Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What is the purpose of HazzardAyre and KDXB FM?

knyte haul

The other evening as I was trying to find a way to get out of her hair so she could relax with her hubby, Nancy asked me a question that came as a partial shock, the question simply was What is the purpose and/or goal of HazzardAyre?

Quite simply answered , HazzardAyre and all its siblings is to keep every long haul, over the road trucker company inside that cab, night or day .

Keeping haulers awake, alert, entertained and informed. If in that I can witness on air to some that are needing nourishment from God to their soul is just an added plus.

The secondary goal of HazzardAyre is to educate, all too many northern Yankees of the history of and to preserve the history of southern heritage and culture, again giving spiritchal enrichment that only southern gospel preaching can do, is also why we do what we do.

Lastly, add in our air brothers from all military conflicts and branches of service who wore wings in that service, informed.

Of course adding into that our two wheeled brothers and sisters, to gain a knowledge of God and that we don’t have to be demons just because we ride.

That in a nutshell is why and what HazzardAyre is all about. From Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio, to HazzardAyre, to WyldAyre, and rounding up the rear, Highway Hooker Radio the only show on radio, for those of us who toew, trying to make and keep a buck driving a toew truck.

KDXB is the only and I mean only radio station on the air and soon to be on XM/Sirius that is the radio station of the highway, serving all those of that community, that all other radio stations ignored and still do except maybe a few that run trucker shows, but we are on all the time, we simply are, and have always been the voice of the American Independent Trucker.

That’s what and who we are.

L8R Ya’ll

my dixie sighazzardayre radio billboard

Quote of the Day:
Goodness is the only investment that never fails.
--Henry David Thoreau, 19th-century American essayist and nature writer
1 Corinthians 1:10“[A Church Divided Over Leaders] I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Allergy Relief, Please?


I hate when this happens, seasons turn and my nose runs and trouble is I can’t catch it. So I opened the front door here at the Reapers Nest and doing HazzardAyre Radio along with some medicine that you have to take 4 of to get anything out of for four hours, doing a bit better.

So while I was doing a Google Search of the club, just to see what bubbled up, I saw some buttwipe had created a site, with the clubs name, so registered with the site long enough to inform them that if it continued that we would seek legal action in violation of theft of intellectual property to name a few.

Had the same crap with some T shirt outfit back east called CafĂ© Press, and HCC(Hazzard-County-Choppers) Guess it’s the price of fame and all but damn people either be creative or if you decide to copy us or me, get our permission or send the royalty check.

You’d think that these domain resellers like GoDaddy and all would check this shit first.

The domain is still ours so you can bet registering it is going to be priority 1.

Decided to not go to group this evening, due to this allergy thing and that I couldn’t find anyone without something to do to sub here at the station for two hours so here I am.

Hitting the rack early though, big day Tuesday, much to do, its time to get really serious on the club, station expansion, and HCC.

Stay tuned, but know this, there is no substitute for and of the Knytes Of Anarchy MC/TC CSA(Confederate States of America). With nearly 50,000 members strong and sworn in including blood oath.

L8R Ya’ll

sign offKNYTES WINGS X 2

Quote of the Day:
If everybody was satisfied with himself, there would be no heroes.
--Mark Twain
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Prayer request from the Knytes.


From the Knytes-of-Anarchy>>KNYTES SCRIPT1reaper this is a 479772_512619038799207_573868761_n For those in Oklahoma that have lost so much in the tornados. Funny Nancy and was talking about OKC the other night.

Any way , throw in a few words, tonight in your prayers for those in Oklahoma.

L8R Ya’ll

my good bye

Only one per congregation

a wolf prowl headerarebel coffee break

In the universe there are but only one maybe two real instances of angelic gifts by God to congregations and even communities.

I can say in my life I have been privileged to have them as my friends in two congregations.

One came to me via CL, in studio, without whom LexiBelle would not be here. The other is this Nancy that has entered my environment. Completely without planning or even looking for her.

Its not a thing of physical he & she lust or that, its more like two of Gods children sharing brotherly and sisterly love for each other to better God’s little third rock from the sun, and bring those near apes on it to God.

