Saturday, August 10, 2013

The BIG question? Why?

Not perfect but better than it was.
Congradulations and salutations to the crew at SpeedConnect. Not only did one of their techs show up today, but reinstalled a new modem. Is it perfect? No, is it at least 10mps or better? No , but I did get through a few hours of my radio shows without too many hiccups.
Want to say to the Idaho State Police, Valley County Sheriff's office and FBI, good work in finding and execution of the rescue of the little girl kidnapped from San Diego CA, but executing the perp. They did the job right.
As I look at RFDTV while we ran the news conference on the kidnapping, I wonder why on FamilyNet they put on some of the worst, worn out shows of any kind of TV. The shows should remain regional and local, like Midwest Country. Who cares about that? Lets have a real show, like the Dukes of Hazzard, BJ & The Bear or something. The reason, those two shows will not be seen on RFDTV, is because Daisy Duke wears her shorts and the hotties on BJ & The Bear.
The ads and all from around and in Branson, am I going to drive or fly from idaho to go do the stores there? My question the BIG question I need to ask Patrick and the staff there is, WHY?
There is no sense, common or otherwise there. Not saying that Rural TV, RFDTV and/or FamilyNet don't have good people, not saying all together that they don't have a good farm news report during the week days, hey I watch it. Mostly cause I don't have much choice right now, but overall, RFDTV's networks need some real eye opening on how to program a TV network. Let's just hope that now that they are on SiriusXM, the do better with Rural Radio.
Any way thanks to SpeedConnect, its working good now, this just sabed, me at least for a few months, from having to spend $350.00 a month.
Talk at ya'll L8R