Thursday, October 2, 2014

This will make Sturgis look like a backyard Barbeque

hazzardayre poster boardKNYTES SCROLL HEDDER

Not just bikes and bikers, nor just OTR trucks and truckers , but all road warriors and Dukes of Hazzard fans, and Southern Activists , it is Sturgis with a southern Mountain West twist.

To be held at the Golden Spike Fairgrounds Ogden Utah, in the fall of 2015 it is the illustrious Hazzard Nationals – aka- DukesFest West. Food, music, rides a celebration of everything southern rebel , Babes, Booze, rydes. This is just fresh in the HazzardAyre News Room.

Watch here for more Deets, this is the event. The Sturgis Rally was the king, The Hazzard Nationals will make the Sturgis Rally look like a backyard picinic.

Sturgis 2


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Quote of the Day:
A new study shows that licking the sweat off a frog can cure depression. The down side is, the minute you stop licking, the frog gets depressed again.
--Jay Leno
Proverbs 29:25“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

imagesCAUZLO4Zpleasent view tail

Failure to observe and believe

hazzardayre poster boardMID DAY BREEFS

So yesterday ended well. As I found myself rolling into my driveway , here came my home teacher. Coincidence? Perhaps, but more like urged inspiration.

Not saying the church that I call home is bad or that I shouldn’t go there, but and there’s always a butt, I must have looked the fright. See I had a good load of of my favorite plant in my jaw and sipping on a good bottle of Mountain Dew, so my home teacher must have been impressed. Although not saying anything , but I’m sure there was a mental note made.

I’m not saying that consuming brew or chew is right or wrong, after all Proverbs says: 31-verse 6, “Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those in anguish, verse 7 goes onto say : “ let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more” There’s a similar verse in the Church’s own D&C, Part 89, you have to find it but the same idea is there. Likewise the many things I feel is up to interpretation like it says , not to drink hot drink, the words Caffeine, Coffee, or Tea, are not even mentioned, nor is not to consume cannibus, although that can be taken to your liking or not.

Now understand, I’m not condemning or saying the gospel teachings of the church are wrong. I myself have read every book of the church, including but not limited to the B-O-M, D&C, Pearl Of Great Price. I have a firm testimony that all is true there. I have had both inspiration and confirmation of those teachings. As I myself under some serious life threat and sickness situations have gotten, some visual as well as whispering from angels that the church’s teachings are real and true. I also think that back in the early days of the church things were true, and there was understanding. However like many things, when things grow faster than a dandelion weed, it gets full of red tape and acts more like a corporation , rather than the arms and hands of Jesus.

Our southern brethren are of the life of God himself, they don’t call the deep south the bible belt for nothing. You can’t go into many true Confederate homes and not find a bible(without dust on it) on the table. Us southerners tip our hats to women, and honor and praise women to their expertise. After all ever find a man, who can calm a fussy child, clean house, plan meals, and maintain a home? Men just do not have the patience or stamina to do what women do, and as such, I’m in belief that women should be allowed to gain elevation in the church, even to the post of a Bishop. Why not? While 1st Timothy tells us that women should be seen and not heard, evolution has made it to where many women would better suited for such a place in the church. Think of this, filling out a form, for food assistance for those needing such from the church. Women, would in most cases fill that order more properly since in many homes, women make the meals, women just are smarter. Although modern science says that girls growing up in schools are no longer smarter than boys. Girls do not mature these days until about age 30, boys mature into men near 25. Of course Marines mature faster and Confederate Marines at age 19.

This weekend will bring the gazillion population growth into Utah. Otherwise known as Church General Conference. Which I will watch and absorb, as I do everytime. But my question is this, with the many speakers will such happenings as the grand protest of the gal pushing for equality in authority of the church between women and men? Will the messages really be understood, and will all the newcomers to the church understand what hey are hearing? Will they obey, will they carry on those things being taught, and will church officers right down to local Bishops, and Primary leaders absorb those lessons and speeches? Will those authorities apply those teachings? I’ll let you be the judge.

Now yesterday my local Bishop, was attacking my southern integrity. So lets explore this a minute.

First my ex-roomy, moves in my home. Pays below all asking money amounts , but out of southern kindness I let him move in. After a time plagued with serious problems by my urging, I tell Jeff to go see the Bishop of our Ward, being kind and all that our Bishop is. So in came the missionaries. It was like the church rolled out a red carpet, the Church paid not only Jeff’s rent to our joint landlord, but bought Jeff a new bed, gave him furniture, and one Ward counselor (who manages a bar) gives Jeff a job and now Jeff works for Deseret Industries. Me ? Another story. Now dig this fellow brethren, Jeff has seriously used the Church, for his own gain. I only go to the Church when its survival, not luxury.