It’s way too early to think this is another Robin(Miss Dixie-Diesel 1993) or Ellie May(Nurse GoodBody) but its close.

Nancy wants to do things that would open doors to being able to witness to many, some that can’t even speak English.

One of these ideas comes from something I thought about strictly because , hey I could of used this. When I was working for a farmer near Burley driving tater truck, I found myself numerous times at the spud dump, dry as a bone, needing liquid.

During harvest with dust, dirt, weeds and all falling in your truck by the time you get to where you unload, whatever drink you brought is now luke warm , and your dry.

One time the warehouse processing belt broke. Here was 12 trucks there to unload but couldn’t. Right then I would have gave $5.00 for a bottle of soda. Idea entered brain, get an older mini goodie truck, fill it with ice, soda , frosties, etc. Know where the dump sites are, and be there to offer product. Bust ass for 4 months and you’d have enough for Christmas and then some.

Now while your sitting there an open Bible with someone that’s bilingual, could do some serious preaching and delivering more than refreshment for the body, one could deliver nutrition for the soul.

Nancy said she’d be interested. So I found some rigs from a friend that runs a mobile canteen place in SLC.

Thing is I can’t do this myself.

Let’s face it, I’m only one person, and I’m seriously older than Nancy, my body gives out way before my brain does. We see if she’s serious, l8r at group.

Then something in some scheduling or cleaning duties prevented her from bringing over her Durango.

I could send one of Charlies rigs to fetch it, but that would mean a toew bill. If Nancy brings it over here, so I can shuttle it to 305, then Shaun can look at it, figure out the real problem and git r done fixed, not just fixing to fix it.

But I’m convinced there are only one real angel for each congregation of believers, Nancy is the Angel for this River outfit, and trust me friends, the River needs all it can get.

Saw an idiot trying to make a right turn on Blue Lakes from Shoshone. Not a car but a rig, 50 foot trailer. He ran over the curb, median dividers, the other curb, and instead of crowding the trucker I kept traffic back so he could turn, but not before a city Smokey showed up, I bet that conversation went good. Makes ya’ll wonder did this guy just have a bad day? Or is he a graduate of the CSI Truck Driver Training Program? Only he and DOT know for sure.

Until L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
koa logo  hazzardayre tail

two cooterswelljusthush

Survival of not the fittest , but craftiest.

a-8 daily breefs header-1[2]ATC HEADER

Yesterday, my gal pal Nancy, gave me some pickled asparagus spears. This along with the spaghetti.

So unable to eat em all, I asked one of those living there to put em in my truck, as they took off for Wal-Mart,.

Thinking they put em on my front seat somewhere I looked, but to my udder dismay, not able to locate. Did they put em elsewhere?

Or did they keep em for themselves?

This is not the first time I have seen this kind of behavior. I remember the first year that Jan and I were together, her son, my step son, used to hide food, sometimes that, that I had bought for myself. I’d be dreaming of Oreos and milk, go to snag the Oreos, and no Oreos. Come to find later that he stashed them.

Then there was this live in gal Mom had at the big house near Hazzard. This gal was an in home care nurse, that stayed with us. Her daughter would always be hiding my eat treats.

I suppose in all these kinds of situations, it’s the old concept of grab a bone and growl.

God says we’re supposed to be better evolved species. , I want proof. Thing is many live like primates.

On the Asparagus , I might be off, I’ll look in the morning during daylight and when I care to put clothes on, since as I’m hammering this out I’m in my BVD’s.

But if we are an evolved or even an higher intelligent species, why do we act like tomorrow there is no more?

Guess I’d have to live without for a time to understand.

The thing is I was at rock bottom in September, last. Not that I had to be, but I had this thought that I could save some money for a few months living in my shop in Burley. Thing is after spending many nights freezing at the start of the Idaho deep freeze, and having to contend with mice, having to go to the head in an outhouse, I quickly decided that my creature comforts were more important than saving a few and damn few at that dollars.

