Friday, August 29, 2014

Want to get lots of email? Stay away from the office 3 days

colonels journal

Want to get lot’s of email? Stay away from the office for 3 or more days.

Never ceases to amaze me, if I’m at the office thus by my computer every day I get a few blurbs , but nothing pressing. Go on a aviation summit meeting or a Knytes High Council meeting and my the email bins get full.

Okay then, it wasn’t until yesterday that the illustrious Comcast unplugged my TV. No big I have it at the office, but then I get a thing in the mail that looks like a bill and it says I owe nothing right now. How can that be? Will inquire when the seatcovers at Comcast get to the office.

If you think that life is messed up here your right. I don’t mean to cuss Comcast all the time, I do think most if not all those employed there all across the nation do their jobs as best as they can, but I don’t think that many in the business division have been educated in the needs of broadcasting or the business there of and what it takes to do this profession. Especially online radio such as ours. Especially the terminal offices. You’d think that when one goes into one , that there’d be one side for consumers, and one set of stalls with trained people for those using Comcast in their business’. So I’m making inquiries.

Okay, sad news for me soon to have been roomy. Sadly enough will all services except maybe electricity and water, the homestead in Ogden is dead. I’m taking a room here in Bountiful with a slightly reduced per month cost, and my butt is outta Ogden. I tried to save it, I had the Bishop there in our Sullivan Hollow ward, pay the rent last month, but the income to debt ratio did not match. For me to stay there in the old apartment there in Ogden would cost just under $800.00 which I don’t have. Now if there was a real need to salvage the thing, for any kind of friendship, family, or anything , I’d dig in to resuming things there. But between Questar, Comcast, and $450.00 a month, there is just not enough marbles in the bucket any more. Especially if you consider come June 2015 my butt is headed to southeastern Idaho to be near my kin folk.

So that’s my world.


wynged sig wynged bye

Quote of the Day:
If you can't beat your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
Galatians 3:28“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

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