Faith has many definitions. Most define faith, in belief of that which is not seen. Yet for me, the belief is that from which I have seen and know, not just assumed.

Without going into detail, the event took place in 1975, just after the first Hazzard Nationals. That September due to a feeling of my parents being conned took me to Lewiston Idaho, for an advanced school. Upon arrival I had learned that some of the schools, counselors were dealing and selling illegal narcotics. As a Knyte, I advised the local Sheriffs office who served warrants and citations. Some went to the cross bar motel some didn’t. The ones that didn’t decided along with a few of the narcotic buying students decided to give ye ole Wolf a beating party. I escaped to my cousins home and without her knowledge barrowed her Buick.

I acquired fuel via theft, and was being pursued, through Horseshoe Bend Idaho, and one second I saw blue and red lights, the next I after 2-1/2 weeks awoke to a resumed life.

During the duration of my coma, I was greeted, by Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. I was told it was not my time yet, while not reveling what, told me there was more work for me to do here.

On the outside from the story Mom & Dad told, me that there was a rush by LDS Church Missionaries and the Hazzard Ward Bishopric, their blessing I know is why Heavenly Father decided it was not my time to depart from this life. Faith for me is not just a mere belief in that which can’t be seen, but in knowing that of what I have seen and have been exposed to.

Throughout my life through both situations of life and death during times in air combat and service, to just being alive, Heavenly Father has interceded on many occasions. Heavenly Father is there at my side within arms length, at all times , not just a thought of an entity that hovers from beyond the veil.

At noon, went to secure the facility, for KDXC, but no funds, no key. So need to haul all the gear here to the Wentworth, then June to the office.

Still trying to get some help from our Ward to move the equipment from Woods Cross, to here at the Wentworth. The obvious question is why didn’t you need help before? Truck ran better, Subaru didn’t have a blown head gasket, shorter distances to transport the equipment and a bit longer time frame.

But got word from I4, Monday is the day or say good bye to most if not all the gear. So two options. With help from the Ward to transport it all here to Evanston, or rent a medium sized storage unit there in Woods Cross, move the gear out of I4, and retrieve it later in May. The latter option means longer to get HazzardAyre back on the air. Plus had an idea of going over to Twin Falls to fetch LexiBelle>37299_123730071003099_6489055_n so I can get to making some self sustaining money so as not to have to be nursing off the churches rear teat, and more so to start paying tithing and fast offerings.

More L8R need to watch this session of Conference.


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Thursday, April 2, 2015

A better day in the city

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A better day today, although still under some internal pain. Eating out at JB’s of Evanston Wyoming has food that will kill ya’ll. The facility is unkept, the cash register don’t work, the service is poor. What needs to happen here is for them to sell it to someone that can make it run.

Got help on Wolf’s Den rent, good, and help with the payment on the gear and all at I4, just now have to go fetch it, but before I can, got to find a suitable, but affordable place to put it. While the place at the Wells Fargo building is good, it may be to disturbing to other tenants there so looking for a stand alone. So we as a group are out still for a month.

Once again expenses and budget didn’t line up for me to attend NAB in Las Vegas this year. I really wanted to go, but hey it’ll be there next year and shy of a earthquake, or worse I plan on being there next year. Our new radio station will be licensed to the town of CokeVille Wyoming, but studios, offices etc will remain in Evanston.

I planned on being there this year, its the grand show for anyone in broadcasting. Not just to look over the new toys for on air, but the educational seminars, and interacting with others in the business. But next year, I’ll be there.

Heard from the spoiled brat that we had for all of 2-1/2 weeks as a prospect. i think she was more into the Reaper Club project that has been put on hold, pending the owners of the building formerly housing Lotty’s here gets in touch. I can tell you this; there are few if anyone else that would undertake that at the rates they want for it, given the condition of the facility. My advice to them, get me the written lease, or forget it. We have another location picked out and are negotiating on the property. Maybe not the Reaper, but a slice of Hazzard County, in a very busy part of the town.

