Saturday, August 30, 2014



As we say it here at Cooter’s A1 Toewing and HazzardAyre Aviation, when its dry we fly , when its wet and in snow we toew. Yes its that time of year when we dust off the winter gear, service the rigs and get ready for what looks to be a very long, cold wet and white winter. For us in toewing it means, long hours in the trucks less time in the shop, and snug in a bed. It’s catching a few winks upright with your head propped against the door header in you tow truck.

So who is the Toew Bro’s Club? The Toew Bro’s Club, is a group of guys and gals who love our rigs. To us towing is not a job it’s a passion, and since we spend more time with our trucks they become our mistress. As such tricking em out is just . Think of the Toew Bro’s Club as the hot rod and custom organization of toewing.

Okay then : June 2015, Miller Sportspark just on the tother side of Tooele Utah, is the site of the 2015 Toew Jamb >TOEW JAMB Toew Jamb is a jamboree for us in the toewing profession, filled with concerts , great food, trophy queen contests, tight Wrangler Jeans contest, and of course seminars, vendors row, the werx. Toew Jamb is the Sturgis of toewing.

Alrighty then; Got the cameras and crew assembled for the docudrama ads for the PSA’s and ad campaign for the Slow Down, and move over for Tow Truck Operators, project. The ads will run on local channel 4.2 METV during, Chips, Adam 12 and Emergency. The goal is to get people who drive to move over into another lane and slow down when approaching those of us who toew while we are doing our jobs. Every day we loose someone out there in our profession, doing their toew tasks, its only millseconds of distance between approaching traffic and us chaining up on the busy highways. While it’s a problem nationwide , its more localized here in Utah.

The Utah Trucking Associations had a great response to their ads on not crowding big trucks and aggressive driving near big rigs. So the idea is to launch a program similar only for being extra careful around us doing our toew tasks beside the road.

The big chore for us now is finding a talent agency willing to lend us on TV talent at a discount to cast in this important project.

Next time, the stinky toew



Quote of the Day:
Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must
--Muhammad Ali
Ephesians 2:19“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,”

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