Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Going where its unsafe

When I read about or occassionally happen to tune into the morning broadcasts from the River on Sunday mornings , and hear all the lovely things, I think, what about the not so lovely? What about those that are very rough around the edges?
Let me give you an example.
There's a very old man who walks by my house every day. He's got to be around 68 maybe 75 years old. So thin his bones are nearly tearing through his skin. He wears the same threads every day, and his only request is, for a few cents a day for a cup of coffee. Well instead of just coffee money which I give him, I also give this old man a bite to eat, and while he is eating I read from Gods word. 
Now there are those from the River Fellowship that would never go around or near this old man. If they didn't shun him, they'd seldom give any real love to this old guy. Why do I do it? Simple, Jesus never just held to those that were already saved or that just were so called safe. I've seen serpents in suits and ties, even some women who dress up all nice, driving fancy black suv's , who just play it safe. Naw Jesus meant for us to reach out to those who are in real need and extend his love through us to those that are not so saved. 
It's like my dear friend and bean counter Charles. 
At first glance Charles has everything one could hope to have, successful business, great family, great house, plenty of money the works, I remind him , that it can be gone in a flash. One mistake, one health problem, even a death in the family, and your collecting benefits from the state and getting SSI and VA benefits. 
That's my situation. Sure I bust ass for the club every day, sure I use their funds, although I have to account for every penny, but at the end of the day, I still look at these near bare walls, all alone. Just like that old man does. 
I once had the gift of wealth. In fact wealth far exceeding even that of Charles. The biggest if not one of the biggest homes in the valley, on one of the choicest parcels of land in this area. All the trappings of a millionayre. Car, truck, business. Mom & Dad and I. Then Dad died, then mom, and if it hadn't been for the club, I'd have went nuts. That's a story for another time, but thankfully the club, kept a hand hold to me. Even on my three combat tours in the Marines. The club kept in touch. Just as Jesus did, I reach out to those needing saved and taught Gods word, and shown Gods love, through me, not just those already saved and content. 
Just like my friend and distant club sister Nancy. After the deal with the Durango, and since, can't and haven't seen her once. Same goes with any of the River. Is that a way for those who claim to be one of God's people? Of course they are, thing is. God didn't just hang with those already in his group. He reached out to those that hadn't yet discovered God, and even those who had , that were none active. 
In God's eyes, we are to forgive, and go out of our way to be with those, who might smell so bad it makes the hairs on your arms curl, but to offer one of those a bath and a meal, while you teach Gods word, is what doing Gods work is all about.
Sometimes, you need to get out of that comfort zone, go talk to our riding brothers and sisters, go out and work with those truly in need, and even go out and talking to those who have shunned us, or those we have shunned and saying, " I forgive you, God and I love you, sharing a soda, and giving of ourselves. " Just like it was for me and as I remind both Jared and Charles' bunch, it can all be gone in a flash. Just like my mini empire that I'm working to rebuild. After Mom & Dad died, little by little it got chipped away, before long it was gone. I moved to Boise after being conned out of my place near Hazzard, lost my General Lee, all while I'm in the Marines. I get back to discover it all gone. What I was left with is two tired older trucks, a few clothes, but what they couldn't take away was the love of the club and God, through which through both, I'm rebuilding,. Despite the resistance of some others, like that Christy, and all. Another example, that Pastor Bacon, said on several occasions, that he wanted to have lunch one day. Guess that was an empty promise. Not for me to deal with. That's God's call but if one is of an authority of God, should he not , try to reach out , drive over here to the Lair and say lets go have a cup? God didn't mean for us not to have trials, or to just play or be with those saved or where its SAFE, God did mean for us to reach out from our happy place and go where its unsafe, perhaps the soul you really save is not the poor old man's, but yours as well.
L8R Ya'll

Out of Anarchy comes order-ayrewolf.