Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Depths of perception are sometimes not easy to see

KNYTES SCROLL HEDDERarebel coffee break

Here it is and as you swig down the swag before you grind to your domicile for the evening I thought I’d let out some of the howls I have been holding in all day.

Many do not see the forests for trees or what’s in front, just what is biting their butts .

Last year when we started sniffing around for an engineer, we were hoping that we’d find someone who might be working elsewhere but might have some extra time on their hands. We were not big yet and we knew a certified BROADCAST engineer with IT (Information Technology) skills would be the ticket. We got one kid who came over rectified my computer but hasn’t been back since. He was last I heard working for the salvation Army ringing bells at those buckets during Christmas. After numerous phone calls, and all I gave up. Then we got Eli, who I’m holding onto, thing is I still need someone HERE on SITE. It’s like telling me how to do something online or the phone, but old gear hook ups even with what I know, without someone being here is frustrating. Maybe we can find one of my old friends at KSOP in SLC that’ll wire things together, let Eli be our supervisory engineer, but find someone at $50k a year to be the onsite.

What always happens is I always get people who show up here at the Lair, we talk, they might show up again and don’t return, if they do not long enough to see the bigger picture. With 5 radio stations and three TV stations being purchased by the club in 2014, its not just good old HazzardAyre KDXB FM, it’s a much bigger deal. The supporting website for just HazzardAyre is one thing, but it’s the show me what you can do project for the webmaster, to measure skills and abilities. Then we can feel as a 50,000 member consortium, turning loose for the rest of the broadcast, and print sites to name a few. Plus the sites of those in support of the media werx, they’re going to need sites. Plus banner ads etc. So doing a few or one free bee is worth the effort. It’s like me, I’d rather go out and pull the daughter or son, of a car dealer here in my town, knowing that when that car dealer needs a customers or car towed he’s going to remember who did the free tow for his kid. Same thing, do a favor gain a customer. Or if a farmer needs a package from Utah immediately but is low on cash, I have no problem running a chopper to SLC to fetch or retrieve that package free, since that farmer is going to be paying me several thousand dollars come May or so for fertilizing his fields. This is how you gain or not customers. Smug or ignore your future customers they go elsewhere. Make em happy they become loyal, and do spend money.

Yes the Government caught us short last September/October, and it has taken until now for it just to start to flow again and its still not completed, but I’m not bitching, That BLM USDA Forest Service Contract is worth right at $20,million a year. You plan, sometimes you get the whole bird sometimes you just get the tail , but eventually you do get the whole bird and the stuffing. Remember the Wolf always has his day, and we usually succeed. We’ve got people on staff and working for us here at AyreWolf Aviation that have been here 45 years, back to when Dad owned this thing as Eagle Starr Flying Service. It’s because these people have seen what happens, when you stick with us even if its seems sometimes unorthodox.

Any way that’s my last for now, see you on overnight.


AYREHEAD SIG1 hazzardayre business card

Quote of the Day:
The real trap of fame is its irresistibility.
--Ingrid Bengis
Mark 9:35“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.””

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