There were many including myself that were looking at leaving here this month, but all too many wanted that since we present a threat on the bassackwards way of life here. However rather than tuck tail and run we decided to remain, and build this operation to a level that will make all previous disbelievers and such cringe and think I could’ve been there. Like I said to those who ignored and closed the door, the Reaper crew and the Knytes offer only once, after which well the interview goes much different.

Going out to look for a decent TV, might even truck down to DI in Ogden.

Going to Utah is going to be a tight finger gripping happening, with President Obama and LDS Conference this weekend there, traffic and all is going to be as thick as molasses In a cold winter.

The brat Britt, asked what money did she cost me and/or the club? It’s not the coffee and soda breaks that was okay but the loss of productivity and all that dealing with her without any results cost us just over $6,000.00 . Hey you learn, right?

Any mile putting my feet up and relaxing, see all Friday morning .

Just hope the Bishop can inquire of the congregation, if one of them has a older good working TV. Would be good for watching conference.


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As promised the follow up


As I promised the follow up on last nights report.

Wednesday at 03:45 hours SSI deposited money in my account, but due to circumstances beyond my control debit card needs to be replaced and new one issued. So had to wait until 10:00 hours to snag cash. So did so, and between buying insurance on WolfPup, and paying an outrageous cable bill I came away, with just over $150.00 for the month. With Jodies Diner no longer a spot to eat, I tried to snag lunch at the local JB’s here, but the place looks like its about to go under, food was bad, service worse. Damn no wonder the local population needs us to open the Reaper.

After lunch went to a local pawn shop to try to get a newer TV , but the one they had that might serve the need was $250.00 , $100.00 over anything in my budget. So need to wait to go fetch what I have in Utah at I4. Which is going to be difficult, since General JaXson is down with a head gasket overheating problem, WolfPup needs new or better rubber and a spare to make the trip, plus it’ll take at least 2 trips down and back to get it all. Plus need to get a better more horsepower place to base HazzardAyre from here in Evanston. Not that the place on the 5th floor isn’t good, but right now and until the radio gig is generating money again, that extra rent money even as reasonable as it is, is just beyond my grasp.

Only option is to transport the gear here to the Wentworth. Not a all together bad option, but my main focus right now is getting things where I’m making my own, not nursing off the hind teat of the Church.

Met with the Bishop and after calming down some assumed fears, all was good with the world. Now a situation that has crept up like the bile in my throat from a stressed stomach. The situation started on Feb 14th or at least the Sunday prior to. This young gal, comes up and offers me and all a Tootsie Pop. With a Valentines Day heart. I thought this gal would be great on an ad for HazzardAyre. No he and she or messing around. So in an effort poorly done , I was trying to ascertain her name age and if it would even be proper to even ask such a thing? So thought I had found her name but it was someone else, married. Not something to pursue. Then found out her name but never knew her age until we had some dinner auction thing once I knew her age interest purely on a professional basis was gone, just thought, nice kid, left it at that. However I commented on her attire at the same dinner/auction. The comment albeit, improper and I apologize to all and any involved there, nothing sinister was implied nor intended, but I thought her attire that night was a bit racy, for a church function. That was it. Every church text book and all I read says both genders are to dress modestly, and a bit more proper especially in the house of our Heavenly Father. I was always taught that upon entering the Church, if you wore a hat , you took it off. You walked with arms folded and kept private or near private parts covered. It seems that some of those standards have became a bit more lax. If your question is why do I look like a cowpuncher off the trail, when I go to church? Answer is, since Cousin Bud killed for all intents and purposes the Montgomery Trust, I just have not had the funds to go buy a good new suit, slacks, dress boots shirt tie. The one suit I have I can’t wear as its way too small, same goes for my dress slacks. So rather than not go to Church, I go in what I have. However the condition that seems like this old big bad wolf is prowling and hunting for Little Red Riding Hood, or to feast on some young girl, is ludicrous. Sure I look for female talent for casting in visual projects for HazzardAyre as well as club events, but this thing that makes me seem like a predator or worse is starting to get to me. Sure I’d love to have the financial as well as the human resources, of a pro talent agency. Problem is the club can’t afford that, and two from some minor attempts at that has produced little if any results. So I look in the community. And yes even at Church. As it is I must come across as the evil Lucifer rather than the Heavenly canine that I am. The thing is I would never in a quadzillion years ever partake of violating the virtue of any woman, or girl, and especially a young one. I was raised on a small farm in western Idaho during my formative years, by two very loving very strict and LDS/Protestant parents. I was taught all women were to be treated with respect and conduct. Improper sexual related advances was a big no in our home. Which makes me long for areas that I’m well known and by people who don’t cower or fear me and just accept the fact that I’m completely docile. That anything impure or improper would never ever enter my mind. This is why I shy away from both vocationally anything that involves human interaction. Especially with women. Sure I’d like to find someone for companionship, but since that is something Heavenly Father says I’m not ready for or could sustain at this mile marker on my road of life, I flat stay away from anything that could even possibly be construed as being or acting improper. The question though and it needs to be asked, is everyone this dang paranoid? Does any kind of gender interaction between an older male like myself and any girl of any age have to be that , as thought, that someone is sleeping with or trying to sleep with someone? It makes no sense. I’m just an old high octane canine rebel Marine, with very humble and clean thoughts and aspirations.