It’s like next Sunday I have to ask, the Bishop for another help in my rent, since I had to pay the utility bills on the place I rent. But its getting old and change is on the HUD(Heads Up Display) of my life after the holidays. Another article for another time.

But how can the Bishop and church, go to the extremes they have for Jeff, a convert to the church, when the Bishopric and all must know that Jeff is not walking in the right steps of our Heavenly Father. I myself was nearly thrown out of the Hazzard Ward of the Church in Idaho, for living with my then soon to be SheWolf. Yet the church here tolerates Jeff having his live in fiancé and children. Of all mine there was a ring on the lady before commencement of personal relations.

Okay then enough of that for as is written , I shall not judge, but I do make observations. In my mind , that what Jeff is doing is pure Blaspheme not Christian, but hey , I’m a Confederate Marine and wear my colors proudly.

More later,


wynged sig AYRE TAG

Quote of the Day:
While the price of freedom and security is high, it is never too high!
--George W. Bush
(I bet he never complains about taxes)
Proverbs 29:25“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


club save

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Post Follow-up Are we really alone?

hazzardayre poster boardCOLONELS PHOOTENOTES

So I was in a thought pattern last week that I tried to break out of, and one night actually a week ago today, where I flat could not breathe. My air supply had just stopped. With no hot water in the house I stumbled around, got a sauce dish filled it with water and nuked it for 6 all too long minutes then just breathed in the steam, soon I got the phlegm out of my throat to be able to breathe. Finally my neighbors across the street came over gave me a gin and funny water, to open my bronchial tubes and I was then okay, but I thought, what if I had just flat died? What if due to being totally alone something I tried to cure by getting a roomy, but that went sour on many levels.

While I hear and digest and I’m not making out anyone or anybody to be a bad guy, or anything, my Ward as great as they are, only thinks that I go to the Bishop when I need money for something. Outside of the Bishop, nobody and this is nothing new , but nobody else from the Ward has driven up to see if I’d died or was okay.

Monday nights are of course Family Home Evening. In my view we are our brothers(and sisters) keepers, thus our families. How about someone taking time to invite or go to a home bound person on Mondays, and praying, maybe taking over a stew?

Yet and many would say that drinking alcohol is bad in the churches eyes and it is sort of, beyond financial, my neighbors across the street, come over, invite me over we sing songs jam on tunes, I drink maybe two cocktails, but they have made me feel more welcome than the Ward has.

Okay I have not gone to church. There’s several reasons, one is my former roomy is there. Not wanting to relive that I sit elsewhere, but I get to feeling even lonelier sitting in the chapel and seeing families, and yet I go home only to the four walls I left at 7:00AM for church.

There have been talks from one end of the Churches leadership to the other, of going to those in the Wards and Stakes and saying want to go to a meeting? If someone and I include myself here, but if one is not going to church there’s a reason, its called feeling like an outsider and outside of the Bishop, few saying come sit next to us. Welcome, and not just that cold handshake at the entrance to the chapel doors.

Now thinking here and it has opened my eyes a bit, but dig this, I have been giving a bunch of thought on moving to either Evanston Wyoming or immediate area, or near my kin folk in Grace/Soda Springs Idaho. I did give some thought on Twin Falls, but that’s not doable right now. In all those locations, Charlie at A1 would call, come over, get me and put me to doing something, at his shop, in one of his tow trucks, and I’d get out of there with a $50.00 in my pocket, beyond that Charlie would invite me to his house for dinners, Christmas, New Years. Here, nothing. I celebrated my birthday this past year all by myself. Club member not deployed come by, when I have a phone of course Cousin Claude and 2nd Cousin Gordon will come by or call, as they should, but I say to our Bishop, and others, make going to Church a Welcome experience, not something obligatory. It says in 2nd Paul, on such things as paying tithing which I can’t even spare right now, but allow the person(me) feel comfortable and easy about turning over money, not something your required to do, or are obligated to. My response to many of these things is simply, if the Bishop and all needs me to pay tithing etc, help me get my tow truck here, help me get my car back, help me with the simple things like my gas bill so I can take a shower, and stay warm without having to turn on the oven, for 4 hours a night. Then I can pay tithing. If I’m not going to the storehouse, how hard is it for the Bishop or the whoever to drop by with a gift card from someplace that sells gas, so I can go to the storehouse.

