Saturday, February 28, 2015

I’ll never buy another Facebook ad


Like I posted last night about getting serious about>FULLY DRESSED so for shits and giggles I put an ad up on Facebook. They come back say its approved, only to find a message from them this morning in my email saying the ad had too much text. But the bastards at Facebook didn’t refund any money either. I’ll never buy another ad on Facebook for >FULLY DRESSED or for the club>koa mwc logo2  nor for >AYREWOLF AVIATION LOGO 1_thumb Facebook and Mark Zuckerburg can kiss my rebel ass. Of course I only spent about $20.00 on there, So I’ll live, but I’ll bet some damn college boy in Palo Alto California GAY bay thought, “hey I don’t like that, I don’t understand it” Piss on em.

Don’t buy an ad on Facebook, buy ads on HazzardAyre Radio, it’ll do you better, we’re not so politically Correct here.

Okay then, It’s Saturday, looks to be sunny at least this morning, but going to get snow tonight. I am looking forward to the council meeting, much to chat about in the club, I’m also looking forward to turning up the heat on>FULLY DRESSED its all about going back to core values.

So in closing, Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook, kiss my rebel ass, I’ll never buy another ad on Facebook. I urge all Knytes-of-Anarchy koa mwc logo2 members to also never buy another ad on Facebook.


devils tag  AYREWOLF AVIATION LOGO 1_thumb

good night HEAVENLY TAIL_thumb