Tuesday, July 17, 2012

She snoozed she loozed!!


Well its official, the teen from Buhl, bailed, more over I fyred her. Talk about annoying? Damn Sam. FaceBook or shall I say FaceFart, should have a thing that authenticates ones age. Then teens could not intermix with adults, or adults mistakenly intermix with teens. Not only is this dangerous in a trailer truck load of reasons, but, why should, I have to be asked to be a friend to a teen? More over some molesters wanting to mess with teens or even younger. Hey FaceFart , set up an age verification program.

This is part of the reason, long ago the Knytes-of-Anarchy as well as the AyreWolvez decided, that if we did open call auditions and interviews for new screen and art talent, etc that minimum age is at minimum 21 years old. While 21 is no magic number, especially females whose minds do not mature until age 25 or so, still by age 21 , you’d hope some experience and intelligence would start to bloom. Thus make her at least legal to put in front of the camera. Sure Hollywood don’t do that, but Idaho and even to a small degree ain’t Hollywood, nor even Nashville. With us she’s of age or she don’t get on the screen or the page. Nuff said.

Okay then, musty out, even with a partly cloudy night and all and a window air conditioner going full strength I was sweating like I was in the Burmese Jungle. Whew.

Again though I must say to Bryanna, would have liked you in the project, but you snoozed you loozed.

So out of shits and giggles, looked at Buhl’ c-of-c page. If this area ever , and I mean ever gets out of pulling carts and wagons it’ll be a miracle.

To which I must add this.

Overnight on my radio show, some of ya’ll phoned in and questioned the move by me to Boise. Simply its this, Boise has affordable, not cheap, but affordable living places, two; Boise and the area has flight schools, with CFI(Certified Flight Instructors) who can recertify me to get back to flying something other than sport or experimental aircraft, of which the Lady is classified as. Three, and this is right on the dot. Said by an old Ignore County Deputy who was the main cop in Goons Ferry for years. He told me there is the state of Idaho and the state of Ada. While in the same vicinity the two seldom meet. In essence things that happen in Boise and Ada County do not happen elsewhere in the State of Idaho. The fact that Idaho in general especially the greater Tragic Valley has gotten to the point one can’t find work, and even if you do, means working two jobs just to be able to afford a decent place to live, and that decent place to live is overpriced considering economic conditions. Boise areas living expenses are expensive but manageable, plus there’s economic activity, consider the new Zion’s bank tower in the middle of Boise. You wont find that elsewhere in Idaho. What’d ya think if the AyreWolvez held the 2014 Miss AyreWolf pageant at the Morrison Art Center, rather than being put off all the damn time by the Magic Valley Mall and/or the CSI Expo Center.

How about for us Dukes fans, the Hazzard Nationals/aka DukesFest West at the Western Idaho Fairgrounds or perhaps Idaho Expo center over yonder at Nampa.

Then of course the ultimate in my opinion, The AyreWolvez-AyreShow. Do that up at the Nampa Airport? And last but not least and I take blame for this getting my pecker stuck in the upheaval, but I know of an outfit that could’ve put together this HazzardAyre-WyldAyre web site of ours back in 2008. We’d be up a going by now. But few if anyone in the rest of Idaho have that ability. There is a long list, and the knowledge of the fact that lightning seldom strikes in the same place twice even three times, still Boise for me is Salt Lake City, at a discount. And myself and the club need to be there.

So last Saturday after I got over the discovery of damage on LexiBelle, the club and I decided that the club, would maintain a office in Gooding serving tragic valley, as AyreWolf Aviation will be building a hangar there at the Gooding County Airport, the same will be repeated in Nampa, and American Falls.

More L8R at the midday report, I need a shower.

L8R Ya’ll


Quote of the Day:
when tripping tall cotton look for snakes-Jessie Duke
Romans 1:16“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

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