More on this subject this weekend.

My insides are trying to find its way to my outside. So I’ll close.

President Obama will be at HAFB in the PM Thursday through Saturday, conference is this weekend.

As such, much of Metro Utah’s airspace is a no fly zone.

Now if I can just get a good TV for conference.


devils tag HCGOI WYNGZ


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The entire planet is intoxicated and there’s few recovery paths left


The way I see it, Yankee in fact all of our nations ultra stupidity has been derived from the abandonment of the central family nucleus, as well as the intake of who knows how much of absurd narcotics.

Even though even before I saw the dawn of light on the last Monday of this month of  the Taurean calendar there were warnings of no ingesting of alcohol or nicotine before giving birth or the gestation period. Of course my mom did both, plus milked cows , tended to fields irrigating by shovel, plastic dam and siphon tube. Loading and unloading fat bulls and cows was not a unusual occurrence. In fact it was such a time, a loading at the YCup Ranch just north of Wells Nevada, that brought us to Producers Livestock in Jerome, where at 01:05 I came into the world and the planet has never been the same since.

The reason I was and became okay, although that idea might be somewhat obscure, but the reason I’m okay is that I had a Dad and Mom that had several things going in our favor, but mostly that in Dad and Mom’s vocabulary there was no word like divorce. Mom and Dad stuck together and built a mini empire. The fact that a few kin folk and a few sort of call advisors got zealously greedy, and took from me what was my earthly reward is im material. I never wanted the riches, I was always content with the most humble of gifts. To prove that fact if there’s enough of the Hazzard Ward of the LDS Church of Hazzard Idaho that will tell the truth, What I never played with or briefly played with, filled 14 needy families with 12 kids a piece, with near to new toys one Christmas in 1976. Did I get a pat on the back then? No. But that’s for another time. The fact is I had a Mom who cared. I was able to read a college level at age 3, although comprehension unless I was really interested in the subject was a crap shoot, but I could read it. I had a college graduate level vocabulary by age 8 although my mathematical skills were limited, as math then bored the dog manure out of me , but I could do it. While Mom did her best, and nothing against Dad , but Dad was always TDY for DoD and OsI , mom was doing mostly home schooling. But I learned. The break through on that was a dedicated 6th Grade teacher at Crestview Elementary School in Layton Utah by the name of Mrs... Sturgeon. I had been warned prior to my 6th grade year in grade school, that Mrs... Sturgeon, was a real battleaxe mean teacher. Really? The first morning I was in class that year, I flat looked up at Mrs... Sturgeon and said, “ Mrs... Sturgeon, I can’t do math.” Apparently I broke through some ice there and I had the run of that class. Mrs... Sturgeon put together some multiplication tables that I could stick to my desk. I used them and developed my math skills, that and weeks of  after school instruction. I learned and I learned well. Back then there were teachers that cared.

