Friday, July 20, 2012

Don’t make no difference where your at. Once you start getting somewhere people come out of the woodwork.

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It don’t make no difference who ya’ll are or where ya’ll are at, once you start getting somewhere or gaining traction with your action, Folks come out of the woodwork wanting a piece of it.

Celebrities get this, once that first album or single hits the numero uno spot on the charts and they make serious green stamps, folks who they never knew and relatives they had no idea of show up at the door with hand out. Folks who win the lottery know this, once they snag a big win, again anyone they ever owed even a tiny penny to, shows up.

Example, some local car dealer dude, that I been trying to get to give some tow bizz to me, that I bumbed $20.00 to back last March somewhere, that I completely spaced off owing all of a sudden shows up, wanting that $20.00 . Of course I ain’t got it, no pay day till next week, but thing is why didn’t he bother me a few weeks hell months ago? Reason, few were taking HCC and us at SAMCRO seriously. Now all of a sudden we are gaining some traction action, here he comes.

No problem I’ll pay the guy, but what about having long ago calling me for some repo action? Could’ve paid the debt, much earlier, don’t ya’ll think? The guy could’ve taken the $20.00 out of the repo tow fee, paid me the rest all done. No, but now hey .

It’s just truly amazing.

Had to drop that on ya’ll.

Still giddy over Lyndsi, I think she’s going to make a great addition to the club, the company and a relief on me. As I’ll have someone I can delegate authority to, as well as with the ad and all talent she can gather for us, make some serious green.

But watch even then, more that said we were done for will be on hands and knees, wanting, but the answer will be , sorry. You slammed the door on us, then now we slam the door on you now.

Nuff said.

L8R Ya’ll

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