Sunday, April 24, 2011

Why be a friend on FaceBook if your going to ignore me?

HAZZARDAYRE HEADER MASTER hazzardayre nyte prowl

One of the things that just erks me no end, and makes me scratch my head in wonder at the same time, is if someone asks to be your friend on FaceBook, and you or they accept, then ignore you if you send em an IM or try to chat live, why accept being your or their friend. If you fear the reaper, or something from someone that requests to be your friend on FaceBook, don’t accept them, or vice versa. In essence , don’t want to get burned, don’t stick your finger in the fyre.

It’s mostly women who do the turn around retreat and ignore. They see somebody that they want to warm up to, or to tease just because they can, then if a guy calls their bluff they just ignore you. So it goes, but I again wonder, if ya’ll ain’t going to sell , don’t advertise, if your going to ignore me, take me off your damn friends list. Wonder how one gets a FaceBook page, that is geared to only the people YOU know, and can ignore the rest?

Okay then, club bizz.

HCC will have our spring test-n-tune for both street trucks and scoots on Wednesday at Power County Raceway near American Falls. Food will be there, but as far as water, not this year, so bring your own jug of drinking water. Porta-poopers will be running as well as radiator water , but not drinking water. Hell just bring beer.

The test-n-tune will start at 08:00 hours and go to dusk, with an evening go around n the oval. So see ya’ll there.

KDXB will host a studio get ready session, Saturday starting at 08:00 hours. We will be finalizing things at the Buhl Idaho studio, for the switch on in May, so Knytes members be there.

KDXB FM 105.7 (Dixie-Broadcasting) is the flagship station for HazzardAyre Radio and the Dixie-Diesel/HazzardAyre Radio Network. KDXB is located at 104-1/2 south Broadway in Buhl, Idaho across from That One Place bar and grill.

Until next week, Stay Tuned,

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Quote of the day:
Channeling is just bad ventriloquism. You use another voice, but people can see your lips moving. - Penn Juliette
Colossians 1:27-28“To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.”

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