Course, by the end of October I had put things together again, with Charlie, and moved back to Tweaker Flatts here, although moving west again from Burley was not my first choice, I had it in my mind to either head into Utah to SLC, or Pocatello, and sell this radio thing in Buhl, buy the rest of what was needed for the AM Falls station and bid Tweaker Flatts and the Tragic Valley a happy adios, and live long and prosper elsewhere. However thanks to God, Nancy is ready and willing to help in the build up of HazzardAyre its home flagship station and eventual relicense,. But this by no means, is it.

I’ll go into details, but my style of radio might be a bit spicy, for Nancy and friends,.

Still battling with the flu, I think I might have picked this up from one of those mutts over at Nancy’ but ain’t sure. Whoever I picked it up from, I’d love to give it back.

At 04:45 50 Degrees , I’m in bed.

Hope I’m not awakened until at least 11:00(11:00AM) hours.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
If it doesn't matter who wins, then how come they keep score?
--Vincent Lombardi
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Guess weather folks got it wrong


Guess the weather folks got it wrong last night, as its currently raining with sleet in Blackfoot, windy here in Twin Falls with expected serious rain mixed with snow in higher elevations.

This year has been a real gas weather wise. One day your going for the ac, the other refiring the heater. I guess, when God assigned the climate control to Mother Nature, he did so with a woman who will change her mind faster than Boss Hogg slurping down a corn dog.

Midwest farmers haven’t been able to get in the fields, the agri pals here have been slow to get there. Which has put a bite on the wallet of AyreWolf Aviation. While I’m thankful for no big range fires a small one so we could go do fire suppression would be nice.

Last night was great at Nancy’s place, but I got the vibe from her guy that he thought he was in competition with me or something. While there is a brotherly/sisterly love thing there, there’s too many things there that would not be in my best interests. Mainly young pre teen kids. Heck most barely toddlers.

A few years ago that wouldn’t matter, I had more ability to put up with children, now, at 54, not so much.

I thought that two of those dogs wanted to come home, with me, but in the next month my real to honest real Wolf pup will be here and I don’t know if that little poodle would get along with a Wolf, or be a snack for my wolf-Pup. So just feeling that out.

Any mile, looks like I’m not getting into the air today, so will be puttering around Tweaker Flatts here most of the day. Going over to A1, get my mid month check, fuel, needed skoal, and if it is sort of good, going to try to get the new tank under LexiBelle.

Nancy and her crew is supposed to be here in the AM, so I’m off to sleep.

L8R Aviators,

my good byein the air

Quote of the Day:
If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, why don't we all get wasted and have the time of our lives?
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

This will not be liked by everyone.


After I finally got home, after consuming some spaghetti over at Nancy’s I trucked home. I went over for two reasons, one home cooking , two , to retrieve Nancy’s ride to get it over to Shaun's to get the brakes fixed.

So about the time, I finally was relaxing and the nightly build up of plem in my throat began to make me hack like a 10 pack a day smoker, I came home.

Smelling like dog, from two that found my size to be a place of protection and security, one that’d go home with me in a Hazzard County second, I tweaked on the TV, damn I’ll be glad to get my cable back, and all of that. Never thought I’d miss it, but the stations at the River screwed the pooch on the conversion of RFDTV, from whatever independent programming they had before. Fact is RFDTV is boring, no action and no good weekend prime time. Tried to watch some preacher on CH-38 also of the River Fellowship, but the guy was talking like he has a paper asshole. So I turned that off. I either got to get my VCR back, or cable, cuzz this BS has gotta stop.

Remember Confederate Star TV is not too far in the distance, but its still out there. Kinda like the Epsilon nebula, quite a distance, but its reachable.

So then turned on DXB, and was cyber flying over NPR’s site. Saw this review on some lady singer with a song out that is by the same title as Bruce Gamble’ book on the 214. The title is; Once I Was an Eagle, which is going to make a bunch of Marine aviators to take a look but be disappointed as its not about the 214. It’s not even a book, but a cd.

So now I am auto piloting the radio show, and getting ready for bed, thinking that Nancy will remember to get her, Durango, over here so I can get it to Shaun early in the morning.

More L8R Ya’ll

my good bye in the air

Quote of the Day:
We are always getting ready to live, but never living.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.