Monday, February 14, 2011

HazzardAyre57 Shows the situation as it is:

a HazzardAyreHeader a wolf prowl header

Sorry Knytes, but I had to shoot this up, just so those who haven't seen it, can go pick up a Times News and take a gander. Remember the female reporter from up Sun Valley way who hauled herself and a photo taker and took up my day to do a story on the club? Well saw this article in the paper today by the same reporter, who was reporting on fashion tips for Valentines Day. First the, ah so called model she used to describe things, although female , looked more like a sheep herder than a feature photo model. The rest of the article was as far as I was concerned was good, except the two items, I disagreed with. First, First, I think both genders ought to dress comfortably, yet at least , even a modest degree try to assert their best assets. Granted its not for one to flaunt what they don’t have, yet if you have a nice package , a lady or a guy, ought to at least show it off. I’m not saying a suit & tie for a guy, nor a mini skirt, 7 inch heels, fish net hose, and such for gals, but hey if you look good and attractive, why not put that out there. That’s of course if you are what I will term extraverted. If your more introverted , then maybe not flamboyant , but at least flatter yourself a bit.

Any way Knytes ya’ll got to read this article, I just chuckled. But hey the reporter is young and she’s learning. Too bad she’ll not be Hazzard Gazzette or HazzardAyre News quality for another few years, but who knows.

Later tonight early morning, I’ll be doing up the last article for HazzardAyre News for the first financial quarter of 2011. Reason is, yours truly has a busy schedule this week, as of Wednesday, my butt is airborne for Daytona, as one of our vendors got me pit row seating, at this years Race, at Daytona. Second by the time I get back, much will be, being done to transplant much of my half of both AyreWolf Aviation and Wyld Eagle Toewing(formerly Dixie Towing) to the mini Cassia area of Idaho. This my friends is in anticipation of a final leg of my run in Idaho. The realization that short of you the immediate local members of the Knytes, I have no family in Western Idaho, no real property land wise in western Idaho, so as Ricky Saturday asked, What the hell am I still doing here? So until I figure out either very southeastern Idaho, (Bancroft) or back into Utah, the mini Cassia area, feels better for me to rework the business, take off some pressure from my shoulders, and see where the planning committee of the Knytes decides to put the flagship station to DXB and so on. Not saying Buhl is done for, but I have decided, I’m done trying, there just are not enough marbles, in the can for me to bust my ass any more for anything western Idaho. Only if Clay, or Curt calls me and pushes, will I ever , get ambitious for a project here. The Hazzard I left, is not the Hazzard I returned too. In fact, Hazzard has once again became Hagerman, as the town , no longer deserves the honor of being called Hazzard.

Any mile, me needs sleep, see ya’ll on the flip side.

L8R Ya’ll,


Quote of the day:
Without the aid of prejudice and custom I should not be able to find my way across the room. - William Hazlitt
John 13:34-35““A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.””

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