Oh sure there was narcotics all over the place, but back then it was not at the epidemic level that it is today. Abstract reasoning and concepts were not feared but encouraged. As a youth , long before I knew anything about my confederate ancestry I was a science and aviation nerd . I loved anything that flew or anything to do with flying. Living outside the main gates of Hill Air Force Base Utah, and being that I had exposure to aircraft there including pre training in F4 Phantom fighter simulators, as well as simulators of the F11-A I was always with my eyes to the sky and head in the clouds. Mrs... Sturgeon encouraged this, by allowing me to have our class room to look like the bridge of the original series Star Trek. The walls had some treky art work, and we learned astronomical sciences. Again I’m getting off course a bit.

Since the late 1970’s mid 1980’s our population our nation has undergone a great shift in the amount of learning, although we should be as a nation excelling in this, our math , and sciences even abstract reasoning skills that youth need are way below just about every nation on the planet. The fact that all too many of our population is from or youth from broken homes , unwed mother households, households that are of or created from Meth to cocaine to cannabis, and just about everything in between . Is alcohol any better? Yes and no. While I manage on behalf of the Knytes 3 biker/trucker/aviation bars, still myself I can’t stand the smell of, or taste of beer any more. It makes me sick. As in hurling sick. Shine, Jack Daniels sure but even moderately. But we know the outcome from these substances. When it comes to narcotics we have no idea. However there is one healthy narcotic. That I promise you is worth the time to absorb. Its the love of our Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. The path of infection and its a good infection is through the Bible, not just the 11 chosen texts but of the apocalyptic texts as well. Once you step into the world of theology you’ll wonder why you weren’t there before. Then there is the recognition of ancestral truths that all too many don’t want to know and were not exposed to as youth.

There are historical truths that just are not taught and heroes that are just not recognized as heroes.

As a youth I was all taught the thing of old Abe Lincoln and all about how honest and such he was, some on the war of northern invasion(civil-War) but not the truth. We all watched such movies as Roots and all and thought that was the way it was supposed to be. Even my family had two house keepers from African background that some might call slaves , but both I loved and they loved me. But few will admit, that for every slave that was mistreated, there were 10 that were well cared for, and well compensated. But should that prevent us as a nation from looking to that southern way of Government as a solution, to the many ills that the Yankee government has caused?

On the subject of heroes , When the names of the greats of WWII are mentioned, few mention the greatest contributor of the reason we as a population don’t eat with chop sticks today. The best bio of this man is in two books Baa Baa BlackSheep, and Once they were eagles. Gregory Hallenback , was born in Saint Mary’s Idaho. Enchanted with flight from seeing a crop duster doing exotic flight, Greg went into the Marines. However he couldn’t fly as he under his adopted name was married. So he took it upon himself to reapply under his sir name Gregory Boyington. Over time and after a stint with the AVG and Fighting Tigers, Greg formed a squadron out of replacement pilots protecting the Solomon chain during WWII, the squadron of course is the VMF214, today known as the VMA214 still flying as the BlackSheep and a squadron , I’m proud to having been part of and in spirit still am.

Everyone wants to relive or grab a piece of retro life. While I say, life is not a video tape. You can’t stop life, cut out the bad parts splice the good together and go on. But we can learn from the past, and create a world that Heavenly Father wants to send his son back too. Isn’t that what our ultimate goal should be. Do we need mind altering narcotics to make us happy? I say only one, the love of our Heavenly Father, the guidance of his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, and the road map is in two books, our bible, and the Book of Mormon.

Going back to my years of being an incurable treky. In Star Trek cannon, there is the Prime Directive. That has at its core instruction not to invade or over due exposure with none warp or interstellar populations.

