Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Last week of the month is an SOB

a hazzardayre rosey headerAYREWOLF PHOOTENOTES GOLD

So there I was dreaming of doing the entire chorus line of the Utah Ballet, when my complex manager rings my phone. Saying, “ if you want your shower fixed best be awake” Awake, on a Saturday , the deeded day of rest, the Sabbath day? So I got up reluctantly. See I had determined that me being awake might conserve my energy resources until at least early morning, when I can take a couple of refigadeezers to bite the sand for the final time.

So I’m asleep the first time. By the highway this is the same fix it guy that gave me the shit earlier.

Okay then, so I get up, no SKOAL except very few slivers, little grub, but did find the rental agreement from Mr. Taylor and SAMCRO MC. Bet some serious peter sucking goes on Monday or Tuesday morning.

But its this last bit of the month. Many say they ain’t got money, funny they got money for smokes, brew how bout a loan to me to get some chew? But I remember. And I usually only ask those that can easily replace funds. But I will remember at about 03:00 hours some winter pre dawn, them stuck in the ditch, with wailing winds, deep snow, needing a toew, and the asking can they negotiate the fee? I’ll immediately recall, and say, sure about as quick as you lent me $5.00 last June when I needed it.

It always comes around, sure ya’ll can ignore me now, but come winter, bad storm, impound what ever, you’ll call , I’ll haul it, and when it needs to be paid for, ya’ll best pay, cause those who snubbed me for snuff money, we’ll I will own your vehicle.

Cleaned out my FaceFart page. Got rid of a bunch of people that either are not active, have not helped much if at all, or are just there to be a friendly spy. As such I have decided, if you want me to be a FaceFart friend best live near me where I can verify who the hell you are, or ain’t going to happen.

Mark Zuckerberg’s invention FaceFart, might have been all the rage, but people looking for better security, are passing FaceFart by. Seems as everyone has a FaceFart part. I do because of the radio gig and the club, or I’d not have even bothered. Same went for MySpace. Had that damn thing for the benefit of the TTA (TeenAge Truckers Association) but after that got stale and never could get their sales people to call and deal I said piss on em.

Same goes for FaceFart.

Is there a competitor upcoming? HazzardAyre. Stay tuned.

HazzardAyre will be , besides the name of this publication and all, the Facebook page , with Hazzard County Confederate fight the system flavor.

Thing still in development.

Finally saw more activity today at the soon to open Real life Boars Nest of Idaho. We got the new grill installed, the sinks got put in Friday, freezer goes in Wednesday. Hope to have Alma and Ben and crew out for our grand opening, in October 2012?

Going to try and have a Miss Daisy(Hazzard County) Contest, remember Melanie Dubois during the last Miss Tri County Contest at Boss Hoggs Boars Nest. Well we are looking to do a reenactment of the entire thing. Basically if you can drive well, are female, able to turn a wrench and look hot in short shorts, then best get in touch with a Knyte of Anarchy and sign up.

Until L8R

me2 koa wings proper

hazzardayre tail