Sunday, January 26, 2014

Control Alternate got deleted

new blog coverGM1 IN A BOX

Okay so the font is different, but I got a new toy and I’m going to play with it. Speaking of toys new.

The great console I got, that I am fighting to keep, since the gal who traded it for smokes wants more money for it, which she’s going to pay hell to get, but I can’t figure out how to wire the thing. I know send it to Eli, problem is I can’t find a box that big. Going to see if FedEx or one of em can help on that Monday.

Called a cat out at the River that I thought would help, he said he would drop by yesterday and as so many here, I waited all day, no body came, nor a phone call. Will call him Monday too.

So what’s the problem? On most of my control boards its pretty much plug and go. RCA jacks on back , plug in the patchcords and off to cyber air we go. Not so on this one, its all hard wired. What I need someone knowledgeable here to do, is put the RCA jacks on the back of the console and hard wire it inside. Then all I have to do here is plug in the devices that go to those channels. In essence make a plug and go out of this normally hard wired console.

I was headed to Church this morning but, no fuel, and what fuel money I do have gotta use to go see Charlie Monday, as many of the domiciles that I was looking at have been took. The office is secure, but I can’t sleep for very long at the office. So OP (Operating procedure) is to move radio werx to Ogden as planned, get down there and secure a place to bed down mid month March. But we will be on air mid February, radio wise, in either case. What amazes me, is that for the entire state of Idaho, there is but one that used to do Payee services, now they are just serving current clients, and barely hanging on. I’ve thought about jumping in that, but since I’m a beneficiary it’d look too self serving if I were doing a Payee service. So been trying to find a volunteer to be MY payee, so I could be a bit more mobile and all. It’s not that I don’t appreciate all that Charlie does for me, nor that if all things were even that I wouldn’t stay ROS. But thing is, there is nothing any more for me personally in southwestern Idaho. I’m just tired of fighting, and after last months two heart events I’m in a place where I can’t stand the stress. To wake up in the morning I gotta take a pill, to go to bed, gotta take a pill, and three others during the day. In the morning its 3 packets of Goody’s, same at night so my blood don’t clot in my legs and kill me while I sleep, Then its check my blood in the morning, this morning already at 205, same goes just before bed.

If something did happen only Ricky would know who to call, Charlie doesn’t, and ain’t heard diddly from Nurse Sweetfeet. Maybe she and Britt are in cahoots with each other. I’m not saying Utah is fully stress free, but beyond the resources for and of the club, both radio werx and air command, the thing is my family is there albeit scattered about , but there are people that can at least plant me if I punch out.

The confusion of why Charlie is not eager to let me move and all is not too baffling. After all $475.00 a month in car payment and rent that’s guaranteed by the Government is one thing, but that is the start and end of it. I only do a little bit here and there for Charlie and A1, the rest of the time I run my own trucks and fly, the rest of the time its do duty here on and for the club, with HazzardAyre.

Used to have an in studio engineer, but for another year he is still deployed in the south Pacific. Sure I’d love Eli or someone to fly up here and spend a week or two, helping piece the pieces together, and under the right conditions I might even pull in my wings and ROS(Remain, On , Station) but last night I couldn’t even stream Hulu, download at 1.78 mbps, and just .86 mbps upload I know that is too slow. The feud I’m having with Cable One and CenturyLink, makes them not a player so I’m stuck with SpeedConnect that is little more than a power boosted dedicated wifi.

The one thing I’m dedicated to is this, by April if not long before, HazzardAyre in all its forms, will be streaming on the Internet, the Hazzard Nationals/DukesFest West will happen in Tooele, and the pictorial for LexiBelle will be completed. That’s my goals for 2014.

If through the process of all that I find a personal SheWolf to be with me in case I punch out of this life, that’d be fine. If not , I’m no longer sweating it. After all there’s just so many Kerri Russell’s , so many Gretchen Wilson’s and only one Selena Gomes, and I’m not seeing any of them finding their way to the Wolf’s Lair.

So I close for this morning, going to ease out, kick back watch services from the River Fellowship, maybe by next week one of their techs who says they’ll show up will, and this console will be operational.



Quote of the Day:
Alcohol, if taken in sufficient quantities, produces all the effects of intoxication.
--Oscar Wilde
James 4:10“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”

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