Saturday, August 2, 2014

Wayyy toooo much denaro .

a hooters adRyders Blues

So wanted to post something last few days, but this hacking cough and I think flu, from mold spores under a detereating carpet due to a severe flood, plus air cold inside from AC to serious heat outside created me just plain being sick. So been off air and will continue to be until after the move to Woods Cross , HazzardAyre Radio wise. As far as residence in a quandry, been trying to get in touch with the old Mexicali lady in Bountiful, she hasn’t responded so might be stuck for a few weeks, but not long, plan on total relocation by months end. Just might have to snooze in my office until that point, shower at a health club which wouldn’t hurt me, and go from there.

Okay, paid on the office got the keys all is well. Then went down to meet with Tripp at KPDR CH Nineteen, and while he was accommodating and all, fact is, at three grand next to two hundred fifty, makes Woods Cross the winner, negotiations still under way .Club thinks the three grand is a bit much with all we bring to the table that can only help KPDR grow as well as us, so stay tuned.

Decided to put off Oshkosh due to being ill, as well as Sturgis, considering all that is needed right now for HazzardAyre , but plan on being at both next year.

Now to those who don’t know.

The question goes, that with the club paying for this why is it its coming out of my pocket?

Answer; the fact that Evanston and Tammy and that fiasco, as well as Gooding Idaho, and of course grand old Heyburn, and Kim Lee and he giving it to us in the six(butt). The Club is not going to fork out anything until HazzardAyre is generating money again. Which it will do, and while this all strings out and has been an uphill run, it looks like I see the proverbial light ahead, just hope it ain’t another train coming at us.



Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
James 1:22“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

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