Beyond that, how about someone from the Ward, not the Bishop, just dropping by and chatting and seeing if I’m alive? My view is , if I put out my hand for friendship, and it gets slapped away too many times, I’m not to keen on putting it back out there.


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Quote of the Day:
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened.
--Ernest Hemingway
Matthew 5:11-12““Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

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So you question my Southern Integrity ?

hazzardayre poster boardcolonels journal

So I got back here to the office. I want to personally thank our mc brethren and wolf-pack brethren for your kind words during this time for me.

When I got the call that my son in Oregon had just went into a coma I was in the middle of giving the boot to the last roomy I’ll ever have. Not only did the roomy not pay his half of rent but only paid a portion of the full power bill. Talk about failure to completion.

So the last two weeks have not been kind to the old wolf. Now then I get this email from the my Bishop, questioning my southern integrity. First it has to do with going to the store house to work off the financial aid they have gave, but I had until this morning no gas. How was I going to go to the storehouse? Walk? That’d kill me or near so. Then there is the point of even going to church, last Friday as I was waiting on a call from Marla my xyl mother of my son in Irrigon Oregon , Leroy. Leroy was born with a birth defect and contracted spinal bifida. As such him going into a coma is very serious. But one of the 1st counselors of the ward I’m in stopped by with a missionary. Then last Sunday had every intention of going to church, but the downpour of rain, no fuel, couldn’t go. Did any of the church people think, “ Hey I’ll go get Pat and give him a ride to church” nope. I discussed at length, with the Bishop keys to going through the Temple, tithing and all , still intend to do so, but my son is takes priority. The only reason I’m here right now is trying to complete paperwork, and catch up on club duties, so I can go up on Friday to bury my son, who passed away Tuesday night at 23:30 Hours MST.

But there’s more to this than just my son, or my not going to church. Right now I’m pinching every nickel so tight the buffalo pees. I’ve got a mini truck that is very much on its last legs, I’ve got my tow truck still in Idaho, that needs to be paid for, my Subaru still at 1st Stop Auto in Layton. But outside of rent on the house which I can barely pay this month, and yet the Bishop, can’t be bothered to even swing by the house, to offer a bit of help on paying the heat gas so I can take a bath and keep warm, or offer to help on my steel horses so I can get around including going to the storehouse to work off hours, nor has he sent over anybody to suggest any solutions even if it is a ride to see the Bishop concerning these things.

Then of course there is the situation of me getting to Oregon to at least bury my son, I can swing it if I hold off on Comcast for a few weeks.

There are priorities in ones life. Of course renewing our promises and all with our Father in Heaven, as well as his son Jesus Christ. There is the sacred promises I made with the mc,(motorcycle Club) that are important, then there are those priorities such as LexiBelle, my car and being able to even get here to the office.

Of those pretty much in order , If our Heavenly Father wanted me in church last Sunday he’d have turned off the rain or sent someone by to give me a ride. My health does not allow for long walking. Between my heart, and DVT, walking is not recommended for long stretches. And yet does anyone come by from the church and suggest giving me a ride?

Don’t ever question my integrity or my resolve. Quite frankly the mood I’m in anyway, I’m looking very serious at moving to either the extreme southeast corner of Idaho or southwestern Wyoming.


AYRE TAGwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with others.
--Robert Louis Stevenson
Matthew 5:11-12““Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


HAZZARDAYRE LOGO 1morning ayre

Pulling a double shift this morning here at HazzardAyre Radio, it’ll be great when and if we get a human that can handle the controls here in the cockpit of HazzardAyre Radio, .

I first discovered Beth Ann’s program CSC Talk Radio, when we first erected the station out of Buhl Idaho last year this time. We simulcast Dixie Radio. Ray Berry’s network. He runs a recorded version of CSC Talk Radio. Beth Ann means what she says and its not rhetoric. Its up front talk that has substance. Our nation as you know has gone into the toilet. Not completely but we are on a downhill slide. When someone comes home from doing duty in the armed forces, to be told that you can’t even get cable TV because for several years he or she was on foreign soil, you know things are bad. When states are choked on what benefits they can provide because the carpetbaggers in DC constrict funds to the states, when a Vet can’t even get an education, due to mountains of paperwork, you know there needs to be a change. Being ignorant is no longer an excuse. The best source for information on the doings in DC and the nation, you really need to tune into CSC Talk Radio, or tune us here on HazzardAyre Radio every morning at 08:00 and we’ll deliver it into your headset. Both domestically but overseas to every source of radio, on all Naval vessels as well as on every Marine base.