The definition there is simply, try to not change or instruct people in populations of those whose minds can’t or wont absorb it. For them, such as that here in Evanston, this kind of instruction and education has to be done by baby spoon sized servings. Western Wyoming and parts of eastern Utah, are just not mature enough to intake a large dose of advanced concepts. As such we as club members need to remember , that here just as western Idaho and northwest Utah was, and that it was by small servings that we changed the course of mighty rivers of mindsets.

With any luck I’ll get my SSI money today, need to get meds and do my insurance. Will report back at 11:00 hours.




Tuesday, March 31, 2015

too many nerds, not enough stallions


tHIS may seem like its racist or of bigotry, but its not, but let me go into the run of my day so you can get in the groove here. K?

Now while not normal procedure, SSI and I’m not too proud to say that’s how I live each month or at least my financial safety net. So most months the damn money is directly deposited in my checking account the day immediately before the 1st of each month. So the first thing I did was check my bank balance. 44.97 overdrawn. Really how can that be never bought anything for near 2-1/2 weeks via debit card so haow can I be overdrawn? Come to find out little Miss Facebook was siphoning money out of my account for a promo thing that never did produce any results. Sorry Facebook, people are very shy of clicking on anything online.

Most will rather go to the store pay cash be done with it. Okay so shut that off, thought I was in the plus side. except, no; Wells Fargo allowed another bandit from the Times News to siphon some more. So in essence after 4 phone calls, and the threat of giving a city geky college boy,  an attitude adjustment and an immediate cure for his ACHD, that got fixed. So then called SSI, asking where’s my money. Really? Because I couldn’t remember the space number out at Yellow Creek, this black bastard at SSI and you know he was black you could just hear it in his voice. Somebody the Government hired to be a call taker that has no idea how to do anything. After I asked to talk to a supervisor, and a half hour wait the black prick from SSI hung up. After I collected my emotions, I called back, and at least had a decent conversation. With knowledge that I should have money in the morning. The thing is that black bastard, said why don’t you just drive to your local SSI office. Okay, maybe that jerk in DC is geographically challenged, but for me to go to an SSI office is 70 miles to Rock Springs, or to Ogden Utah 80 miles one way, on low level fuel that can be a real challenge. But to be treated like I was. This Government employee needs to be working at Arby’s then perhaps he’ll get the meat?

Then we get to politics and political projects or at least the ability to bitch about this or that. Uncle Jessie, taught me down at Hazzard Creek, while we used to go gather crawdads and water cress for lunch’s. He used to say, “don’t bitch elect to fix”. The definition to that is simply, instead of just giving lip or finger punching keyboard service, do something about what ever it is.

Be not just part of, but be the solution, not just a sniveling little spectator. The Marine Corps has a name for that, its called being a JAFO, (Just-Another-Fucking-Observer). Instead of just pissing and moaning, put your money and or your muscle into it, not just on Facebook or making noise on a call in talk show.

I have two folks that have made friends with the old Wolf, but its the same thing I have heard from so many over the years that are NOT KNYTES, members. Sure they shake our hands and congratulate us, but could not be bothered to dig in their albeit limited wallet and cough up say $50.00 or $100.00 to the club, in fielding a candidate under the United Confederate States of America or UCSA Party. Or donate to keep the true voice of all things southern and Hazzard County alive. Even doing something like logging onto and even doing a Facebook like, and supporting the radio gig, hey ITS FREE. Take some of that dope taking, vapor electric cigarette money, and contribute to the cause. Don’t just clap your hands and say my ain’t that wonderful. It’s like listening to music but not having the courage or stimuli to sing.

So in closing , there’s way too many self serving, introverted geeks in our nation, and not enough risk taking extroverted stallions whose fluids flow fully doing the heavy lifting. Remember that this Memorial Day, remember those who lay there, who gave the ultimate sacrifice. More over buy a Marine a can of Skoal, cup of coffee or a meal. Truly say thanks, not just give lip service.

More l8r


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