So Tune us in for CSC Talk Radio weekday mornings at 08:00 MST on HazzardAyre Radio.


AYRE TAGwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
There should be no yelling in the home unless there is a fire.
--David Oman McKay
Philippians 2:3-4“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
AVI CLUB LOGO blacksheep black shield

Gaining altitude


B4 I get into my rant, need to say I’m very disappointed about the results of America’s Got Talent. A magician won the damn thing, instead of the music or that so I think its either AGT or a bunch of idiots of Yankee’s voted wrong. I was cheering for the hot blonde in the big red dress,emily-west-bio-photoEmily West.

But who says America has any more common sense.

I usually don’t get into these reality shows, but my roomy got me into them, including one of the cooking shows so hey, at least its better than Jeopardy that I think tanked after Merv Griffin died.

Okay then, was doing a phone interview with a good intern, her remarks made me think and relates to where we as a radio show need to go to gain more audience.

I was watching yesterday METV on 4.2 here in the Salt Lake City, but it got stuck on Malcom in the Middle. It wasn’t Adam-12 that was supposed to be on. Nor was Emergency. Neither are these that important, but BlackSheep Squadron, is vital, since it impacts every member of sibling organization the AyreWolvez, since many of us are reassigned members of the 214. So this would be a great place to run ads, telling those not in the know that we are the continuing legacy of the 214.

As far as the Son’s , we missed the boat there, but what should have taken place there was Comcast sales exec Steve, should have gave us the phone number to FX’s advertising department, since he nor Comcast could accommodate us. But SOA will be out in syndicated form, when it is we’ll be there. But the simple thing is, as great as we are, and even though most of Idaho, knows the club, knows HazzardAyre Radio, the rest of the region, except diehard loyalists to the club, have no idea we even exist. Going to see if I can fix this Thursday or Friday.

Wanted to get on air early this morning but Comcast while giving good download at 115mbps still is only uploading at just under 24mbps . Which means poor performance. In essence we are not getting what we are paying for.

Is the only way to get at minimum of 40mbps up, and 120mbps down, to pay $1,000.00 ? Must be but will investigate in the PM Thursday.

Well lets try to shute some crap and get us in the cross hairs of the Confederate American Marine, gearhead aviator biker. Deets Friday.


AYRE TAGwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
The easiest thing to find is fault.
Philippians 2:3-4“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Just what would that look like, what would it be like?


At Dinner earlier this evening, Mike one of our members after we got done ratchetjawing about my new roomy and his backstabbing ways. Feels like I’m Paul being attacked by the Gentiles. But we got to ratchetjawing about the movie Private Parts which is a autobio of premier radio jock Howard Stern. In that movie it was centered on having sex , all the time. Even to where this honey bared it all in the studio, and was ready to go all the way with Howard in the studio. For my money I’ll bet that was in the movie just for dramatic effect. As I don’t see some hot gal coming into say my studio and duplicating the act or acts as it were.

But after Mike and I got done chowing down, and I trucked back into the studio I got to pondering, just what would I do if say one of the applicants for interns or the like, decide to strip down and get it on. I remember this one seatcover in Twin Falls was rather insulted that I said no. Much of that refusal came from Uncle Charlie, who told me about undercover gals working for the local heat(cops) up there, doing bait projects , executing such maneuvers. They go in really warm up to somebody and about the time you unzip, it’s the cops barging in. But in the case of Twin Falls, might have been, might have just not been, but I wasn’t taking chances. I will never take advantage of a situation, but if it were offered, genuinely , how would I react? First I’d most likely have a coronary. If some where in an interview or shift session, some gal got all hot and bothered , and climbed on old Harley and decided to ride. Or at least try speaking into the tube mic. Second my brain would hemorrhage since it would overload.

In all the years of radio I have only had twice in my studios where it could have happened, but I wisely withdrew.

Look for that as well in our video bio for the club that includes the station and network. The script is just getting the wrinkles out. Problem in the movie of the club, we’re going to have go out of state to cast everything. Did you or have you noticed as much as hungry as Utah is for income it swats in the face, anything that is unorthodox or at least on the border of kinky? Not many pictures are being shot here, or if they are the production companies are bringing their own people. I’d love to find out who produces those Carl’s Junior ads. Why can’t we find gals in Utah that will do that hot spice style of ads.

But I digress and get off topic. What would it Look Like if I got licked up or bred in the studio, I have no idea, but I’m willing to find out.

its; at 01:00 hours.


AYRE TAGwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.
--W. C. Fields
Ephesians 5:1“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children”

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